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The different structure of languages ​​is the reason for the use of transformations in translation (English-analytical language and Russian-syntactic).
Transformational translation-translation using one of the translation transformations. There are the following types of transformations:
Lexical and grammatical, more often lexical-grammatical trans-occurrences.
Lexical - conversion of vocabulary when translating. Three types of vocabulary transformations: 1. Additions 2. Omissions 3. Substitutions
Grammar - is to transform the structure of the sentence in the process of translation in accordance with the rules of the language of translation, when the main parts of the sentence are replaced - a complete transformation (it is interesting - interesting), when replacing the secondary members of a sentence - a partial transformation.
Types of transformations:
1. Transcription is a translation method of Lex. Unit the original by recreating its sound form using the letters PJ. Now more often transcription is used as a modern transmission (Georgy Zhenov, Georgji Zhonoff)
Transliteration - ... by recreating its graphic form with the letters PJ.
2. Counting is a method of translating the lexical unit of the original by replacing its component parts with morphemes or words (in the case of stable phrases) with their lexical matches in the PC.
There is a tracing paper (shock worker- production drummer, house of commons — House of Commons: translation by components, transfer of internal form)
There is a semi-movie (John Jaw- John Brech) one of the words is translated word for word, and the other is transcribed.
3. Substitutions and their types:
- h. forms of the word - cut sausage - cut sausages, cut the sausage - cut sausages
- replacement of part of speech - smoke - have a smoke
- replacement of members of the proposal - Moscow held a conference (middle margin)
- replacement of the unionless ally bond - I bought it. For Russian har-on unionless communication, and for the English - the ally
4. Additions - to restore the meaning of the original language. units (According to “Times” - according to the Times newspaper)
5. Omissions - a technique in which a word or words of the source language are omitted during translation in order to avoid violation of linguistic or stylistic norms. Paronymy - peculiar to the law language (Just & equitable peace - just peace)
6. Concretization - a word with a more general meaning in IY is translated into PU with more specific to leave - leave, leave, leave, throw.
7. Generalization - a lexico-semantic replacement of the units of an IL, which has a narrower meaning, a PN unit with a broader meaning, is often used to translate words of reality. do you use astra - you use Astra powder
8 Antonymic translation is a lexical-grammatical transformation, in which the replacement of an affirmative form in the original with a negative one in translation (or vice versa), is accompanied by the replacement of the lexical unit of the IL by the TU with the opposite value. To keep of the grass - do not walk on lawns.
9. Explication is a lexical-grammatical transformation, in which the lexical unit of IL is replaced by a phrase explaining its meaning. Sidesman - Assistant Warden of the Church, during the service.
10. Compensation of losses during translation - in which the elements of meaning lost when translating an IL in the original are transmitted in the translation text by some other means, and not necessarily in the same place in the text as in the original. (can be made later or footnote by text, illiterate speech, dialectic ...)
I've got 400 bucks - I have 400 cabbages, “It was a shok” Tina said - you can be awesome
11. Permutations (transpositions) are transformations associated with a different word order in English and Russian. In the Russian language, nothing changes from the permutation, in English everything changes.
- syntactic word order - members of Mary loves John sentence
- communicative - the subject and the rem are distinguished.
In English, the word order is free, and the communicative word order is solid. The distribution of information goes from topic to mode and you need to look for information at the end.
In English, syntactic word order is solid, and communicative is free T - P, we look for information at the beginning of P - T
The above references refer to the objective (direct) word order. Also noun subjective (inverted) - Often does he come to her - often he comes to her
12. Semantic development - is used when it is not possible to push away from the dictionary translation or from the context. It is necessary to understand the meaning of the whole expression, and then look for a translation.
13. Holistic transformation - to understand what is at stake, to look for words without relying on the contextual and dictionary meaning. N.P. when we translate frequency lexical units (formulas of politeness - How do you do! - hello! Welcome! - Welcome!).

Reasons for transformation:
1. Leksko-semantic -
- mismatch of the meaning of the word in the IL and PJ (got a bread? cabbage is? (slang); I've got 400 quids (Bel) - I have 400 pounds)
- differentiated and non-deterministic - (hand - hand, arm; leg - foot, leg; blue - blue, blue)
- Different cross-language compatibility - (to win a war - to win the war; to gain a victory - to win; to make marriage - to get married; to make war - to fight)
- Lack of lexical units in IL and IL (the West Wind blew him in the face - cold wind ...)
2. Grammar
- Different word order in IL and IL
- the ambivalence of syntactic structures (ambiguity)


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