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Individual Development Plan (IPR)


IPR (Individual Development Plan), or CPD (Personal Development Plan) is a tool that helps an employee systematically and purposefully develop the necessary skills and qualities. The IRP is a document describing development goals and concrete actions that allow achieving the goals set.

Individual development plan helps to implement several tasks:
• allows the employee to develop more purposefully and systematically;
• coordinates work and development goals;
• provides an opportunity to control and monitor development;
• translates general and specific ideas on self-development to the level of concrete actions;
• allows you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.

An individual development plan is mainly used in large companies as a tool for self-development of managers in the personnel reserve. However, this does not negate its effectiveness as an independent technique.

An individual development plan is beneficial to the employee because:
• allows you to prepare for the upcoming changes, new projects, new position,
• helps self-organization - having an IRP, it is easier to bring into your life and work plans events and actions that will help the manager achieve development goals,
• helps to prioritize and focus on learning and development.

IPR system use provides:
• an opportunity to see the management potential of the company and predict the possibilities of its development;
• monitoring learning and development processes. Knowing the managers of their managers, the company will be able to more accurately carry out personnel policy;
• focus on the company's strategy. By participating in the drafting of IPR through external and internal consultants, the company helps managers to prioritize and focus on learning and development according to strategy.

The compilation of IPR usually involves several steps:
Stage one - preparatory.
The employee studies the report on the results of the assessment (if it was carried out), receives and studies development recommendations from the manager, independently determines development priorities, and if necessary, consults with the consultant (external or internal, often the role of the consultant is performed by the training and development specialist).
Stage two - compiling the IRP.
The employee fills in a table with the priorities of his development and a map of developmental actions, where he clearly indicates how and when he will develop the necessary skills.
Stage three - coordination.
The employee coordinates his IRP with a consultant and / or manager and makes adjustments if necessary.
Stage four - approval.
The employee approves his IDR from the head and representative of the HR department.

The main areas of development in IPR are usually the following:

  1. Development in the workplace - specific changes in the work process that contribute to the development of competence.
  2. Special tasks (projects) - participation in such a project that requires a higher level of competence.
  3. Learning from others is the observation of a person whose competence is highly developed.
  4. Feedback search is a discussion with colleagues and subordinates of their work in terms of this competence.
  5. Self-study - analysis of their work and independent search for more effective solutions.
  6. Trainings - participation in training programs.

To live according to the plan is much more efficient and more useful than to lead a messy lifestyle. Everyone who decided to improve their lives and improve its quality.

“Planning nothing is the same as planning a failure.”
Winston Churchill.

Do you know where you go? Where do you see yourself in five, ten or fifteen years? If you do not have a specific goal, no matter what path you choose, it will not lead you anywhere, and you will wander meaninglessly through life. To prevent this from happening, try to create an individual life plan - a plan for your development, something like a map that will help you not to stray from the road.

What gives an individual development plan?

Clarity. A clear idea of ​​what you are striving for will help you understand whether you are performing the right actions.

Answers to “why?” Questions. When your goals and objectives are in front of your eyes, it will be easier for you to understand why you are doing exactly as you are. Your doubts will go away from your life.

Reference point. If you regularly check your life path with the path that you set for yourself, you will not get lost and eventually come to your goals.

How to make a personal development plan? First, determine which areas of life are most important to you. For example, it is a career, money, health, relationships and position in society.

Now make a table by which you can see what and for what period of time you want to achieve in each of these areas (see fig.).

In each window, answer the following four questions :

  1. What exactly do I want to achieve?
  2. Why?
  3. Who can help me with this?
  4. What actions do I need to take?

An individual development plan is compiled primarily based on your life goals and priorities. Therefore, your answers to questions should be reduced to one thing - to whom you want to see yourself in the future.

  Individual Development Plan (IPR)

An example of an independently created individual development plan.

By completing this table, you will create a very precise, concrete, detailed and long-term action plan that will help you step by step to accomplish everything that you have outlined.

Individual development plan. Example IRP

The IPR - Individual Development Plan is a document describing the development goals and concrete actions that allow to achieve the goals. In this article you will see an example of an individual employee development plan.


F. I. O. Employee: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Place of work, position: DIRECTOR OF DIRECTION

FULL NAME. linear leader: Avramov Semen Semenovich

Approved ____ p.____



FULL NAME. internal or external consultant: Avramov Igor Sergeevich

Agreed __________



Recommendations of the line manager or supervisor (based on the results of the Performance Appraisal)

Development guidelines

(according to the results of the assessment)

Other qualities, professional skills that need development from your point of view.

If possible, try to make more independent decisions without prior support of higher managers.

Develop a "fighting" quality. In particular, 1) deliberately choose the tasks that require these qualities; 2) do not allow yourself to compensate for the lack of perseverance, exploiting their strengths (flexibility, adaptability, creativity).

Development of public presentation skills of decisions developed by management and influence on a wide audience

COMPETENCE requiring development \ Development goals for this year :   To develop, by the end of this year, the skills of influencing the audience: to be able to choose the best style based on the situation and audience and convincingly defend your ideas and decisions when communicating with managers of different levels.





Tick ​​mark

Workplace Development

- Independently take responsibility and risks for solving problems arising at the junction of the units

- In daily work, keep track of all situations of influence on employees and management. Highlight successful and unsuccessful attempts to make an impact. Analyze the reasons for failure, and their strengths, which allowed to successfully influence

until the end of the year

until the end of the year

Special tasks (projects)

To hold an informational meeting with representatives of the JSC ............. team on issues of the corporate wage system and to achieve a full understanding and acceptance of this system.

until 30.12.XXXX

Learning from others

Constantly observe the leadership behavior of the President ............, note aspects in their behavior that help them to be convincing in the eyes of the audience. Adopt their methods of influence

during a year

Feedback Search

Discuss by Vice President ........ your leadership style. Adjust it with the recommendations received.

until 15.12.XXXX


1) Together with the consultant to make a multi-level description of the competence "skills of public speaking." Evaluate yourself for this competency. 2) Prepare for several presentations with a consultant. Get feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the presentations. 3) Conduct a joint analysis and formulate recommendations to improve the effectiveness of their own speeches. To achieve measurable progress (minimum - by 1 level) in terms of “Public speaking skills”

during a year

Self study

Myers D. “Social psychology: Intensive course: Secrets of the influence of motives and actions, the subordination of power”, 2001

Robert Cialdini "Psychology of Influence",

during a year

Trainings and seminars

"Skills of development and management decision making"

"The Art of Influence"

"Technology Effective Presentations"


Date of completion ____________________ Signature of employee __________________


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Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology

Terms: Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology