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Communication is a specific form of interaction of the individual with other individuals, as members of society.

Communication procedure consists of several components:

1) the need for communication - the individual needs to influence the interlocutor, learn or communicate some information, for this he needs to start the process of communication;

2) orientation in purposes and situations of communication;

3) orientation in the person of the interlocutor - for communication it is necessary to understand some of the qualities of the interlocutor, at least at an intuitive level;

4) planning the content of the message - when communicating, the interlocutors often consciously (or unconsciously) think through their further statements;

5) the choice of means - as well as content planning can be conscious and unconscious - is thinking about specific semantic and stylistic structures for constructing a message;

6) analysis of the response - the perception and assessment of the reaction of the interlocutor to the expressed message. Analysis of the effectiveness of the chosen direction and style of communication;

7) correction of the direction, style, methods of communication - is a consequence of the analysis of the response.

When communicating, the main carrier of information is mimicry and gestures - 60%, so the child’s speech, which does not contain complex semantic structures, but is filled with mimic content, is perceived by adults and, in most cases, is adequately recognized.

The early preschool age of a child is characterized by the acquisition of speech as a means of developing self-awareness and the personality of the child as a whole. Through speech communication, the child receives the information necessary for his development as a person. Speech in itself contains the means of reward or punishment, self-control and discipline. She also communicates to the child the rules and regulations adopted in the surrounding society. In the process of mastering speech in a child, there is a qualitative breakthrough in the possibility of self-control and self-realization, confirmed by the enhanced development of personal indicators. Therefore, it is not surprising that, at an early age, a child experiences qualitative changes in the psychology of thinking.

Communication consists of two components: the so-called " speaking" and understanding . Understanding allows you to learn the norms and requirements for a child by adults or peers. It allows you to adjust your behavior depending on the learned information. And the more developed a child is, that is, the more complex structures he is able to understand, the more subtle he will be able to react to the effects exerted through communication. “ Speaking” allows the child himself to make adjustments in the behavior of others, to clarify the requirements for him, and to form a dialogue in the form corresponding to his personal development.

The need for communication is based on the desire of the child to know himself and other people. Successful communication with adults and children affects his self-esteem. At the age of 3-5 years, a child develops an extra-operative-cognitive form of communication with others, which is based on the “theoretical” cooperation of the child with adults. Such cooperation comes to replace the cooperation "practical" .

“Theoretical” cooperation is a joint discussion with adults of events, phenomena, relationships of the surrounding world. The child is actively manifested cognitive activity, there is a desire to learn more new. At the age of 3-5 years, the child has a need for respect for an adult.

During this period, children have a lot of questions about objects and their various interrelations. The feature of communication in preschool age is extra-operativeness . The child is actively interested in objects and phenomena, even if they are not associated with him at the moment. During communication, children learn their own qualities and the qualities of other people. According to research, preschool children understand questions about a person’s personality traits and may notice their shortcomings. Most often, the self-esteem of preschool children is not sustainable, but at the moment this is a positive factor, because a critical attitude toward oneself speaks of the successful development of a child’s self-consciousness.

As the child begins to need respect from the adults, a special touchiness is possible, which is expressed in the termination of a particular activity after the comments from the adults. And, on the contrary, the praise of an adult causes a special delight in a child.

At preschool age, communication between children and adults is especially often cognitive in nature.

An adult teaches a child something, gives him new information. In this regard, in the view of the child, an adult looks like a source of special information.

After 3 years, the child has a need to communicate with peers, which is selective. R. A. Smirnova indicates that children aged 3–7 years old prefer to communicate with their peers who are friendly towards them. Researchers identify several complexes of manifestations of children addressed to peers, which makes it possible to classify them as types or ways of communicating with peers.

The first complex . The child seeks to carry out joint activities with peers. He actively helps his peer, gives him advice, shares his suggestions, etc. This complex is based on three manifestations :

1) the child learns something from a peer. In this case, the child appears as the youngest in communication;

2) the child himself offers his peer a scenario of activity, acts as an organizer, but at the same time accepts peer offers. In this case, children are equal partners;

3) the child acts as a senior, teaches the partner something, directs his activity. The first set shows how the child is committed to joint activities and cooperation with others. The child speaks about his actions: “We have done”, “We have built”, “We have succeeded”, etc.

The second complex . Manifested in the fact that the child begins to separate themselves from their peers. The child in every way seeks to demonstrate their true or imaginary talents. The child declares: “I did,” “I did it,” and so on. The child treats peers critically, assessing their abilities and skills: “Do you know how?”. Researchers define child behavior as a phenomenon of competitive imitation. The child does the same thing as the others, but declares that the results of his activities are the best. In this case, the child seeks to seize the initiative from peers, does not want to agree to the proposals of others. Peer orders are ignored. The child seeks to command himself, does not want his actions and words to be discussed, but he actively criticizes his peers.

If peers disagree with the child, he stops communicating with them, shows offense. This complex shows the need for children of preschool age to win peer respect. In the behavior of children, there is a desire to highlight their own personality, awareness and appreciation of their skills, constant comparison with their peers, and criticism of those around them. Researchers associate this behavior with the need for recognition and vanity of the child.

The third complex . It is based on the fact that peers are constantly in the field of attention. The child wants to share with peers his impressions, emotions, etc. He seeks to predict the actions of the partner. When a child tells something, he observes his partner and his reaction, wants to see what impression his story makes. In the third complex reflects the need for empathy with their peers.

The fourth complex . Based on the fact that the behavior of the child moves from serious to fantasy. The child writes fiction, develops jokes and fantasies of peers. The approval of the interlocutor causes an even greater tide of imagination in the child. This reflects the child’s desire for co-creation with a peer.

It is in the preschool years that the enrichment of the child’s sensual experience takes place; he masters the specific human forms of perception and thinking. Speech, imagination, memory are actively developing.


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