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Bodywork Range and voice strength


Emotional expressiveness of voice. Range and strength.

The purpose of the lesson: The formation of skills to manage the emotional voice in communication, to establish trust relationships and the ability to match the shades of your speech and the interlocutor's speech.

Examine your voice in the resonator cavities of the chest and mouth.

Exercises will help develop the voice with the help of resonators, the cavities of which are different in shape. Learn to express pure unfalsified emotions, to give an opportunity to express a complex range of feelings.

Breast resonator - the sound is based on relaxation and resonance in the chest:

? Lower your head back, supporting the back of your head with your hand, relaxing your neck muscles, feel the big round tube - the direct path that breathes.

? Imagine that through this tube a warm exhalation, taking its way from the diaphragm, warms the sky / ceiling. Feel how low-frequency breathing moves from the diaphragm through the open channel of the throat into the space in front of you to the ceiling.

? Combine warm breath with a flood of vibrations: haaaa ... ... ... ...

? Do you feel a resonance in the chest? Are throat muscles involved?

? Once again free up the stream of warm vibrations up in front of you: haaa ...

? Pay attention to the relationship of emotions and vibrations coming from the solar plexus.

Testing exercise:

? Put the collected palms behind the ears, “as if collecting and increasing them.” Make voice exercises or read the text.

? Exercise contributes to the chest resonance of the voice.

Oral cavity - the sound is based on resonating in the hard palate of the mouth.

? With the help of the arm and muscles of the back of the neck, lift your head to the top of the atlas.

? Feel how the shape of the sound channel changes - narrowing, but not closing, keeping in touch with the breathing center. The height of breath and sound rises along with the change in the shape of the channel.

? Repeat the lifting of the head through the cervical vertebrae, allowing the vibrations from the center of your energy to actively pour out: haaa ...

? Feel how vibrations come to the mouth, hit the hard "bony" sky.

? The sound coming from the hard palate (mouth resonator) contains more urgency and life.

Move from the chest cavity to the cavity of the mouth and lower the head down.

Dental resonator - the sound is based on resonating in the front teeth.

? Lower your head down - the form of the sound channel has already become, changing the pitch of the vibrations and the sound itself - the form dictates the vowel sound:

? Feel the resonator connection of vibrations from the front teeth, the front part of the tongue slightly moves forward without closing the sound channel: iiii ...

The sound of vibrations in the dental resonator - makes a request, the need for help - ask and you will be heard to respond to you.

Examine your voice in the resonator cavities: sinusoids - maxillary cavities, nasal resonator, cranial bone

Repeat the workout with mimic muscles "Monkey":

? Stretch the corners of your mouth to the side and gather together in a kiss.

? Lift alternately the muscles of the right and left cheekbones.

? At the same time, lift the top with the help of the cheekbone muscles and relax. Repeat several times.

? Raise the upper lip, exposing the upper incisors, return to its original position - relax.

? Lower the lower lip, exposing the lower incisors, return to the original position - relax.

? Repeat in different combinations of movements.

Exercise "Expander"

Objective: To learn, consciously, to use the experience of liberation of physical energy to generate mental energy.

! Susceptible respiratory muscles in response to a strong impulse give rise to an active voice in the upper resonators (sinusoids, nasal, cranial bone). => Stretch the lower part of the chest behind and in front with an imaginary elastic band.

=> Then open also an imaginary big umbrella. => Raise the umbrella to the collarbone, thereby opening in all directions from the inside of the chest. => Lungs will gain maximum volume.

Exercise "Pump"

=> Standing position. Spring your knees, freeing air from the lungs.
=> Close your mouth, pinch your nose with your fingers, like a clothespin.

=> Wanting to inhale through a closed nose, create a vacuum throughout the body. Straighten your nose, let the air rush into the lower part of the chest. => Immediately release the breath through the mouth.

Sinusoids - the sound is based on resonating in the maxillary cavities:

? Feel the maxillary cavities around the inside of the cheekbones, near the “wings” of the nose, with your fingertips.

? For an easy exhalation, place a wide tongue on your lower lip and send an exhalation under your fingers. Does the expiratory height match the location of the maxillary cavities?

? Combine the height of vibrations with the corresponding emotions: joy, delight, surprise: piii ... Feel the resonance in the maxillary cavities.

? Send an impulse of laughter to the maxillary cavities, slightly raising the cheekbones:
ahh ...


Nasal resonator - the sound is based on resonating in the narrowest space of the nose:

To begin, do the exercise "Ball" to activate the respiratory muscles:

? Standing in your posture, squeeze the imaginary ball with your hands, at the same time quickly and easily inhale with your nose, as if sucking in air, exhale the air through your mouth - stretch your arms.

? Repeat 10 times.

Exercise "Mosquito"

? Send an intense whisper sound to the bridge of the nose: miii, miii ...,
resembling a mosquito squeak.

? Aim the sound at the very top of the nose, and imagine that fingers stretch the vibrations from the bridge of the nose in different directions, to the cheekbones, and then release the vibrations through the mouth: Emi-mei-mei-ma-ma ...

? Connect the sound with the emotions of surprise and allow them to mutually stimulate each other!

Exercise "Falsetto"

? Go down the vertebrae and hang from the coccyx (see the exercise "Vertebrae-trailers").

? Send a whisper in the crown: cii ... cii ...

? Keep the active exhale in vibrations: cii ... cii ...

? Standing, jump up and send the same active sound to the top of the head: rrriii ...
Testing exercise:

? Make ears from the palms, "as if to turn them back."
Do voice exercises or read the text.

? Exercise contributes to the feeling of the upper resonators of the voice voice.

The range (voice volume) depends on the number of speech tones. By developing the range of the voice, as a result you develop the nuances of the expressiveness of the human person.

You can develop a range of voices in the Elevator Exercise, connecting the resonators studied. Do not be afraid to tire the voice. Restraining yourself, it is impossible to develop a range.

? Imagine that your body is home:

Hall 4 - thoracic resonator;

4 ground floor - oral cavity;

4 second floor - sinusoids;

4 third - nose;

4 roof - head resonator.

? The house has a lift - this is your voice.

? Start “lifting the elevator” along the resonators, from the hall to the roof, stopping on each floor of the house: paaaaa..iiii..eeeeeei ... .iii!

? Go down the “elevator”, descending in the range: riia ... eeeeee ... iiii ... haaaaa ...

Connect the sound with emotions and let them mutually stimulate each other!


In a conversation, do not rush to “reinforce your voice” with excessive mimicry and gesticulation - these “trash movements” rob you of your voice. Feel the resonant vibrations from the various tissues of the body that form in the chest and in the head.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction