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Skorogovorki to practice the pronunciation of the sound "C".


Heron withered, heron dried up, heron died finally.

The gypsy came on tiptoe to the chicken and poke: shout!

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak Tsidrak, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni. There were three Japanese women: Tsipi, Tsipi Drippy, Tsipi Drippy Limpomponi. Yak married Tsipi, Yak Tsidrak on Tsipi Drippy, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni on Tsipi Dripi Limpomponi, and they had children. Yak and Tzipi have Shah, Yak Tsidrak and Tsipi Drippy have Chess, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni and Tsipi Dripi Limpomponi have Shah Chess Chess of Shahmoni.

Healing juice of narcissus flower, it heals the body muscles. Gypsies value this remedy and have been treating it since childhood.


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The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction

Terms: The development of speech, speech techniques, exercises for voice and diction