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Tongue twisters


Speech speaking tongues - entertainment and invaluable use for speech

Each of us is familiar with patters since early childhood. Jolly phrases and rhymes are sometimes easy to pronounce clearly without mistakes, and sometimes make you try to make the surrounding people hear meaningful text in the word patter. But, in addition to entertainment, tongue twisters for children bear an important function - they help the child learn to clearly pronounce sounds and words, acquire correct diction and get rid of speech defects, which significantly complicate communication and understanding of words by your interlocutor.

The tongue twisters refer to folk works that have survived to our time, including more than a century of history. The peculiarity of tongue twisters for the development of speech is that words with difficult-to-pronounce and complex sounds are chosen in them. Try to say tongue twisters for diction without preparation, quickly and clearly - and you will be surprised to see how familiar and familiar tongue twisters immediately turn into an inarticulate stream of sounds. But it is worth practicing a bit, as the difficulties associated with pronouncing will disappear without a trace, and you can easily reproduce a complex phrase in one breath, and each word will become clear and be easily distinguishable in the vocabulary.

If you feel that your speech is far from perfect, you speak poorly and indistinctly, and others are forced to ask again what you wanted to say, it means that the time has come to do your own pronunciation. And this will help tongue twisters, known to every Russian-speaking child. Do not be shy - first, you can not advertise your classes and learn tongue twisters for adults alone. And, secondly, remember your goal - to learn to speak so that you are listened and understood without the slightest effort, marveling at the eloquence, and it is worth it to spend time working on your own shortcomings.

If you are learning a foreign language, then you probably know how difficult it is to get the correct pronunciation and the right accent. In the training of their own knowledge and skills will help you English tongue twisters, built on the same principle as the Russian-speaking. The words in them are chosen so that the combination of sounds makes you speak not only quickly and clearly, but also with the right accent indistinguishable from the present. English tongue twisters have long been included in the program of learning foreign languages, and the effect of such studies is considered to be long-term and has a positive effect on speech features.

The division into tongue twisters for adults and for children is rather arbitrary - the differences are observed only in their semantic content, whereas, in principle, there are very few significant differences in their compilation. If tongue twisters for kids are based on fairy tales and have a pronounced entertaining character, then tongue twisters for the development of speech for adults are more aimed at improving speech features, without setting a goal to entertain a person.

Find patters for the development of diction is easy. A lot of useful and necessary information can be found on the Internet on resources devoted to self-education, teaching children literate speech and the formation of good diction, there are many children's tongue twisters, both popular and little-known. You can download tongue twisters for free from this site or engage in online courses offered - in any case, the positive effect of the lessons will not take long.

See also

created: 2014-09-25
updated: 2024-11-13

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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction