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23. Scheme of bilingual communication: perception and generation


The communicative linguistic model of translation is presented as an act of bilingual communication, the components of which are: message, sender, recipient, message code (language), communication channel (written or oral speech / audio or written mode)

C - O - CODE - P - C
PZ / (transmitting link - translator)
input intake output
100% reception 80%
Communication is a socially conditioned process of transmission and replay of information both in interpersonal and in mass communication through various channels using various verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Sender - Encoding - Message - Channel - Decoding - Recipient |
Communicative design
Communicative intent
The sender performs the encoding process, a message appears, which is forwarded over a certain channel, getting through the channel to the receiver, a decoding process occurs, and the receiver receives this message as a result of decoding.
The coding process is the so-called communicative intent (information in its original form, a project or a message idea).
The communicative intention contributes to the communicative plan (the desire to bring the source information to the recipient, the desire to enter into communication).
The communication channel is the means by which the message is transmitted from the source to the recipient (source - TV, radio media).
There are communication channels:
Verbal channel - speech, language (35%)
Non-verbal channel - gestures, facial expressions, body movements, views, clothes, smells, distance of communication.
Paraverbal channel - intonation, timbre of voice, speed of speech, argumentation.
65% of the information is transmitted non-verbally and paraverbally.
Decoding - understanding and perception. Perception occurs at the level of the 1st signal system according to Pavlov (sensation and world perception). 2nd signaling system - thinking.
When transmitting through a certain type of channel at the level of perception there may be a misunderstanding. After a successful understanding process, the recipient responds and the vicious circle begins.

Perception and understanding of a foreign language text and its generation in the target language.

Translational competence - the sum of knowledge and skills for the implementation of professional translation activities.
Receptive competence (RK) - perception and understanding of a foreign language text.
1. Feelings, representations
2. Concept, judgment, inference - thinking (they are abstract).
The second signal system according to Pavlov is characteristic only for humans. Animals have visual-figurative thinking.
1. and 2. - consciousness
Understanding is the resultant thought embodied in judgment.
RK implies the stadial or phase character of this process.
There are 3 phases RK:
1. The author's intention (for the sake of what this text was written)
2. Understanding what is said or written
3. Translation of verbal speech into the language of inner speech
Speech to thought (inner speech)
Internal speech is simultaneous in nature (the complexes with which we operate).
External speech is a successive character or expanded.
Expressive Competence (EC) - by speech generation or by translation text generation.
Thought to speech (thought we turn it into sentences)
EC consists of several phases:
1. planning phase (we look for the corresponding words for individual concepts)
2. phase of implementation (linear deployment of syntactic structures)
3. control phase (did we consider everything, the coherence of the text, etc.)
Errors of generation are 3 times more than errors of perception and understanding.
Agnonyms - Perception and Understanding Mistakes
Paranormativa - errors in the generation of the translation text, for example, errors on compatibility, etc.
For example, 1. His father is a journalist, started shop in 1984.
His father is a journalist, began working as a journalist in 1984.
Let's talk shop - let's talk on professional topics
2. They remembered a Bristol fighter which they used in Palestine.
They remembered their fighter plane, called the Bristol Fighter, which flew together in Palestine.
Language competence - good knowledge of vocabulary, grammar (morphology and syntax) and speech stylistics.
Background competence - implies horizons, thesaurus knowledge (a dictionary that contains a complete description of a particular field of activity).
Professional competence:
- written and oral competence
- text-forming competence (knowledge of the parameters with the help of which the text is created, the main connection, integrity)
genre-style (colloquial style, style of fiction, newspaper-publicistic, official business, scientific and technical)


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