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Work with the body Communicative and leadership posture.


Communicative and leadership posture.

The purpose of the lesson: Understand the personality within your body. Develop aesthetics of movement.

Exercise "Puppet"

Task: To feel the connection of body movement with the work of the bones of the skeleton. Learn to adjust clamps and relaxation.

Allow the movement to start easily from the tips of your fingers - raise your hands up, involving only the necessary muscles. => Stretch and relax consistently the muscles of the shoulders, forearms, hand.

Remark: When you have a need to take an object, pay attention if you are stretching with your whole body and if you stand on tiptoe for no reason. Exercise "Vertebrae-cabins"

Objective: To achieve, through the study of the structure of the spine, a stage of physical self-consciousness and relaxation. => Drop the "head-engine" down. Let the “train” take down the “vertebrae-trailers” one after another => Hang down from the tailbone. => In the reverse order - from the bottom up - build your vertebrae. => After each action - give direction to the bones of the skeleton and watch for muscle relaxation. => Remember that you are not an ethereal spirit, but quite real and tangible.

Seven commandments of good posture:
Spine rush up!
Head stay on top!
shoulder blades rush right and left!
Rib cage break out!
Legs rush down from the torso!
Muscle clamps take pictures
Relaxation come

Changing posture and manners to keep your body can be a decisive factor in the process of changing our internal state and establish more productive relationships with people. Since the posture is associated with muscle activity, it serves as a “generator” of mood. Very often, an emotional “contamination” of the interlocutor occurs through the pose. IN EVERYDAY LIFE :

Watch yourself in the process of comfortable and difficult communication;

Even when sitting, standing, lying, free yourself from habitual behavior;

Consistently from the bottom up, exercise the commandments posture.

Learn to observe yourself: What does the protruding chin say?

What does the raised shoulder say? What does the torso tilt forward talk about?

Accumulate new sensations and gain new habits:

Sitting at your desk, keep your posture - align the shoulders and the entire spine!

Lift the handset to your ear, do not tilt your head!

Hold the cup to your mouth, do not pull the chin while clamping your neck!

“Yes” and “No” carry out in the joint of the atlas-skull.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction