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3. Actual aspects of simultaneous translation


JV appeared in the late 40s. Initiated his appearance - the UN. Susch 2 varieties:
- In the west: 1-step system
- In the USSR, 2 speed
JV appeared in the late 40s. Initiated his appearance - the UN.
The joint venture is a form of translation in which the translator translates simultaneously with the sound of the speaker’s speech, lagging behind it in terms of 1-1.5 sentences. JV appeared with the formation of the UN.
The joint venture is a translation which is carried out simultaneously with the speaker’s speech. Work in synchronous mode requires constant mobilization of attention and continuous speaking. Simultaneous operation mode assumes 40 min. rest after 20 min. work.
The synchronist is forced to react to perceived words every second. An indispensable condition for the success of a simultaneous interpreter is that he has a stock of equivalent pairs of lexical units that are interconnected by a symbolic link that allows translation not through thinking, but through conditioned reflexes. Hence the conclusion — simultaneous translation is actually carried out simultaneously with the speaker’s speech, which gives a significant time gain, thereby expelling mines from the conference halls. and hours of endless languor that covers those present.
When the joint venture can use the sign method which involves the transition from the sign (word or phrase) of one language to another sign. He is able to play the role of magic wands in simultaneous translation.
Most synchronists work in the translation mode of phrases.
If something unexpected arises in the speaker’s speech, cracking the routine attributes of speech, then the translator is forced to switch from autonomous work at the skill level to thinking mode with all the attendant phenomena in the form of lagging behind the speaker’s speech, omissions of minor details, speech failures.
From what has been said, it can be concluded that a translator becomes synchronous only if two languages ​​coexist in his head not distantly, but in a single semantic field of work situations, intended contexts, given topics


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