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2.2. Simple judgments


If there is one subject and one predicate in the judgment, then it is simple. All simple judgments according to the volume of the subject and the quality of the ligament are divided into four types. The volume of the subject can be general (“all”) and private (“some”), and the bundle can be affirmative (“is”) and negative (“not is”):

The volume of the subject ... ... ... ... ... ... "all" "some"

The quality of the bundle ...................... "is" "not eat"

As we see, based on the volume of the subject and the quality of the bundle, only four combinations can be distinguished, which exhaust all kinds of simple judgments: “everything is there,” “some is there”, “everything is not there”, “some is not there”. Each of these types has its own name and symbol:

1. Generally affirmative judgments (denoted by the Latin letter A ) are judgments with a total volume of the subject and an affirmative link: “All S is P ”. For example: " All students are students ."

2. Private affirmative judgments (denoted by the Latin letter I ) are judgments with a private volume of the subject and an affirmative link: “Some S are P ”. For example: " Some animals are predators ."

3. Generally negative judgments (denoted by the Latin letter E ) are judgments with a total volume of the subject and a negative bundle: “All S is not P (or“ Not one is P ”). For example: " All planets are not stars ", " No planet is a star ."

4. Private negative judgments (denoted by the Latin letter O ) are judgments with a private volume of the subject and a negative bundle: “Some S are not P ”. For example: " Some mushrooms are not edible ."

Next, you should answer the question, to which judgments — general or particular — should the judgments be given with a unit volume of the subject (i.e. those judgments in which the subject is a single concept), for example: “The sun is a celestial body”, “Moscow Founded in 1147, "Antarctica is one of the continents of the Earth." The judgment is general if it is about the entire volume of the subject, and private if it is a part of the volume of the subject. In the judgments with a single volume of the subject we are talking about the entire volume of the subject (in the examples given - the whole Sun, about the whole of Moscow, about the whole of Antarctica). Thus, judgments in which the subject is a single concept are considered common (general affirmative or general negative). Thus, the three judgments above are general-affirmative, and the judgment: “The famous Italian scientist of the Renaissance Galileo Galileo is not the author of the theory of the electromagnetic field, ” is generally negative.

In the future we will talk about the types of simple judgments, without using their long names, with the help of symbols - the Latin letters A, I, E, O. These letters, taken from two Latin words: a ff i rmo - to assert and n e g o - to deny, were proposed as a designation of types of simple judgments as early as the Middle Ages.

It is important to note that in each of the types of simple judgments, the subject and the predicate are in a certain relationship. Thus, the total volume of the subject and the affirmative bundle of judgments of type A lead to the fact that in them the subject and predicate can be in relations of equivalence or subordination (there can be no other relations between subject and predicate in judgments of type A ). For example, in the judgment: “ All squares (S) are equilateral rectangles (P) ” - the subject and predicate are in relation to equivalence, and in the judgment: “ All whales (S) are mammals (P) ” - in respect of subordination.

The private volume of the subject and the affirmative bundle of judgments of type I determine that in them the subject and predicate may be in an intersection or submission relationship (but not in others). For example, in the judgment: “ Some athletes (S) are russians (P) ” - the subject and predicate are in relation to the intersection, and in the judgment: “ Some trees (S) are pine trees (P) ” - in relation to subordination .

The total volume of the subject and the negative bundle of judgments of the form E lead to the fact that in them the subject and predicate are only in relation to incompatibility. For example, in the judgment: “ All whales (S) are not fish (P)”, “All planets (S) are not stars (P)”, “All triangles (S) are not squares (P) ”, - subject and predicate are incompatible.

The private volume of the subject and the negative bundle of judgments of type O determine that in them the subject and predicate, as well as in judgments of type I , can only be in the relationship of intersection and subordination. The reader can easily find examples of judgments of the form O , in which the subject and the predicate are in this relationship.

Check yourself:

1. What is a simple judgment?

2. On what basis are simple judgments divided into types? Why are they divided exactly into four types?

3. Describe all kinds of simple judgments: name, structure, symbol. Come up with an example for each of them. What judgments, general or particular, are judgments with a unit volume of a subject?

4. Where do the letters come from to indicate the types of simple judgments?

5. In what relations can there be a subject and a predicate in each of the types of simple judgments? Think about why in the judgments of type A the subject and the predicate cannot intersect or be incompatible? Why in judgments of type I subject and predicate can not be in a relationship of equivalence or incompatibility?Why in the judgments of the form E subject and predicate can not be equivalent, intersecting or subordinate? Why in the judgments of the form O the subject and the predicate can not be in relation to equivalence or incompatibility? Draw in Euler circles the possible relationship between subject and predicate in all kinds of simple judgments.


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