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Age-related psychology


The subject and history of the psychology of human development. Categories of development. Theories of mental development. The concept of learning social experience. Education and development. Prerequisites, conditions and driving forces of development. Periodization of mental development. Age category Development as a process and activity. Social situation of development, the leading type of activity, the main neoplasms. The main stages of human development. Generic crisis. Stage of newborn. Infancy. Complex revitalization. Early childhood. Subject activity. Symbolism. The crisis of three years. Consciousness and self-preschooler. The crisis of childhood. Psychological readiness for school. Adolescence. Learning activities. Theoretical thinking. Personal development. The crisis of adolescence. Teenager and adults. Self-awareness of adolescents. The need for self-affirmation. Youth. Awareness of self as a person. Worldview. Self-determination. The crisis of youth. Definition of the meaning of life. Youth. Authorship own lifestyle. The crisis of youth. Stage of maturity. The crisis of adulthood. Maturity. The crisis of maturity. Old age.


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Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology

Terms: Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology