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WORDPRESS 23 Footer. Divide the index into zones.


Today we summarize the styling and touch on an important question - how to properly divide the index.php file into several small files. At the beginning of the lesson you will need a style.css file . Next, you will work with index.php , and also create several new files. Probably thinking “well, is it really the final soon?” =) That is, we have almost finished the basic course!

Discover everything you need and start.

Step 1

Add padding: 10px to the footer div tag. Hope you remember how to add padding ? This time, I'm not writing code anymore, hoping for your memory ;-)

Step 2

Assign the height of the 18px string to all <p> footer tags via #footer p {} .

Today we are done with style.css .

Step 3

  • create a new file, name it header.php . If you are working not in a special editor, but in a text editor, for example in a notebook, make sure that this is a PHP file and not a text document.
  • in the index.php file, select everything first and to the end of the DIV header . Cut it out and paste into the header.php file

Step 4

In the index.php file, replace the highlighted code that you copied with the following:

<?php get_header(); ?>

This is a special WordPress function that is responsible for including the header.php file, instead of using <? Php include (TEMPLATEPATH. '/Header.php'); ?> .

Save and refresh browsers. You should not see any changes. If the topic looks somehow wrong after you made a change, then something is wrong.

Step 4

Step 4 is almost the same as the previous one. This time:

  • create sidebar.php file
  • select everything from the beginning of the DIV tag Sidebar to its end, copy and paste into the sidebar.php file
  • then, in the index.php file, replace the highlighted one with the code <? php get_sidebar (); ?>
  • save and refresh browsers.

And again you should not see a change.

Step 5

Repeat the above operations with <div id = "footer"> for the file footer.php.

This needs to be done with each new WordPress theme to ensure optimal and proper structure of the theme.

Lesson review

  • You have created three new files: header.php , sidebar.php and footer.php .
  • You've learned three new features: get_header () , get_sidebar () and get_footer () .


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