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Work with the body Muscle and vibration massage


The above gymnastics and voice exercises will help you strengthen your diaphragm and position your voice. In fact, these exercises are also work with the body. In the course of their execution, you work with muscles, which, in turn, are also involved in voice formation.

Further release from the muscle clamps is possible with the following massages.


Dots are called the place of the final branching of the nerve. The element of psychophysical training helps to relax muscles, relieve neuro-emotional tensions, prevent diseases of the voice and upper respiratory tract, and prepare the speech and vocal apparatus for sound.


It helps to relieve excess tension, and on the other hand, it activates those nerve endings (receptors) that mobilize, heat up, prepare the speech apparatus for sound.


On the closed sound "OM-M-M" (mooing), tap the fingers, lips, nose wings, forehead, cheeks, chin, head. Cams - on the chest, collar, along the spine, lower back, peritoneum and groin. Preparation for sound resonance.

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction