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9. Attribute complexes, their features and translation


Attribute complex - a multicomponent complex, noun + noun.
This is a situation in which English allows the use of nouns in the function of an adjective with respect to a key noun.
Signal frequency - the frequency of the signal.
Auto repair plant construction project - auto repair plant construction project.

The appearance of attribute complexes was due to the following reasons: -
- analyticism of the English language,
- the requirement for conciseness of presentation in styles that appeared in the 20th century - newspaper-publicistic and scientific-technical

The most complex problems usually arise when translating attribute phrases. The translation of such phrases depends on the following factors: semantic relations between the elements of the phrase, the composition of the phrase and its stylistic status. Each of these conditions separately and any combination of them can determine the direction of conversion and the use of translation techniques and, therefore, require a preliminary semantic analysis.
English syntax allows you to build attribute, phrases in which the defining component can be expressed not by a single word, but by a whole phrase or even a sentence (sometimes such definitions are essentially a stylistic device - a special kind of epithet). Translation of such "two-story" phrases, as a rule, fits into the framework of such techniques as reduction or distribution, but sometimes it requires additional functional transformations or a descriptive translation:
out-of-town visitors - visiting visitors
out-of-the-way places - places where rarely happen
the better-than-anticipated - indicators are higher than
results planned
an-hour-early visitor - a guest who arrives early than the deadline ”,

Translation features:
- translate based on logical-semantic (semantic) connections of words
- keyword - last


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