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18.9. Transmission of information with distortion. Channel bandwidth with interference. 2nd theorem of Shannon


In the previous article We considered issues related to the coding and transmission of information via a communication channel in the ideal case, when the process of transmitting information is carried out without errors. In fact, this process is inevitably accompanied by errors (distortions). A transmission channel in which distortion is possible is called a channel with noise (or noise). In the particular case of errors occur in the process of coding itself, and then the encoder can be considered as a channel with interference.

It is obvious that the presence of interference leads to loss of information. In order to receive the required amount of information on the receiver in the presence of interference, it is necessary to take special measures. One such measure is the introduction of so-called “redundancy” in the transmitted messages; at the same time, the source of information delivers obviously more characters than would be necessary in the absence of interference. One form of redundancy is simply repeating a message. This technique is used, for example, when hearing is poor on the phone, repeating each message twice. Another well-known way to increase the reliability of transmission is to transmit the word “by letter” - when instead of each letter a well-known word (name) is transmitted, starting with this letter.

Note that all living languages ​​naturally have some redundancy. This redundancy often helps to restore the correct text "within the meaning of" the message. That is why the distortion of individual letters of telegrams, which are often found, quite rarely leads to a real loss of information: it is usually possible to correct a distorted word using the properties of the language alone. It would not be in the absence of redundancy. A measure of the redundancy of the language is the value

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , (18.9.1)

Where 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon - the average actual entropy per one transmitted character (letter), calculated for fairly long passages of text, taking into account the dependence between the characters, 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon - the number of characters (letters) used, 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon - the maximum possible in these conditions, the entropy on one transmitted symbol, which would be if all the symbols were equally probable and independent.

Calculations made on the material of the most common European languages ​​show that their redundancy reaches 50% or more (that is, roughly speaking, 50% of the transmitted characters are redundant and could not be transferred if not for the danger of distortion).

However, for the accurate transmission of information, the natural redundancy of the language may be both excessive and insufficient: it all depends on how great the danger of distortion (“interference level”) in the communication channel is.

Using information theory methods, it is possible to find the necessary degree of information source redundancy for each interference level. The same methods help develop special error-correcting codes (in particular, the so-called "self-correcting" codes). To solve these problems, you must be able to take into account the loss of information in the channel associated with the presence of interference.

Consider a complex system consisting of a source of information 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon communication channel 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and receiver 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (fig. 18.9.1).

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon

Fig. 18.9.1.

The source of information is a physical system. 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , which has 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon possible states

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon

with probabilities

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

We will consider these states as elementary symbols that the source can transmit. 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon through the channel 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon to receiver 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . The amount of information per character that the source gives will be equal to the entropy per character:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

If the message transfer was not accompanied by errors, then the amount of information contained in the system 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon regarding 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , it would be equal to the very entropy of the system 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . If there are errors, it will be less:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

It is natural to consider conditional entropy. 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon as the loss of information on one elementary symbol associated with the presence of interference.

Knowing how to determine the loss of information in a channel per one elementary symbol transmitted by a source of information, it is possible to determine the channel capacity with interference, i.e., the maximum amount of information that a channel is capable of transmitting per unit of time.

Suppose a channel can transmit in unit time 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon elementary characters. In the absence of interference, the channel capacity would be equal to

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , (18.9.2)

since the maximum amount of information that a single character can contain is 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and the maximum amount of information that can contain 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon characters equal to 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and it is achieved when the symbols appear independently from each other.

Now consider the channel with interference. Its capacity is defined as

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , (18.9.3)

Where 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon - maximum information per symbol that a channel can transmit in the presence of interference.

The determination of this maximum information in the general case is a rather complicated matter, since it depends on how and with what probabilities the symbols are distorted; is there any confusion, or is it just a loss of some characters; Does the character distortion occur independently of each other, etc.?

However, for the simplest cases, the channel capacity can be calculated relatively easily.

Consider, for example, such a task. Link 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon transmits from the source of information 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon to receiver 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon elementary symbols 0 and 1 in number 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon characters per unit of time. In the process of transferring each character, independently of the others, with probability 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon may be distorted (i.e. replaced by the opposite). Required to find the bandwidth.

We first determine the maximum information per symbol that a channel can transmit. Let the source produce characters 0 and 1 with probabilities 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Then the source entropy will be

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Define information 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon on one elementary character:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

To find complete conditional entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon first we find the partial conditional entropies: 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (system entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon provided that the system 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon took the state 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ) and 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (system entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon provided that the system 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon took the state 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ). Calculate 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon , for this we assume that an elementary symbol 0 is transmitted. We will find the conditional probabilities that the system 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon is able to 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and able 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . The first one is equal to the probability that the signal is not confused:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ;

the second is the probability that the signal is confused:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Conditional entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon will be:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

We now find the conditional entropy of the system. 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon provided that 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (signal unit is transmitted):

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ; 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

from where

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

In this way,

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . (18.9.4)

Total conditional entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon it turns out if we average the conditional entropies 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon taking into account the probabilities 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon values 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . Since the partial conditional entropies are equal,

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

We got the following conclusion: conditional entropy 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon does not depend on what probabilities 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon there are 0 characters; 1 in the transmitted message, and depends only on the probability of error 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

We calculate the complete information transmitted by one symbol:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

Where 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon - the probability that the symbol 0 will appear at the output. Obviously, with the given channel properties, the information for one symbol 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon peaks when 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon as much as possible. We know that such a function reaches its maximum when 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon i.e. when on the receiver both signals are equally probable. It is easy to see that this is achieved when the source transmits both symbols with the same probability. 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . With the same meaning 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon reaches the maximum and information on one character. The maximum value is

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Therefore, in our case

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

and the bandwidth of the communication channel will be equal to

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . (18.9.5)

notice, that 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon is nothing but the entropy of a system that has two possible states with probabilities 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon and 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . It characterizes the loss of information on a single character associated with the presence of interference in the channel.

Example. 1. Determine the bandwidth of a communication channel capable of transmitting 100 symbols 0 or 1 per unit of time, each of the symbols being distorted (replaced by the opposite) with probability 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Decision. According to table 7 of the application we find

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

Information per one symbol is lost 0.0808 (two units). Bandwidth is equal to

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon

binary units per unit of time.

With the help of similar calculations, the channel capacity can also be determined in more complex cases: when the number of elementary symbols is more than two and when the distortions of individual symbols are dependent. Knowing the capacity of the channel, you can determine the upper limit of the speed of transmission of information on the channel with interference. We formulate (without proof) the second Shannon theorem relating to this case.

2nd theorem of Shannon

Let there is a source of information 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon, the entropy of which is equal per unit of time 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon, and the channel with bandwidth18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . Then if

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

then, with any coding, the transmission of messages without delays and distortions is impossible. If

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon ,

it is always possible to encode a sufficiently long message so that it is transmitted without delays and distortions with a probability arbitrarily close to one.

Example 2. There is a source of information with entropy per unit of time 18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon(two units) and two communication channels; each of them can transfer 70 binary characters (0 or 1) per unit of time; each binary sign is replaced by the opposite with probability18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon . It is required to find out: is the bandwidth of these channels sufficient to transmit information supplied by the source?

Decision. Determine the loss of information on one character:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (two units).

The maximum amount of information transmitted over one channel per unit of time:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon .

The maximum amount of information that can be transmitted on two channels per unit of time:

18.9.  Transmission of information with distortion.  Channel bandwidth with interference.  2nd theorem of Shannon (two units),

which is not enough to ensure the transfer of information from the source.


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Information and Coding Theory

Terms: Information and Coding Theory