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Plastic years


When a child is six years old, he has completed preschool education, and he finds himself in a much less indulgent big world. Now he himself must understand his relations with teachers, other boys and girls.

Fortunately, now he is no longer a helpless baby thrown into the world. From his parents' house, he arrived at a huge, fussy school armed with a set of his social reactions that would be applied to the people around him. In his mind already outlined their own ways of mastering the circumstances, or at least survival, and his life plan is ready. This was well known to the priests and teachers of the Middle Ages, who said: "Leave me a child under six years old, and then take back." A good preschool educator can even foresee what kind of life awaits a child, whether he will be happy or unhappy, whether he will become a winner or be a failure.

The fate of any person depends largely on his development at preschool age, when he knows almost nothing about the world, when his head and heart contain mainly what his parents and his other educators put into it. But it is this “miracle” that the child determines what may happen to him in the future. He still has no way to distinguish truth from deception, so many everyday phenomena turn out to be distorted in him.

He still believes that the sun "walks" across the sky, and it takes years to understand that it is he who "walks" around the sun. He still confuses his stomach with his stomach, he is still too young to answer a question more complicated than: “What do you want to eat for dinner?” And yet he is already the master of his life.
The plan for the future is made mainly by family instructions. Some of the most important moments can be detected quite quickly, already in the first conversation, when the psychotherapist asks: "What did your parents tell you about life when you were little?" will help to present the real situation.


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