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Work with the body Plan


Communicative and leadership posture.

Purpose - Developing the skills of "correct" posture: "stability in posture gives stability in society."

Content: Introduction to the course: voice - speech - communication. The human person and his expression. Correct posture as a way to model and demonstrate mental, behavioral and social stability and confidence. The concept of man and his development in Psycho-organic analysis.

The complex of "staged" and relaxation exercises for the development of the leader's posture.

Rich and free voice.

Purpose - Formation of an energetic, strong, rich voice.

Content: Free breathing gives freedom of thought and speech; breath as the basis of a natural voice; clarifying the differences between natural and familiar voice; voice as an instrument of expression of feelings, states, thoughts. Psycho-organic circle.

Stressful situations and voice. When do we lose voice? Unconscious breathing. Primary impulse.

Exercises to develop expressive voice characteristics.

Voice channel and facial expressions.

Objective - Mastering the exercises to adjust tension and relax the muscles of the throat, jaws and tongue, as well as facial muscles.

Content: Throat is associated with self-affirmation. Openness to life, to people, to oneself - relationships with life, the world, and oneself. "A person achieves success when he stops fighting with himself." "You can not be closed from life and continue to live."

Stresses - clamps - barriers - "psychological gags." Facial expression and voice.

"Trash" gestures.

Exercises on awareness of the functioning of the voice, features of the voice path, its relaxation; the formation of a "sense of openness"; training facial expressions, energy voices.

Emotional expressiveness of voice.

Purpose - Development of the range, strength and color of the voice; the formation of skills to manage the emotional voice in communication.

Content: Voice control in speech as a conscious creative process. How to enjoy your own speech activity? Self-realization through voice, speech. Flux - deflux (rise - decline of energy).

The game “Slave and Lead”: initiative in relationships, voice effectiveness, expression of interest, ability to give feedback in voice.

Articulation and sound energy.

Objectives - Development of articulation surfaces. Finding a balance of vowels and consonants, emotionality and intellectuality in speech. Achievement of accessibility and meaningfulness of speech for the interlocutor.

Content: Clarity of speech - its characteristics. "He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly."

Do I want to be understood? Courageous, feminine speech - the harmony of male and female in your speech. Articulation and sound energy. Multi-tone voice.

Exercises for training articulation muscles, games, songs. Aerobics of vowels and consonants.

Before proceeding to the exercises of this program, familiarize yourself with the process of mastering a new skill.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction