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24. Main translation categories


Categories of translation quality:
1. The category of equivalence is represented by various kinds of correspondences.
Match types: - equivalent
- variant match
- contextual match
For example, speaker - in the dictionary has 3 equivalents:
1. speaker, lecturer (variant compliance);
2. speaker;
3. expert (contextual correspondence);
Matches promote equivalence. Professor Schweitzer clearly distinguishes between the concepts of equivalence and adequacy.
Equivalence - full text translation.
Adequacy means not the result, but the translation process; search for matches in the translation process.
For example, “It was a shock,” Tina said - “You can be awesome,” said Tina (within the text)
Equivalence and adequacy is determined by comparison.
Since there is a category of equivalence, there are nonequivalences.

2. Category of inadequacy / adequacy of translation
3. Category of variance / invariance
That which is constant in interlanguage communication is invariant.
For example, get up on the wrong side of bed - get up on the wrong foot.
With variations, there are several correct, full-fledged alternatives for translation. For example, to carry coals to Newcastle - go to Tula with his samovar, engage in a meaningless business (Newcastle is the center of the coal industry).
4. Category of the initial information value. Information is divided into:
- relevant
Always transmitted.
For example, a woman holds a child in her arms (in her arms, not hands)
- irrelevant
May be omitted during translation due to redundancy of information in the source text.
5. The category of the translation method is represented by two varieties:
- linear (linear) - the literal translation from English to Russian, without changing the structure. For example, a boy entered the room - the boy came into the room.
- transformational
For example, a boy entered the room - a boy came into the room.


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