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16. Translation of texts of scientific and technical literature. Interlanguage features.


The main function is informational.
Extraling features:
1. Abstraction and strict logical presentation
2. informative
3. monologue type of speech
4. objectivity of presentation of the material (argumentation, motivation)
5. focus on logical perception (rather than sensual)
1. Actually scientific texts
• academic
- instructive (monograph, program, book, article, dissertation, report)
• training
- reference (textbook, textbook, abstract, abstract)
• informational (abstracts, vocabulary (vocabulary), review)
2. Technical - (technical description, abstract, instruction, patent)
Kedrov classification:
1. Philosophical sciences (logic, dialectics)
2. natural, technical sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, geology, medicine)
3. social sciences - (history, archeology, ethnography, geography)
4. sciences of basis and superstructure (politic economics, state and law, art history, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy)
Sources of scientific-technical terminology:
- borrowing from other languages ​​or artificially created by scientists on the basis of the Latin and Greek languages. paraffin - parum affines - little in contact with other substances Hemoglobin - hemo (blood), globus (ball) lat
- common literary English words used in special meaning. Jasket - those: casing, Load - charge
- terminology - noun 1. General technical display 2. interdisciplinary, (pocket - aviation - air hole; military business - environment; radio engineering - dead zone; geology - nest of the field, electrical equipment - cable channel) 3. highly specialized disulphonate
- the predominance of the pronoun we in English, and in Russ impersonal - we know - it is known that ...
- Future time for the expression of ordinary action. In Russ translated by the present. Fragment will be seen in center
- frequent use of the passive voice
- abbreviations bp - boiling point - boiling point. When translating such abbreviations should be spelled out and given in the full meaning
- Some words and words in English contain an image alien to the Russian language. When translating, this image should be replaced by an analogue of a more advanced Russian language. Dozens - tens
- use of composite prepositions throughout, within, in accordance with
- the use of words of romance origin (make - manufacture)
- the presence of attribute sets Direct current
- detailed syntactic structures
in ang. Yaz Mean and in translation into Russian are constant and regular significant deviations from the grammatical, in particular, the syntactic structure of the original in accordance with the norms of the Russian language. The style of presentation may vary, moving from a strictly sustained objective tone, from messages and generalizations of facts that do not cause any emotional evaluations.


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