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Work with the body Voice channel and facial expressions.


Preparatory exercises:

The task of the exercises: Create a sense of spaciousness in the sound channel and study the practice aimed at releasing the channel for unhindered contact with the respiratory center.

Exercise "Swing"

=> Lower the lower jaw with your hands, without involving the muscles of the jaw in this movement.

=> Relax the abdomen, let your breathing sink to the center of the diaphragm. => On the exhale, gently shake the lower jaw with your hands (the movement resembles a swing). => Remember: when the lower jaw is lowered, the upper one is mentally retained in a raised position. => Do an exercise on the river of vibrations: haaa ...

Exercises "Wave"

Use a mirror to check the correctness of the exercises.

=> Place the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth. => On the outgoing breath, “roll” the middle of the tongue forward, thereby stretching the root of the tongue.

=> And once again relax your tongue, continuing to "let go" the breath. => Do an exercise on the river of vibrations: haaa ...

Exercise "Algae"

=> Place the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

=> “Roll” the front part of the tongue on outgoing breath three times forward.

=> Do an exercise with vibrations: haaaaaaaaaa…

Exercise "Easy Kiss"

Stretches the muscles of the pharynx. => Connect the root of the tongue and the soft palate. => Whisper utter on inhale and exhale: "Kaaa."

Exercise "Stretched bow"

=> Connect the back surface of the tongue and hard palate. => Say: "Nnng."

=> On the yawn, sever the tongue with a hard palate: “Nngaaa ...” Sound is born in the body.

Your breath and voice should be formed throughout the body. The voice, in contact with the resonator surfaces, is converted into sound, qualitatively changing and acquiring volume. The human voice is a tool that is able to transmit the thought and adjust the interlocutor to your wave. You can create and enjoy your work!


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction