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20. Translation of business correspondence, interlanguage features.


The contract consists of 3 parts (articles, clause, para)
Subject of the contract (subject of the contract)
- terms of delivery
- terms of payment (terms of payment)
- terms of insurance (insurance terms)
- terms of claims (conditions of claims, claims, claims)
- penalty (sanctions) (penalties)
- force-majeur (force majeure)
- contingencies (unforeseen circumstances: natural disasters, military hostilities, actions that do not depend on more than one side)
- other terms (other or other conditions)
The main parts of a business letter are: header, date, internal address, greeting, main part of the letter, final form of courtesy, signature.
Additional parts of the letter include: attention line, the essence of the letter, links / initials, application and copies, postscript, the title of the continuation sheet.
• Cap - in the upper middle part of the letter. It contains the company name and postal address, telephone number, fax, e-mail. Abbreviation - only when writing the state.
• Date - after the header, either to the left or to the right, depending on the style of the letter. The date has the traditional form of recording - month, day, year (May 13,1999); European style - day, month, year (we write c / o (.), they c / c slash) 13/5/1999; For Br. har-but a combination of letters and numbers 13th May 1999 or May 13th, 1999 (read from the). Am: 13 May 1999 or May 13, 1999 (read without the). Diplomatic, military correspondence-more formal 13 May 1999
• Internal address - on the left side of the letter, contains information about the person or company to which the letter is addressed. (Ext. Add. Is identical to the address on the envelope): Amer. Corporations have names ending in Co.-company, Corp.-corporation, Inc.-incorporated, fe: Brown & Co. In England, state-owned companies include plastics (plc), and private comp. with ogre. answer Limited (ltd).
• Attention line - specifies a specific person, position or department - used for the convenience of the employee who parses the mail, to whom specifically to send: the person or division of the organization. fe: Attention: Mr.John Brown or Attention: Sales Manager
• Greeting - placed on the left side of the letter after the attention line.
& # 61473; Br (,) Am (:)
Br. Formal - Dear Madam (s), Dear Mr.Brown, Dear Ms, (when we do not know her marital status), Dear Sir (s) and Gentelmen-do not use !!!
Br. Less Formal - Sir (s), Madam (s),
Br. Informal - Dear John, Dear Mary
Am. Formal - Sir (s): Madam (s):
Am. Less Formal - Dear Sir (s): Dear Madam (s): Dear Ms: Gentelmen:
Am. Informal - Dear John: Dear Mary: unofficially, you can also put (,)
• The line of the letter - m / y with a greeting and the main text - gives brief instructions of the letter. fe: Subject: Computer Sales or Re: Computer Sales (regarding, regarding)
• The main part of the letter - consists of 3 parts: the introduction, the letter itself (the contential part), the conclusion (the complimentary part).
Introduction - indicate the purpose of the letter (db brief 2-3 lines) I should be grateful if you send me information about ....
A letter - consisting of several paragraphs, in which the goal is motivated in more detail, describes the goods and services
Conclusion - thank you for your cooperation, make an appointment, we express a desire to continue the correspondence. I would be happy to meet you to discuss smt ... Please call me at 000-000. I look forward to hearing from you.
• The final form of courtesy - as well as the greeting reflects the level of relationship between the sender and the recipient, so the greeting style should correspond to the final form of courtesy:
Strictly formal: Respectfully, Respectfully yours,
Less formal: Yours truly, Yours very truly, Very truly yours,
Unofficially: Truly yours (only in Am.), Sincerely (yours), Cordially (yours),

Quite informally: Best wishes, Best, Regards,
In the end, always put (,) regardless of Br. and Am. Variant
The signature is put m / s of the RFP and the name of the sender
• Then the name of the sender is written - in terms of etiquette, the name and surname must be written in full. Then the title or position h / s (,) after the name.
• The link consists of 2 parts, the initials dictating the letter and the initials of the typist (for convenience, quickly find the culprit in case of errors, typos). In Br. usually located under the date in Am. in the lower left.
• Application - in the left side after the link / initials.
Enclosure: or Enclosure- or Enc. or encl. (Catalog, Letter of credit, Copy of Contract)
JB: AS or JB / AS (the initials of the typist can be both lowercase and uppercase)
• Copy - various spellings of cc - cc: - CC - CC: - Copies to. This inscription can be supplemented with the initials, name, surname and address of the recipient. If the sender does not want the recipient to know that there is a copy of this letter, the inscription is “confidential”, i.e. blind copy from the blind. BCC - BCC: - bcc - bcc:
• A postscript is added to inform the recipient about a particularly important paragraph of the letter, but not about a new additional information. Ps. PS: PS-PS
If you order within 10 days
• If the content of the letter does not fit on 1 page, then 2 should be followed by the title of the continuation sheet (the name of the addressee, date and page number). fe: Fazio Motors
Page 2
May 16, 1998
! In business letters (in English) a more polite form of communication is adopted.
1.Please appear to 9 & # 730; & # 730; to the main office building for an interview
If you’re an interviewer at 9 am
2.We received your letter of May 28
Br. We have received your letter of / dated 28
Am. We received ........... ..
! FSODL prefers the use of words of Romance origin rather than native English
get worse-worsen-aggravate-deteriorate
! In English the decision to fulfill obligations is expressed grammatically mod. the verb shall, to be to, less often should; lexically undertake, be obliged, be bound
come into effect come into force
be binding upon smb.-be binding on both sides
The contract is made in a duplicate (triplicate, quadruplicate, in five copies) - the contract is made in two, 3, 4, 5 copies


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