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18.2. Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system


Any message with which we deal in information theory is a collection of information about a certain physical system. For example, a message about a normal or elevated reject rate, the chemical composition of the raw materials or the temperature in the furnace may be transmitted to the input of the automated control system of the production department. At the entrance of the air defense control system, a message can be transmitted that there are two targets in the air, flying at a certain height, at a certain speed. A message can be sent to the same input that a certain number of fighters are currently on alert at a particular aerodrome, or that the airfield is disabled by enemy fire, or that the first target was shot down, and the second one continues to fly with the changed course. Any of these messages describes the state of a physical system.

Obviously, if the state of the physical system were known in advance, there would be no point in transmitting the message. The message acquires meaning only when the state of the system is not known in advance, by chance.

Therefore, as an object about which information is transmitted, we will consider some physical system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , which can randomly be in one or another state, i.e., a system that certainly has some degree of uncertainty. Obviously, information received about the system will, generally speaking, be more valuable and meaningful, the more the system’s uncertainty was before receiving this information (“a priori”). A natural question arises: what does “large” or “smaller” degree of uncertainty mean and how can it be measured?

To answer this question, we can compare two systems, each of which has some uncertainty.

As the first system, we take a coin, which as a result of the throwing can end up in one of two states: 1) the coat of arms fell out and 2) the figure fell out. As a second, the dice, which has six possible states: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. It is asked, which system’s uncertainty is greater? Obviously, the second, since it has more possible states, in each of which it can be with the same probability.

It may seem that the degree of uncertainty is determined by the number of possible system states. However, in general this is not the case. Consider, for example, a technical device that can be in two states: 1) normal and 2) failed. Suppose that prior to obtaining information (a priori), the probability of the correct operation of the device is 0.99, and the probability of failure is 0.01. Such a system has only a very small degree of uncertainty: you can almost guess that the device will work properly. When throwing a coin, there are also two possible states, but the degree of uncertainty is much greater. We see that the degree of uncertainty of a physical system is determined not only by the number of its possible states, but also by the probabilities of states.

Let us turn to the general case. Consider some system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system which can take a finite set of states:   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system with probabilities   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system where

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (18.2.1)

- the probability that the system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system will take the state   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (symbol   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system denotes the event: the system is in a state   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system ). Obviously   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

We write this data in the form of a table, where the upper line lists the possible states of the system, and the lower line shows the corresponding probabilities:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

This writing tablet is similar to a series of distributions of a discontinuous random variable.   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system with possible values   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system having probabilities   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . And indeed, between the physical system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system with a finite set of states and a discontinuous random variable much in common; in order to reduce the first to the second, it is sufficient to assign to each state some numerical value (say, the number of the state). We emphasize that to describe the degree of uncertainty of the system it does not matter at all what values   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system recorded in the top row of the table; only the number of these values ​​and their probabilities are important.

As a measure of a priori uncertainty of the system (or a discontinuous random variable   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system a) a special characteristic is used in information theory, called entropy. The concept of entropy is fundamental in information theory.

The entropy of a system is the sum of the products of probabilities of various states of the system by the logarithms of these probabilities, taken with the opposite sign:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . (18.2.2)

Entropy   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system as we shall see, it has a number of properties that justify its choice as a characteristic of the degree of uncertainty. First, it vanishes when one of the states of the system is reliable, while others are impossible. Secondly, for a given number of states, it turns to a maximum when these states are equally probable, and with increasing number of states - it increases. Finally, and most importantly, it has the property of additivity, that is, when several independent systems are combined into one, their entropies are added.

The logarithm in the formula (18.2.2) can be taken for any reason.   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . The change of the base is equivalent to simply multiplying the entropy by a constant number, and the choice of the base is equivalent to choosing a certain unit of measurement of the entropy. If the number 10 is chosen for the base, then they speak of “decimal units” of entropy, if 2 - of “binary units”. In practice, it is most convenient to use logarithms at base 2 and measure entropy in binary units; This agrees well with the binary number system used in electronic digital computers.

