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How to work with patters


How to work with patters

For the harmonious development and successful learning, each child needs training in diction, namely, clear and articulate speech. Speakers are special speech material that is used to practice clear speech. With the help of tongue twisters, children are also taught to control their voice, work out the speed of pronunciation, develop memory and imagination. They enrich the child's vocabulary.
Speaking patters is also useful for adults with pronounced speech defects. If you understand that your speech is not perfect, you speak quietly and people around you constantly ask you again, it means you need to work on your own pronunciation. Speakers are usually divided for adults and for children, but they differ only in semantic content.

The principle of working with patters for children.
Speakers need to pick up on the sounds that the child utters incorrectly. Unfamiliar words should be explained so that the meaning of the patter is clear. If the child already knows how to read, it is better to write a patter on a piece of paper and note which letters indicate this or that sound in words. Correctly say the patter and pay attention to the articulation of the sounds being worked out. Show the position in which the organs of speech should be in the pronunciation of a separate sound. After that, read all the patter words at a slow pace. Ask to read the tongue out loud, gradually accelerating the pace. Pay attention to the correct intonation and stress.
For young children should be shown illustrations to patters. Ask the child a few questions, for example, who is drawn in the picture, what he is doing. Questions should be simple and clear. Ask your child to explain difficult words or explain them yourself. Speak patter several times with the baby. Let him take a ball in his hands and toss and catch him for every word. You can throw the ball from one hand to another.
Ask the child to speak the patter, clapping rhythmically. At the same time, one should speak and clap slowly at first, and then accelerate the pace.
When working with a couple or a group of children, it is possible to arrange a competition - who will say the tongue twister faster and fail.
Simple patters, after their correct repetition, can be complicated: to say the patter, and then swap the beginning and the end. For example, white sheep beat the drums; white rams beat the drums. The same patter can be uttered at first very quietly, in a whisper, loudly. It is very important to help each child overcome fear in pronunciation.
It is easier for an adult to learn how to say tongue twisters; you just need to follow some simple rules.
First, you need to slowly speak the text, clearly pronouncing each word by syllables. Slow pronunciation will help you learn a tongue twister.
To practice articulation, say a few patters silently in front of a mirror. Or ask a friend to lip read what you said.
Say the text again in a whisper, but so that the sounds are audible and understandable. Say the tongue twister slowly out loud. Do not forget, in order to learn to speak quickly - you need to speak slowly.
After working the text, say it with different intonations. Speak with the child’s voice, male and female. Try to tell the patter like a poem, gradually accelerating the pace. Sing the text.
To improve diction and articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to pronounce tongue twisters daily, both for children and adults. The main rule is not to pronounce quickly, but clearly, articulating clearly.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction