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Rope telegraph (solution through graphs)


Gomel City Olympiad, 1999

The task

Timur and his friends, having arrived at their old summer cottages in the summer, decided to arrange a game for the duration of their holiday. They organized a team to secretly help the villagers in their daily affairs. The holiday village is quite large, and the houses where Timur's friends live are located far from each other. How to quickly send each other messages? How to collect the guys on the board?

Timur decided to build a rope telegraph, which would connect all the houses in which the guys from his team live. There are a total of houses N. According to the map, the guys calculated the coordinates of each house (Xi, Yi) in whole numbers and wrote them out on paper. For the unit of measurement of coordinates, they took one meter. However, the question arose: which houses should be connected with a rope telegraph, so that the connection was between all the houses (perhaps through other houses), and the total length of all the ropes was as small as possible?

It is required to write a program that, according to the coordinates of the houses, would determine what is the minimum total length of all the ropes connecting all the houses to each other (possibly through other houses).

  Entry order Output order
 N X.xx 
 X1 Y1 
 X2 Y2 

where X.xx is the minimum total length of the rope with an accuracy of two characters in the fractional part.

  Input Example Output Example
 5 623.61 
 100 200 
 200 200 
 300 400 
 400 200 
 400 100



Solution [up]

Consider timurovts houses as the vertices of the graph, the ropes between them as the edges of the graph, and the lengths of the ropes as the weights of the edges. Now we face the problem of a minimum spanning tree.

In this case, the original graph is complete, that is, there is an edge between any two of its vertices, since according to the conditions of the problem the rope can be stretched between any two houses. In this problem, it is convenient to represent the graph as a matrix of edge weights: D [i, j] is the distance between vertices i and j.

The result of the algorithm for constructing a spanning tree using the Prima method will be represented as an array of Prev [0..N-1]: Prev [i] = j, that is, the ancestor of the vertex i in the core graph will be the vertex j, or, in other words, the minimum spanning tree will contain an edge (i, j). Vertex 0 will not have an ancestor (Pred [0] = -1).

Formal description [up]

  Telegraph ()
 1. Read the coordinates of houses from a file.
 2. Find the distances between all pairs of houses and record the results in 
    adjacency matrix.
 3. Use the Prima algorithm to find the smallest skeleton tree. 
    (to implement paragraphs 3.1-3.4):
    3.1.  Add all vertices to the queue and initialize the key value
    3.2.  Assign key value 0 to the starting vertex.
    3.3.  While there are vertices in the queue, repeat paragraphs.  3.3.1-3.3:
         3.3.1.  Find a vertex with a minimum key.
         3.3.2.  Remove found vertex from the queue.
         3.3.3.  Update key for all incident vertices that 
                are in line.
    3.4.  Find the sum of the keys of all the vertices.
 4. Print the amount of keys. 

Листинг решения на Си

using namespace std;
#define MAXVERTEXES 101    //maximal amount of vertaxes
int infinity=2000000;        //infinity

float a[MAXVERTEXES][MAXVERTEXES];    //adjacency matrix (distances between houses)
int amount;                                                    //amount of houses

struct houses {    //structure with coordinates o house
    int x;    
    int y;
houses house[100];    //array of houses

void input();                //read coordinates of houses
void createMatrix();//find distances between houses
float prim(int);        //find the minimal tree

//===================================== Main program ===============================
void main(){
    input();                //read coordinates of houses
    createMatrix();//find distances between houses
    float length=prim(0);    //length of all edges of the MST

    //cout<<"\nThe total length of MST is "<


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Terms: Algorithms