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What is articulation and why is it needed?


Articulation is the work of the speech apparatus to create sound properly. With proper articulation, there is a clear separation of sounds that we can distinguish.

The concepts of articulation and diction are closely related. The articulation gymnastics, activating each of the parts of the speech apparatus, precedes the formulation of the correct diction. In order to achieve good diction, you first need to warm up and prepare the organs involved in the pronunciation of sounds (language, sky, larynx, etc.). This is facilitated by articulation exercises.

Articulation in the first place is the correct and distinct pronunciation of sounds. And the main role here is not assigned to voice communications, but to the organs of pronunciation that are active (tongue and lips) and passive (teeth, gums, soft and hard palate).

The pronunciation of words is a rather complex system, the components of which include the respiratory organs, vocal cords, oral cavity and nose, tongue, lips, and so on. The actions of this system are coordinated among themselves and, which is important, without the efforts of the speaking person. When speaking, a person does not need to think about this interaction, for example, how the vocal cords and the soft palate, tongue and gums should interact with each other. Otherwise, when he speaks, he will get confused very easily and the articulation of sounds will be simply terrible. With direct, mechanically speaking, our organs that are responsible for the pronunciation perform the necessary effect on all the properties of the voice that determine its quality: loudness, speed of pronunciation, pitch, timbre.

Speech articulation is the work of speech organs, which are necessary for the pronunciation of sounds. The authorities responsible for the speech consist of:
- the brain, which, using the motor center of speech, sends specific impulses through the nervous system to the organs responsible for articulation of speech, i.e. its pronunciation;
- breathing apparatus (lungs, bronchi, trachea, diaphragm and chest), forming an air jet, which provides the necessary voice vibrations needed for articulation;
- organs of pronunciation of speech, which are mainly called organs of speech.

The main condition for the articulation of sounds to be correct is that the person perceives the speech of the people around him with the help of hearing. And this is directly laid in childhood, when a child first hears the pronunciation of words, and that is how he will pronounce them. If there are at least minor problems with hearing, then the development of speech to take a certain period of time.

The reasons for poor articulation of speech can be hidden in the person himself. He can be tired, shy, or vice versa too self-confident, indifferent, sick and many other reasons can serve this. By eliminating these causes, your articulation will be much better. Improving articulation also helps to improve articulation.

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-14

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction