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Skorogovorki for training sounds "B" "P".


The bull is a stupid bull, a stupid bull, the bull has a white lip that is stupid.

Malanya-scrambled milk chatted, chatted, but did not blurt out.

The commander spoke about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the second lieutenant, about the second lieutenant, about the second lieutenant, and about the second lieutenant remained silent.

Crab crab made a rake. Filed rake crab crab:
- Hay rake, crab, rob.

Lamps are burning on the ramp.

From under Kostroma,
From under the Kostrov region
Four men walked,
Talked about shopping,
About the grits and subgroups,
About purchases, about purchases,
About your purchases.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction