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3.10 Judgment Classification


Since judgment is the meaning of the statement, everything said about the division of statements into groups also applies to the classification of statements. They can, above all, be divided into simple and complex judgments. The former do not contain other judgments as their parts, in complex judgments some of their parts are themselves judgments. Among simple judgments, a special role is played by the so-called categorical judgments, formed with the help of the logical connectives “All ... is”, “All ... ns is”, “Some ... is ...” and “Some ... not ... there is".

Categorical judgments do not exhaust the whole class of simple judgments. Relationship judgments like “A is equal to B”, “A is less than B” are also simple.

“And then B”, “A before B” , etc. These judgments are not reducible to judgments with the “is” bundle. If you use only a language that includes only categorical judgments, you will not be able to express most of mathematics, physics, and other sciences.


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Terms: Logics