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2. Actual aspects of sequential translation.


. The psycholinguistic classification of translations, which takes into account the method of perception of the original and the creation of the translation text, divides the translation activity into translation and interpretation.
Written translation is a type of translation in which speech works, combined in an interlingual communication act (the original and the text of the translation), appear in the translation process in the form of fixed texts, to which the translator may repeatedly refer.
Oral translation is a type of translation in which the original and its translation appear in the process of translation in a non-fixed form, which predetermines the translator’s perception of singularity of the original segments and the impossibility of subsequent comparison or translation of the translation after it has been completed. A classic example of an oral translation is such a translation, when the translator perceives the original in an acoustic form (“by ear”) and verbally pronounces its translation. In the case of interpretation, the creation of the translation text can take place either parallel to the perception of the original, or after the perception of the original is completed. Accordingly, two subspecies of interpretation are distinguished: simultaneous translation and consecutive translation. The post translation has appeared earlier. Sync appeared with the creation of the UN.
Consecutive translation is a way of interpreting, in which the translator begins to translate after the speaker has stopped speaking, having finished the whole speech or some part of it. The size of the translated segment of speech can be different: from a separate utterance to a text of considerable volume, which he spoke for 20-30 minutes or more.
The written or oral form of perception of the original and the creation of the translation text are typical respectively for translation and interpretation, but in each of them some elements of another type of translation can sometimes be used. A translator can receive the text of the original recorded on a magnetic tape, or dictate its translation to a typist or to a dictaphone. In any case, the translation remains written, since the texts of the original and the translation are stored in a fixed form and they can be repeatedly viewed, compared and made necessary corrections to the translation until the translation is presented to the Receptors. Before interpreting, an interpreter can receive the text of the oral presentation and use it as an auxiliary support in the process of simultaneous or consecutive translation. A special type of use of written text in interpretation is the so-called. “Translation from the sheet”, when the translator verbally translates the written original for the Receptors, regardless of any oral presentation, i.e. not in the process of translating the speaker's speech. And here the main feature of the oral translation is preserved: the impossibility of comparing and correcting the translation text before presenting it to the Receptors.
An important role in distinguishing between translation and interpretation is the time factor. In the case of a translation, the translation process is not limited to a rigid temporal framework.
An important difference between translation and interpretation is that, when performing each of these types of translation, the translator deals with unequal segments of the original.
Translation and interpretation also differ in the nature of communication with participants of interlanguage communication. In the case of a translation, as a rule, the translation process proceeds “in the office conditions”, and the translator does not have direct or feedback with the communicators. When interpreting, the translator works in direct verbal (and sometimes personal) contact with communicators, often in conditions where feedback is possible with one or both of the participants in interlingual communication. He is forced to perceive oral speech, regardless of its accuracy, pace, pronunciation or speech style, and to ensure mutual understanding between the speaker and the listener.
Methods of semantic analysis:
- the selection of words and phrases that concentrate the meaning of the statement.
- highlighting of embossed words in the text.
- Record selected words and phrases or their substitutes (deputies).
- Record selected semantic supports using symbols.
Types of UE:
1. Educational translation (classes, seminars, practice, self-slave)
2. Real consecutive translation (household, professional)
According to the results of communication:
• Communicative - at the level of understanding
• ideological - at the level of unity of grammatical combination, content and form with an adequacy of more than 85%.
Ways UE
1. Basic:
• Paragraph Phrase - information comes in small parts
• Informal two-way without recording - translation of conversations, interviews, exchanges of remarks. The situation allows to do without records. It differs from AFP by a large one-time amount of information, a more formal setting and increased requirements for the adequacy of the translation.
• Official two-way recording - translation of a business conversation, an interview, 2 or several people with relatively brief statements in different languages ​​on special topics.
• Bilateral recording - translation of official conversations, interviews, press conferences on international or general political topics with relatively long statements of 3-5 minutes.
• Translation of monologue speech for recording
• semi-synchronous
2. Combined:
• from sheet
• cinema, video TV translation - combines the features of simultaneous, consecutive, written, sometimes translation from a sheet depending on the purpose and nature of the work.
- KVP without training
- KVP with preliminary preparation
3. Auxiliary:
• Abstract - a type of consecutive translation in which, in agreement with the recipient of information, the translator gives a brief summary of what is said by the sender. The RP is possible when the participants in the conversation are aware of the topics under discussion, are proficient in some extent or another and are only interested in the main content.
• translation of slides, graphs, slides - a subspecies of sequential (simultaneous) translation, speeches, lectures, seminars
• Computer - provides a rough podstrochnik requiring serious processing and carefully edited.


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