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Work stele Voice release


Rich and free voice.

The purpose of the lesson : “Release” of breathing;

Disclosure of the natural voice and aesthetics of speech.

Preparatory work:

Stand up free - align and balance your body; Destroy and align the entire spine in the vertebrae.

Exercise "Garden of Eden"

Objective: To develop the mobility of the chest by stretching the intercostal muscles.

=> While standing, reach up with the fingers of the right and then the left hand - thereby you stretch the muscles of the back, neck and shoulder girdle,

=> Bend your knees, stretch to the right with the fingers of your right hand, and then your left - you pull the interscapular and intercostal muscles.

Exercise "Wall"

=> Stand with your back to the wall: Align yourself and lay flat on the wall as much as possible. => Relax your back muscles and lengthen your spine. => Drop down ten centimeters on the wall (while inhaling). => Climb, sliding along the wall (as you exhale).

=> Move away from the wall, keep the feeling of support behind you - get down and go up.

Exercise "Sea Coast"

Objective: To understand the work of the respiratory muscles in involuntary breathing. Restore reflex communication with respiratory and emotional impulses. Make thinking organic, and the process of communication - significant!

? A supine position (the floor helps to feel the supporting structure and makes it possible to relieve tension from the respiratory muscles).

? Create images and connect your views with your breath.

? Imagination is the most powerful way to influence the body and breathing - study the effect of different impulses on the work of the respiratory muscles.

? Train your inner gaze.

Be aware of breathing with the free muscles of the abdomen and chest .

Exercise "River"

Objective: Move away from the habitual containment of the voice: Make a conclusion about the voice through touch.

=> Lying on your back, yawn with all your heart and stretch your whole body. => Imagine a lake of vibration deep in the body.

=> Create an impulse of "sigh of relief" and touch the center of the diaphragm with sound, free the river of vibrations: "haaa ..."

=> Collect the vibrations on the lips, release into the object itself: “haaa ... mmm ... aaa” => What turns the breath into sound? - Thought about the sound.

=> The desire to express something - involuntarily sets in motion the vocal cords and connects the respiratory center.

Exercise "Snail"

=> Group yourself on the floor: get down and sit on your knees, place your palms in front of you, lower your forehead on your palms. => Observe breathing with loose muscles.

Exercise "Frog"

=> Squat.

=> Elbows stretch the muscles of the inner side of the thigh and groin. => Feel how the breath "lives" in the tailbone. Exercise "Portrait in frame"

=> Standing position. Focus on the right foot, pull the left foot to the side and put it on the toe.

=> Raise your arms above your head, clasp your fingers, forming a “frame”. => Consistently, starting with Atlanta, turn the vertebrae to the right. => From the bottom upwards, successively along the vertebrae, rise upwards. => Do the left side.

=> Pay attention to the balance in the feet, pelvic and shoulder girdle. Exercise "Spider"

=> Squatting, stretch your right leg to the side.

=> The hands are located inside the knees, touching the floor, keep the balance of the body. => Drop the head from the seventh cervical vertebra.

=> Transfer body weight from the left foot to the right foot, keeping the pelvic position low. => Connect movement with breathing. = ^> Perform an exercise on vibrations, stretching the intra-pharyngeal muscles and the root of the tongue.

Exercise "Hieroglyph". => Take the starting position - sit on the mat.

=> Place the right thigh in front of you, bending the knee at 90 degrees. => Move your left thigh to the left, also bending at the knee. => Align the spine, imagine the head easily "floating" on top of the spine. => In the hip joints, lower the torso to the right thigh, while retaining the feeling of a “cross”. => Watch your respiratory muscles (chest, abdominal muscles, diaphragm) => Relax in this way on the floor, stretching the muscles of the pelvic girdle and lumbar spine. => Return to starting position. Do the other way, change legs.

Exercise "Corkscrew"

=> Take the starting position - sit on the mat. Put your left knee on the iol. => Throw right foot over the left foot. => Embrace your right knees with your left hand and press closer to your body => Put your right hand behind you and lean on it. => Start turning the whole body to the right, allowing you to stretch perfectly the entire spine and muscles of the torso. Eyes look over the horizon. => Return to starting position. Do the other way, change legs.


Continue to observe yourself and adjust your posture in emotional states, as well as at rest (at work and in public places).

If you are tense, worry - look for the answer to the question: "Do you breathe?"


Feel your breath deep in your body - what is your respiratory muscle state?

Acquire the skill of breathing with your mouth at the time of active communication - this allows the perception to be complete, and the reaction - spontaneous.

Observe how the process of speech formation occurs during a conversation on the phone, at work with colleagues, in a personal conversation, among friends ...

Be aware of whether the voice was completely free or not? And why?


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction