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1. Development of translation in Russia and abroad.


Translation in the era of antiquity.
Ancient period to the XI century. - Old English.
Middle Ages XI-XII-XVI. - Middle English.
New England from the XVI century. up to our time. Translator as an intermediary appeared in connection with the differentiation of languages. All languages ​​then existed orally; oral interpreters (and the first translators were women: the tradition of stealing women from other tribes and marrying them). In the ancient period was carried out mainly the translation of the Bible and religious treatises. Translated into Greek and Latin, only then into other European languages. There are reliable sources that Cicero (I c. BC) worked as a translator who translated Aeschylus and Demosthenes. In the II century BC. Old Testament was translated into Greek by the Symmachus. In the ancient antique period there was a tendency when translators adhered not only to the spirit, but also to the letters of the original, of the original. This principle found its expression in a literal translation, in which not only the meaning of the original, but also the forms characteristic of the source language, in violation of the norms of the translation language, were transferred to the translation language. The priests demanded that the Bible was a scripture, nothing could be changed, even punctuation. They demanded a literal translation, no liberties were allowed. In ancient times, the role of translators increased significantly. In the territory of ancient Egypt there was a school of translators.
II Medieval period.
Continue to translate the biblical treatises. Periodically refer to the philosophical treatises of the ancient world (Aristotle). But the transition from Bible translations to translations of secular texts begins. During this period, the most enlightened people were monks. They chronicled the life of their people, the monastery: historical chronicles, the translation of chivalry novels.
III Age of Renaissance.
There was a whole galaxy of enlighteners, writers, who expressed their critical attitude to earlier translations and demanded translation not only correct in meaning, but also meeting the requirements of their native language. In Germany, Stein Hevel is the translator of Aesop and Bokaccio.
In France, Iohhim Dyubele (Ovid's translator), Etienne Dolet (Plato's translator and author of the treatise “On the way to translate well from one language to another”)
In 1540, Martin Luther published a treatise On the Art of Translation.
In the Middle Ages, a new trend appears in the principles of translation. Began to translate more fiction, writers of romance, sentimentalists. In the XVIII century, the tendency to free translation in connection with the translation of poetry and fiction.
This was especially evident in Albrecht von Abe (Plavt's comedy). He adapted the comedy plot to the ethics and aesthetics of the society in which he lived. The French differed in terms of free translation. They remade Shakespeare to their liking. XVIII-XIX centuries, many translators have become translators. Irigarh Vedensky - the translator can and should improve the text of the original, the style changes. Translators adhered to their style (their native language).
Andrei Voznesensky. A new attitude towards translation is taking shape in the 19th century. This is due to historical events: Napoleon. Translators began to adhere to the principle of national identity.
German philosopher Herder collected and processed samples of the folklore of different nations inhabiting Europe. And he published this in his book “Folklore of Different Nations in Songs and Verses,” which served as an impetus to the principle of national diversity.
Germany: August Schlegel, Ludwig Peck translated all Shakespeare comedies.
France: Alfred de Vigny, who made the new translation of Othello.
Chateau Briand (Milton "Lost Paradise", "Translation is the death of understanding", many translators said that the translations are not complete. Wilhelm von Humboldt advocated the impossibility of translating from one language to another fully.
English translation from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
The famous translator George Dryden, he outlined his views in the work “Ovid's Pontic Messages.” Translated poetry. The famous English translator T. Savory, who in 1952 wrote the theoretical book "The Art of Translation". His main principle is to be a poet, it is good to know languages, to understand the individual characteristics of the author and the school to which he belongs, not to try to improve the translation. He posed 3 questions that the translator should answer when starting the translation:
1) what the author said (what does the author say say) determine the meaning / meaning, meaning = meaning + context.
2) What the author meant (what does he mean) sense / connotation Do not make a fool of yourself.
3) As the author said the phrase. Styles, synonymous dominant - a word that can replace others.
Savory approves
- the translation should not sound like a translation in order to avoid literalism; it opposes the usus (usual usage); the usus is the speech norm, the language norm.
- Translation should sound like a translation. Among other eminent scholars of sharks is the translator George Catford, in 1965 the first monograph entitled "Linguistic Theory of Translation" was published. He was the first to highlight the need to distinguish both linguistic and non-linguistic extralinguistic factors of translation.
P. Newmark “Approaches to Translation”. He outlines the strategy and tactics of translation. The translation strategy includes: the purpose of the text, the intention of the author, the artistic qualities of the text, the character of the reader.
In his work describes 2 methods of translation:
1) communicative method - the impact on the reader
2) semantic method, where the main task is the transfer of the exact contextual meaning of the text. It adheres to a more semantic method.
Communicative translation is associated with the transfer of information, and semantic translation is associated with a reflection of the process of thinking. The thinking is the same, and the form of expression is different. To get up the wrong side of the bed, stand not stand feet.
Russian translation tradition.
Russian translated writing originated in Kievan Rus, which already at that time maintained cultural and trade relations with Byzantium, Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, and also with the East.
The language of Russian translations was then - the language of biblical books, from the middle Greek. In the 14th - 17th centuries, religious works continued to be translated into the Moscow period. Maxim Grek (a learned monk invited to Moscow from Athos and creating a whole school of translators played a great role. Athos is an island inhabited by monks (men only). From Greek books of a secular nature were translated. The 15th century was translated “Divination about the fall of the great city" dedicated to the capture of Constantinople by Turkish troops. Translations were made from Latin, German, West Slavic languages. Knightly novels were translated, IGI geography, alchemy and medicine.
The XVIII century became a turning point for translation, thanks to Peter I. The beginning of the century - the translation of special literature (jurisprudence (contracts). Then later translators began to translate works of art, in particular, translation of French poetry. Translators: Sumarokov, Lomonosov, Tredyakovsky, Derzhavin. Awareness of importance the translation led in the second half of the 18th century to the creation of a special organization “a collection trying to translate foreign books.” This organization existed from 1768 to 1783, not for long, Radishchev was among the members (114 in total).
XIX century - the tendency to remake the original, resulting in our morals.
In 1798 Derzhavin transferred the poem of Horace “Praise of rural life” into Russian. Derzhavin initially adhered to the original, but then Russian realities were introduced.
Zhukovsky translated Burger’s ballad called Lenora, renamed Lyudmila.
The middle of the XIX century - the appearance in a large number of translations of poems.
Translators: Lescheev, Mikhailov, Kurochkin, Fet, Minaev.
Fet turned to love lyrics. Heine "Ballad".
In the late 1950s and 1960s, Dobrolyubov, Belinsky, and Chernyshevsky continued their translation activities.
In the last third of the XIX century, the works of Heine, Shakespeare, Schiller, Goethe, the works of Dickens, Thackeray, Flaubert, Maupassant and Zola were published.
XX century - the need for a theoretical understanding of all that translation practice. At this time there are theoretical manuals: "The Art of Translation" (1936) and "High Art" (1941) by K.I. Mukovsky.
Among the translators were: Lazinsky, Morozov, Kalikin.
Characteristically for the benefits of that time (until the 50s of the 20th century), the manuals differed in that they made recommendations for translation that were obligatory for translators; straightforwardness was observed (lady - lady, woman; the lady - in the Mother of God religion)
The most important monograph is the largest in 1953 AV. Fedorov published The Basics of the General and Private Translation Theory. How science originated in the 50s. They did not recognize the translation as an independent science. Translation practice ahead of translation theory. There was an information explosion. Translation was taught in the faculties of foreign languages. People translated themselves, learned from their mistakes. Object, language, subject of study. The object of translation is the process of translation in all its diversity.
The translation process consists of the process of perception of text in the target language. It includes several stages. The subject of translation is the quality of translation.

created: 2015-07-24
updated: 2021-01-10

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Translation Theories

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