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2.3.1. Some practical aspects of the lecture at the university


On the ratio of lecture and textbook

Students and novice teachers should realize that a lecture and a textbook, even methodically perfect, are not interchangeable even for very capable and trained students. This statement follows from the following circumstances. The material studied in technical courses is difficult to master even by the most capable students; the textbook cannot “answer” the questions that inevitably arise when it is studied; a textbook cannot quickly follow the latest achievements of science, technology and teaching methods, usually several years behind; the textbook does not have sufficient feedback with students; a textbook, setting out the material “impassively”, does not sufficiently focus attention on the most essential.

All the listed features of the textbook are not peculiar to an experienced teacher - lecturer. However, students should be explained by the fact that the lecturer cannot replace the textbook. The lecturer has no opportunity to dwell on everyone, even the main points of the course under study; adapting to the “average student,” he does not sufficiently take into account the individual characteristics of each student; the lecturer is usually less strict in the presentation; it is difficult to trace all the thoughts of the lecturer with the fullness, as is done in the book; the lecturer’s oral presentation cannot be addressed repeatedly, as can be done with a book.

For these reasons, the study of the theory at lectures should be combined with an independent study of the course sections on the literature indicated by the lecturer.

The main purpose of the lecture is to introduce the listener into the subject and direct its study. The purpose of the book is to provide the listener with complete information for independent study.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

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