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18. Written competence of a translator


Written speech is characterized by the following parameters (one of the first researchers — Vygodsky):
1. Pis.rech functions in the absence of the interlocutor and has greater performance and awareness than oral and internal speech.
2. Grammarism of writing, i.e. This is a fairly complete use of deployed grams. language tools.
3. Linearity of writing. directly from the sender to the recipient.
4. Openness of writing, i.e. writing is addressed from one or collective person to many or unlimited number of readers.
5. Exceptionality (deployment).
6. “Speaking” of the written language and “oliteration” of the speech (Orlov)
Halliday believes that the mouth. and pis. speech is 2 epostates that do not develop one from the other, but coexist separately. There are examples in history in this regard: speaking fluently and classical (written) Chinese.
He also claims that there is always one feature in action that ensures that the mouth. and pis. Languages ​​will never be identical - this is the principle of functional variability, which is usually denoted in English only by the term - register (genre = register
we have a genre, they have a register of speech)
The most important characteristic of writing .ang.rechi is the high degree of its nomination. Nomination in English speeches is manifested primarily in vocabulary, the density of which differs significantly from the speech.
The lexical density of the written language is the relation of significant (meaningful) vocabulary and service (grammatical) units, and they include: prepositions, articles, pronouns, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs.
In the written language, the number of znanat.lov always 2 times the number of service. words, and vice versa in mouth. speech number of service. words 2 times the number of flags.

The competence of the translator is to choose language tools.


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