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22. Calking and descriptive translation


These are the types of transformations.
Calculating is a way of translating the lexical unit of the original by replacing its component parts with morphemes or words (in the case of stable phrases) with their lexical matches in the translation language.
A large number of phrases in the political, scientific and cultural fields are practically tracing paper:
Head of Government - head of the government
Supreme Court - Supreme Court
Mixed laws
Non-confidence vote - vote of confidence, etc.

22. Calking and descriptive translation
Unlike transcription, tracing is not always a simple mechanical operation of transferring the original form into a translating language; often have to resort to some transformations. First of all it concerns the change of case forms, the number of words in a phrase, affixes, word order, morphological or syntactic status of words, etc. For example, the English word skinheads, or skinheaded is traced with a change in both the semantic meaning of the word skin, and with the general transformation of skinheads; The English expression of the two-thirds majority requires both morphological and syntactic transformation, while remaining nevertheless a copy in the Russian language - a two-thirds majority (of votes). Some affixes in the English language correspond to an independent attribute expressed by the adjective in the Russian language, which also includes the necessary transformations in the scribing process, for example: maldistribution of costs - incorrect distribution of costs; maltreatment - unqualified treatment; non-taxable income - non-taxable income.
Terms, widely used words and phrases are usually subject to scaling:
1. the names of monuments of history and culture
Winter Palace - Winter Palace
White House - White House
2. titles of works of art
“White Guard” - The White Guard
Over the Cuckoo's Nest - “Over the Cuckoo's Nest”,
3. names of political parties and movements
the Democratic Party - Democratic Party
4. historical events or expressions
Batu Khan invasion - the invasion of Batu Khan
the fruits of enlightenment - the Fruits of the Enlightenment, etc.
In some cases, especially in relation to historical events and periods or cultural objects, there are several parallel correspondences, for example: two different tracing paper or tracing paper and transcription:
Time of Troubles - the period of unrest,
the Time of Trouble
Tatar-Mongol invasion - the Mongol invasion,
the tartar conquest
Assumption Cathedral - Uspensky Sobor,
the cathedral of the assumption
schismatic Old Believers - raskolniki, Old Believers.
Geographic names of mountains, lakes, seas, etc. are translated by tracing if they include “translatable” components:
The Rocky Mountains - Rocky Mountains
The Salt Lake - Salt Lake
Black Sea - the Black Sea
The Indian Ocean - Indian Ocean
Ivory Coast - Ivory Coast
If the name includes words whose meaning is forgotten or cannot be translated for any reason, the mixed method is used when part of the name is translated by transcription, but the whole principle of tracing is preserved: Lake Ladoga - Lake Ladoga
River Dart - Dart River.
Calculating can also be used when translating terms: this will either translate the structure of the word, or rephrase the type of the phrase: back-bencher - backbane
income tax
risk analysis
database development - database development.

Considerations that may help shape the translation position:
1. the choice in favor of accuracy (literal) of the translation is not always the most successful, because the result is a language unit that is too inconvenient for perception - this is often found in literal tracing (for example, the translation of the Tower of London is preferable to the Tower of London, although in terms of surface structure closer to the original unit, but in this case, as in a number of other similar ones, it is necessary to translate not so much a surface structure as a functional one).
2. tracing often becomes a more preferable way of translation than transcription, since transcriptions create inconvenient and, much worse, units that have no meaning in the translating language, a kind of pseudogram. If transcription cannot be avoided at all, then it is usually combined with a cloned form, which is often found when translating nicknames. For example, Ivan Kalita has several correspondences in English: the transcription of Ivan Kalita, which is perceived as a completely alien name to the European tradition and bears the imprint of exoticism; Ivan Kalita (the “Moneybags”) (transcription combined with tracing paper and lexical-semantic correspondence); and finally, the John the Moneybags variant, tracing paper, which most closely approximates the naming convention of the ruler to the English tradition, while at the same time preserving the structure of the original name.
A specific complication when using this translation method is the need to expand or collapse the original structure, that is, add additional elements to it or reduce the original elements: for example, the pasture is transmitted by the mixed unfolded tracing paper office of posadnik, and Yuri Dolgoruky is Yury the Long Hands (not: Long -handed), while the Tatar-Mongol invasion, as a rule, is transmitted by tracing paper in an abbreviated form - the Tartar Conquest or the Mongol Onslaught.

Tracing rules
1. Calculating is used in cases when you need to create a meaningful unit in the translated text and at the same time preserve the elements of the form or function of the original unit.
2. Tracing is used to transfer part of geographical names, names of historical and cultural events and objects, titles and titles, names of educational institutions, government agencies, museums, terms, etc.
3. In some cases, tracing is used along with transcription and lexical-semantic modulation.
4. In some situations, the tracing is accompanied by the processes of coagulation / deployment of the original unit, depending on the typological characteristics of the two languages.

A descriptive translation (explication) is a lexical-grammatical transformation, in which the lexical unit of the IL (source language) is replaced by a phrase expressing its meaning, i.e. giving a more or less complete explanation of this meaning on the (translation language).
When none of the verbal methods of matching does not satisfy the situation, translators resort to description.
A descriptive translation is usually used in parallel with transcription and is used when translating terms, cultural names, unique objects, etc. Thus, when translating the Russian language into English texts devoted to Russian wooden architecture and the problems of its restoration, we are faced with the fact that in the English-speaking tradition there is no cultural-historical phenomenon of restoration of monuments of wooden architecture, and therefore, many concepts associated with it are absent .
For example, the term “circling”, which also has a dialectal origin, is transmitted in English in exactly this way: “kruzhalo” (ring-shaped base of cupola of the wooden church). The description given in brackets is an obligatory component of the text and can be used in the following text even separately in the form of ring-shaped naming of the base of the cupola.
Descriptive translation is used in comments to the text and footnotes.
Examples: conservationist is a supporter of environmental protection, whistle-stop speech is a candidate’s speech during an election campaign trip.
The lack of a descriptive translation lies in its verbosity. Therefore, this method of translation is most successfully applied where it is possible to do with a relatively brief explanation.


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