In the future, we will be everywhere, unless otherwise stated, under the symbol   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system understand binary logarithm.

The appendix (Table 6) gives binary logarithms of integers from 1 to 100.

It is easy to verify that when choosing 2, the entropy of the simplest system is taken as the base of logarithms for the unit of entropy measurement   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system which has two equally possible states:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

Indeed, by the formula (18.2.2) we have:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

The entropy unit defined in this way is called a “binary unit” and is sometimes denoted by bit (from the English word “binary digit”). This is the entropy of one digit of a binary number, if it can be zero or one with the same probability.

Measuring in entropy of the system in binary units   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , which has   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system equiprobable states:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

We have:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system


  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.3)

that is, the entropy of a system with equally possible states is equal to the logarithm of the number of states.

For example, for a system with eight states   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

We prove that in the case when the state of the system is precisely known in advance, its entropy is zero. Indeed, in this case all probabilities   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system in the formula (18.2.2), they vanish, except for one - for example   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system which is equal to one. Member   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system vanishes since   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . The rest of the terms also vanish, since

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

We prove that the entropy of a system with a finite set of states reaches a maximum when all states are equally probable. To do this, consider the entropy of the system (18.2.2) as a function of probabilities   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system and find the conditional extremum of this function, provided:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . (18.2.4)

Using the method of uncertain Lagrange multipliers, we will look for the extremum of the function:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . (18.2.5)

Differentiating (18.2.5) by   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system and equating the derivatives to zero, we obtain the system of equations:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system


  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.6)

whence it is clear that the extremum (in this case, the maximum) is reached at equal values   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . From the condition (18.2.4) it can be seen that

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.7)

and the maximum entropy of the system is:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.8)

that is, the maximum entropy of a system with a finite number of states is equal to the logarithm of the number of states and is reached when all states are equally probable.

The calculation of entropy using the formula (18.2.2) can be somewhat simplified by introducing a special function into consideration:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.9)

where the logarithm is taken over base 2.

The formula (18.2.2) takes the form:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . (18.2.10)

Function   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system tabbed; the appendix (Table 7) gives its values ​​for   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system from 0 to 1 through 0.01.

Example 1. Determine the entropy of a physical system consisting of two airplanes (fighter and bomber) participating in an air battle. As a result of the battle, the system may be in one of four possible states:

1) both aircraft are not shot down;

2) the fighter shot down, the bomber is not shot down;

3) the fighter is not shot down, the bomber shot down;

4) both aircraft shot down.

The probabilities of these states are respectively 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.1.

Decision. We write the conditions in the form of a table:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system





By the formula (18.2.10) we have:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

Using table 7 of the application, we find

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (two units).

Example 2. Determine the entropy of a system whose state is described by a discontinuous random variable.   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system with a number of distribution

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system







  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (two units).

Example 3. Determine the maximum possible entropy of a system consisting of three elements, each of which can be in four possible states.

Decision. The total number of possible system states is   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .The maximum possible entropy of the system is   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (two units).

Example 4. Determine the maximum possible entropy of a message consisting of five letters, the total number of letters in the alphabet being 32.

Decision. The number of possible system states   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .The maximum possible entropy is equal   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system (dv. Units).

Formula (18.2.2) (or equivalent to it (18.2.10)) serves to directly calculate the entropy. However, when performing transformations, another form of entropy recording is often more convenient, namely, its representation in the form of a mathematical expectation:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , (18.2.11)

Where   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system - the logarithm of the probability of any (random) state of the system, considered as a random variable.

When the system   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system takes a state   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system , the random variable  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system takes the values:

  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . (18.2.12)

The mean value (mathematical expectation) of a random variable   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system is, as is easily seen, the entropy of the system  18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system . To obtain it, the values ​​(18.2.12) are averaged with “weights” equal to the corresponding probabilities   18.2.  Entropy as a measure of the degree of uncertainty of the state of a physical system .

Formulas like (18.2.11), where entropy is represented as a mathematical expectation, allow us to simplify the transformations associated with entropy, reducing them to the application of well-known theorems about mathematical expectations.


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