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It has been scientifically proven that studies from early childhood, early development of mental abilities and abilities to concentrate on something in combination with the art of constantly waking up and maintaining the child’s interest in any type of activity contribute to the discovery and development of the talent of the new person.

Everyone knows that improper nutrition harms not only the physical condition of a person. This also has a strong effect on mental and social development. Therefore, food must necessarily be sufficient and complete.

Studies of brain development show that malnutrition during pregnancy harms cell proliferation. This is especially significant in the period from the 10th to the 18th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that fetal cells actively proliferate and by the end of this period reach the same number as in an adult. Violations during this period are irreversible. The greater the nutritional deficiency, the lower the brain weight.

Lack of nutrition has an inhibitory effect on learning. Often skipped classes due to illness. Due to reduced motivation, lack of coherence, excessive tension, diligence suffers greatly. Reduced activity and apathy are also aggravated by insufficient involvement of such children in mental activity.

The full nutrition of children and their mothers during pregnancy and feeding the child creates the basis for the normal development of intelligence. In a society where such nutrition cannot be provided, this negatively affects the intellectual development of the younger generation.

In addition to nutrition for a newly born baby, the normal conditions for its development are clean and oxygen-rich air. This is important influence of the environment. Stimulation of mental development in the first days of life is limited to the fact that a clean, emotionally warm external environment free from dirt, noise, anxiety, nervousness, etc. should be provided. With this, adults start encouraging the child’s mental development.

The role of the family can not be overestimated in the formation and development of man. The role of the teacher in education is immeasurably great. But how difficult and sometimes even pointless all his efforts are, if at home the child does not receive adequate reinforcement for the teacher’s efforts. In other words, parents will make a very significant contribution to the education of their offspring if they actively participate in his school life, his preparatory stage for it (both in terms of homework preparation, and during the preschool period in general).

The social status of the family plays a certain, though not paramount, role in the formation of the personality. The parenting education strategy and a specially created educational system with its specific historical differences are the background to higher or lower intelligence indices. However, differences in mental development between individuals exist independently of this. It has not yet been proven where there are more differences in abilities: between layers or within individual layers. Many studies show that intellectual advances that make it possible to achieve outstanding success are the property of all social groups, and their distribution does not depend on social origin.

The positive impact on all children is a conscientious, demanding attitude of parents and teachers to their upbringing and education. In addition, the social potential accumulated over the years more and more effectively influences the development of the intellectual abilities of all children.

In a family where several children grow and develop, the same conditions of development should be provided. Such conditions will help bring the often lower intellectual level of later born children to a higher level of firstborn. The lower intelligence factor is explained by the fact that the attention of adults to each next child is usually much lower. The more children there are, the less attention each person receives. However, the difference in the degree of intelligence is compensated if older children participate in the development of younger ones by sharing their practical experience. In addition, parents and other adults who are constantly around accumulate a great deal of experience in dealing with children and their learning and development. For an effective upbringing in the family, a friendly atmosphere, support and mutual assistance should reign.

Preschool institutions and the school play an important role in the upbringing and development of the child.

Already in the nursery, parents and caregivers need to stimulate the development of a young child. First of all, it is necessary to promote the differentiation of the activity of the sense organs. For example, variegated and brilliant objects that are manipulated at a distance of a meter from a child contribute to visual development. In this case, the child gets acquainted with new items and recalls already known. Objects that cause noise also stimulate acoustic perception. This teaches the child to navigate in space. Later, the child learns to identify as many objects as possible, to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar things, to express their attitude to certain sounds, noises and objects, to estimate the different distances between objects in space.

The development of speech contributes to the slow and intelligible pronouncing of words, melodious manner of speaking, singing, naming of surrounding objects and the designation of the activities used. In order to stimulate the child’s cognitive activity, one should try not to restrict his free movement in space and to engage in various types of economic activities. This contributes to the perception of increasingly complex phenomena and their comprehension with the help of various sense organs. The main thing is that the development of a child is accompanied by attention and love from adults, and the effect on his mental and physical abilities is maximal, but not excessively (that is, did not hinder learning), varied.

Kindergarten children also attend at the request of the parents. In kindergarten there are junior, middle and senior groups. Education is based on the results of the work done in the nursery. Besides,

It is taken into account that not all children attended the nursery.

The teacher introduces the kids with the phenomena and objects of the world through observation, search, selection, gathering, bringing in the system. With the help of comparison, children learn to summarize, to understand simple relationships.

In medium groups, the role of manipulations with objects is great. Children begin to count objects, compare them in length, width and height. Their experience is constantly updated. They learn to understand the qualitative and quantitative relationships between objects, their properties and the masses. At the same time, differentiated attitudes, mental activity and ingenuity of children, pleasure derived from games develop.

In the older group, children are engaged in comparing a variety of subjects that differ in many ways: from 1 to 4. They carry out various meaningful activities with them. Of course, everything usually happens in the form of a game. At this age, children participate in all the events of everyday life. They want to know everything. They are willing to play, but with monotonous activity they quickly get tired and lose the desire to do this further. At this age, they are already well spoken, they easily understand the oral explanations, especially if they are accompanied by vivid illustrations. They are very active, eager to do everything on their own.

It is important to support the child’s desire for action. On each walk, the child learns something new if adults pay attention to it and answer his questions. The main thing is that the explanations are given in a form understandable to the child. Much depends on the focus and consistency in the activities of the child. The child’s willingness to do something depends on a positive assessment of his actions, on the success of this activity, on the joyful feeling in the process of concrete actions, on the encouragement of adults. In stimulating a child to a specific type of activity, these factors must be taken into account. In addition, it is important to teach the child to win and lose.

The decisive factor in the development of personality is training in secondary school . Here the potential is laid for the realization of creative tasks, striving for perfection. Therefore, the assistance of experienced mentors during the transition to intensive self-education is simply necessary. The quality of education is crucial for achieving a high level of intelligence development.

Even the most gifted children do not always show their abilities, if not to engage in their development. Modern psychologists give a lot of advice about the education of the child's abilities. Of course, their advice should be resorted to given the specific situation, individual characteristics and age of the child. However, in psychology there are general provisions that should be followed during the development of both a child and an adult. In general, they boil down to the following points:

1) first of all it is necessary to proceed from the abilities already shown by the child. You can select them from those activities that are not only best for him, but also cause sincere interest. The child will be engaged in this direction with special pleasure;

2) maximize and maintain the interest of the child. After all, it is much more difficult to help a child maintain interest than to generate interest. In addition, the interest of the child must be made focused, since it is much easier to achieve the goal if you clearly represent it;

3) in order to achieve high results, it is necessary to constantly stimulate the activities of the chosen activity. All sorts of obstacles should not stop when you reach the goal - it is very important to teach the child to this. Moreover, the motivation must be constantly expanded: on the basis of what has been achieved, it is necessary to strive for more important goals;

4) you need to focus the child on the social significance of the activity. Awareness of making their own contribution to the development of their society and even humanity stimulates the pursuit of a chosen direction, facilitates overcoming many difficulties;

5) to direct the process of developing abilities must be very careful, sincerely believing in his strength and ability to achieve his plans. The child should feel the support of adults;

6) to develop the ability to be organized and purposeful. Even at the very beginning, the child’s activities should be directed to a certain direction.


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Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology

Terms: Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology