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2.4. Seminar and practical classes


Seminar lesson. The seminar develops the creative activity and independence of students, strengthens their interest in science and research, helps to connect scientific and practical situations with practical activities. It can be carried out in the form of a detailed conversation according to a plan previously communicated to students, or small student reports with their subsequent discussion. The method of reports implies an exchange of opinions on them and a discussion on the advanced controversial points.

The criteria for assessing the quality of a seminar lesson are the following:

    • focus - problem statement, the desire to connect theoretical material with practice;

    • planning - highlighting the main issues related to the major disciplines, familiarity with the latest achievements of science and technology in the subject;

    • organization of work - the ability to cause and support the discussion, constructive analysis of all the answers and speeches of students, fullness of study time by discussing problems, the behavior of the teacher;

    • the style of conducting classes is lively, with sharp questions, arising discussion or sluggish, not exciting thoughts;

    • the attitude of the teacher to the students is respectful or indifferent, critical;

    • management of the group - the teacher quickly establishes contact with the participants of the seminar, confidently and freely keeps in the group, interacts reasonably and fairly with all students or, on the contrary, makes many comments, allows an elevated tone;

    • the teacher's conclusions are qualified, convincing or not enriching students' knowledge, not containing theoretical generalizations.

Practical lesson. This is a peculiar form of communication theory with practice, which serves to consolidate knowledge by involving students in solving various kinds of educational and practical cognitive tasks, develops skills in using computers, the ability to use literature.

The method of conducting practical exercises should contribute to the development of skills and abilities to perform calculations, solve problems, analyze, use computers, normative and reference literature. During practical classes, students should master exactly the methods of calculations that they will have to face in their professional activities as designers, technologists, and designers.

Preparation of a practical lesson includes the selection of standard and non-standard tasks, tasks, questions, the provision of practical exercises with teaching materials, auditing the readiness of audiences, and technical training aids. Before they begin, students should be familiarized with the goals and objectives of the classes, the reporting forms, and establish the readiness of the students for practical tasks.

When explaining new tasks, you need to show the paths, the algorithms for solving them. This approach is valid for a wide class of practical problems. Students need to be taught not only standard procedures, but also a greater degree of search activity in the process of solving practical problems. In search tasks it is advisable to combine traditional and problematic teaching methods. A modern engineer should be familiar with the methods and techniques, know the specifics of making technical and economic decisions, some of which, as is known, are associated with risk. Examples of various situations with the development of bold engineering tasks are a good basis for practical training in special disciplines. Here it is advisable to use business games.

Laboratory work

The purpose of the laboratory work is the in-depth study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of the subject and the mastery of modern methods, the skills of experimentation with the use of computer technology, modern equipment and instruments. In laboratory work, students are included in the process of learning physical, chemical and other phenomena, taking a direct part in various kinds of experiments and experiments. This allows us to study in detail the work of machines, instruments, processes, to form the skills and abilities of working with equipment, assembly and installation of circuits, devices, and the use of measuring equipment.

The topics of laboratory work are selected so that the most important course material is covered. For each, relevant guidelines are developed, which set out its goals and objectives, organization, indicate the necessary equipment, instruments, technical means, list safety regulations, and provide quality requirements. preparation of reports and the procedure for their protection.

created: 2016-12-18
updated: 2021-11-03

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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)