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Proper breathing


Proper breathing is only one thing! And when speaking, and when running, and even during childbirth need to be able to breathe correctly.

Unfortunately, no one teaches us this: neither in childhood are parents, nor are teachers in a school, nor teachers in an institute. But it’s never too late to learn how to breathe.

So how to breathe correctly? To begin with, let's look at how breathing occurs, how the organs of the speech and vocal apparatus are arranged, and how sound is created in general. Everyone knows that we breathe the lungs. And what makes your lungs shrink or expand? The muscles of the chest and the little-known important organ of the abdominal cavity - the diaphragm - are responsible for this process.

It is diaphragmatic breathing that is right! With diaphragmatic breathing, the diaphragm tightens and stretches the lower part of the lungs into which air enters. At the same time, it seems that a person is breathing in the stomach. It is this breathing technique that is correct, because with this method it is possible to completely fill the lungs with air. If you breathe with your chest, the air fills first the middle and then the upper part of the lungs, and the lower part remains intact, and you do not use the volume of your lungs to the full.

In addition, diaphragmatic breathing is important from the point of view of voice. With proper voice techniques, the diaphragm is strained and the air flow involved in the pronunciation relies on the diaphragm.

How do you know if you breathe correctly?

Pay attention to what part of the lungs air enters while inhaling. With proper breathing, air enters the lower part of the lungs, i.e. the lungs begin to fill as a vessel with water from bottom to top. Such breathing is also called belly breathing, which is characteristic of most men. Most women, unfortunately, breathe incorrectly - breast, this breath is called chest. Nevertheless, correct breathing is one without dependence on gender.

How to breathe a diaphragm?

To learn how to breathe correctly, you need to clearly distinguish and understand the difference in respiratory equipment at the level of muscles and the subconscious. But everything doesn’t come right away and do some exercises to begin with in order to understand the principle of diaphragmatic breathing on a conscious level. Exhale the air to the limit. If you did the right thing, your stomach should be drawn in, otherwise there is still air in the lower part of your lungs. Now begin to slowly inhale with the nose and make sure that the stomach expands, not the chest. It is very important that the chest muscles do not work at all. If your chest and abdomen move when breathing, then you are breathing incorrectly. Ensure that when breathing the chest does not move at all, and only the stomach comes into motion. Try to take a few breaths only belly, and a few only chest.

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-13

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction