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Merry patters - we develop speech effortlessly


The tongue twisters are funny short folding and rhythmic slogans in which the same syllables or letters are repeated. At the same time, not random syllables / letters were chosen for repetition, but those that cause the greatest difficulties in pronunciation.

Tongues (chatter sayings) are an integral part of folk culture, which absorbed all the richness of the Russian language. Getting to know them allows you to expand your vocabulary. Children literally “absorb” them, recognizing new expressions and enriching their speech.

But chistovoryki not only information function, giving the opportunity to know their native language in a playful, playful way. They help identify and eliminate many speech defects.

It’s not for nothing that when assessing the readiness of a child’s enrollment in school, psychologists are asked to say a few tongues. This is the most effective and simple method for detecting speech disorders. Most importantly, it can be used to detect defects in pronunciation at the very early stages of their occurrence. And the sooner they are discovered, the easier they will be able to eliminate.

Speech therapists have long used catchy tongue tongues to work with young children. The essence of the technique is simple - tongue twisters funny for children turn the fulfillment of the task of pronunciation of a particular letter from the tiresome “formal” occupation into an exciting game. It becomes interesting for a child to do this or that exercise, it opens to meet a new experience. Hence, the success of such treatment is much higher. Here are just a few funny and humorous tongue twisters that you can use at home:

To the sound of “F” - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

On the sound of "P" - In the boron the beaver and the beaver's brother work without an ax; They gave the toddler corn, and the toddler asks for a watermelon; A crab crept into the ship, crucians stole the ladder; Early in the morning, two sheep drumming.

To the sound “H” - the bird was stuffed with matches.

To the sound of "Y" - From the clatter of hoofs, dust flies across the field.

And many many others.

Funny and naughty tongue twisters will help to develop not only pronunciation, but also memory. After all, they are very easy to learn and repeat.

It seems that a finishing saying is fun for children. But this is far from the case. Funny tongue twisters for adults whose activities are directly related to public speaking: politicians, singers, artists, teachers, etc. are also in high demand. They perform two functions.

The first is the "warming up" of the language. Before the performance, you need to warm up well to speak quickly and without hesitation. Better reception than the rapid pronouncing aloud complex patter is not found.

The second is learning clear, competent, quick speech. Without such "basic" skills, mastering oratory becomes simply impossible.

What is the difference between funny sayings for adults and children 's clear tongues? The fact that the complexity of their pronunciation is much higher. The child sometimes can not pronounce them. Refer to the examples;

To the sound of “B” - It makes no sense to comprehend the meaning with meaningless thoughts !; Beavers wander into cheeses burs. The beavers are brave, but they are kind to the beaver.

To the sound “B” - the Big man Babyl merrily turned the pitchfork; Water carrier was carrying water from under the plumbing.

At the sound of “D” - Deideologized-deideologized, and dodeideologized.

At the sound of “K” - a goat with a goat goat is walking, a goat with a bare goat is walking, a goat with a goat goat is walking, a goat is walking with a bare goat.

At the sound of “P” - Petr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigalitsu bird; carried on the market, asked for a half-match, filed a penny, and he sold it like that.

Useful tongue twisters for children and adults when learning foreign languages. They will help you quickly put the correct pronunciation and bypass the "pitfalls" of someone else's speech.

See also

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction