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Brainstorming and its varieties as effective tools for solving management problems


Annotation. The article discusses the nature, principles and basic variations of brainstorming. A classification of the main types of brainstorming, their advantages and limitations, as well as the optimal conditions for their effective use are proposed. The role of the leader is emphasized as the main reserve for the improvement of the brainstorming technique.

Brainstorming is one of the most widely used and effective methods for creating diverse ideas and making management decisions. This method was developed in 1939-1941 by A. Osborn, and in 1953 the basic rules and procedures of the method were finally defined and outlined in his book Applied Imagination [11].
Recently, a large number of various options for brainstorming have been developed, which are widely used to solve various, including managerial problems [3; five; 6; ten; 12; 15 ].
At the same time, a number of reputable researchers such as T. Bouchard, T. Rickards and D. Friedman, E. Lewis, T. Sadoski and T. Koraolli subjected the brainstorming procedure to a deep critical analysis, revealing a number of serious limitations and even disadvantages of this method. [four; 9; 14].
Despite the existence of objective limitations, brainstorming continues to be actively used in a variety of forms in business decision making, management, education, and public administration. However, it is often combined with other known methods of enhancing creativity and still proves its practicality and effectiveness. In this regard, the creation of new types of brainstorming continues in our time. So, among the most well-known new variants of this technique, one can distinguish Brainstorming Deluxe, Brainline or Electronic Brainstorming, as well as Kaleidoscopic Brainstorming [6; eight].
The increased, and continuing to increase, the number of variations of brainstorming requires the development of various procedures and methods for their classification, as well as the study of internal and external conditions for the effectiveness of their application.

Classic brainstorming is a predominantly verbal method of generating ideas and solving practical problems, which is carried out in small, specially organized groups of equal rights and different participants (3-12 people). He assumes the presence of a well-trained leader - a facilitator, a secretary, a well-defined problem, two stages of generation of ideas separated in time and their evaluation, the total duration of which is from 1 to 1.5 hours.
Methodological and theoretical foundations of brainstorming are the following universal provisions:
1. Understanding creativity as a process of self-organization , as the spontaneous emergence of order from apparent disorder.
Conscious acceptance of uncertainty leads to the achievement of creative freedom and the discovery of new opportunities, and the directed ordering of disorder leads to the spontaneous generation of ways to solve problems. In this sense, the key metaphor of brainstorming is the process of creating and subduing creative chaos.
2. There is an analogy between creativity and the process of evolution in nature. In accordance with this approach, creativity is a Darwinian process, or "the process of blind variations and selective preservation" (D. Campbell, 1960). It is the wealth and diversity of life forms that are the basis for change, development and creative generation of new forms.
Brainstorming is based on two fundamental principles: “quantity generates quality” and “deferred evaluation of ideas” and is governed by four basic rules: 1. Any criticism is prohibited 2. The most unusual and fantastic ideas are welcomed 3. Number of ideas is more important than quality 4. Ideas are combined and improved .

We can distinguish the following main functions of brainstorming:
1. Brainstorming is a powerful tool for creative problem solving. This method helps to generate new productive ideas and create effective management solutions.
2. Brainstorming motivates and develops teamwork , activates teamwork and discussions. In turn, group interaction creates a wide range of alternatives and a variety of points of view.
The power of this method is to create a synergistic effect, to generate creative and divergent energy, to design a new creative space in which each reinforces and stimulates another, in which new ideas grow from other ideas.
The essence of the brainstorming method is divergent thinking, namely: the generation of a large number of different ideas and the generation of diversity. In addition, a large number of ideas serves as a fertile soil on which effective practical solutions to problems arise. Moreover, it is the generation of unusual, wild and stupid ideas that often leads to the most useful and strong solutions.
The essential criterion for the effectiveness of brainstorming is the number of ideas generated. That is why the main goal of this method is to overcome internal and social barriers, the destruction of cognitive patterns, habits, stereotypes and inertia of thinking. At the same time, the leader’s most important task is to create a creative, friendly atmosphere of comfort and trust, a special creative space in which participants freely, spontaneously and with pleasure put forward new ideas.
Currently, there are a large number of different variants of classical brainstorming, built on its basic principles.
Modern types of brainstorming include additional methods, procedures, games, tools, equipment and technologies that are used to organize and stimulate participants. The abundance of methods and techniques of brainstorming requires from the leader the ability to select the best, the most optimal technique in these conditions. This should take into account the following factors that determine the specific situation:
1. The main characteristics of the problem: complexity, level of uncertainty and novelty, vagueness of definition, heterogeneity, dynamics.
2. Features of the group: size, heterogeneity , level of development and qualifications, status, age and current status of group members.
3. Brainstorming situation: room characteristics, availability of necessary equipment, special forms, cards, posts, pens, sheets of paper on flip charts or software.
In turn, the presence of numerous varieties of traditional brainstorming necessitates the problem of their classification. In order to maximize the coverage of all existing variations of brainstorming, we can conditionally combine them into three large groups:
1. Variations created on the basis of a change in the structure or procedure of a classic brainstorming session.
2. Variations emphasizing the group character of the generation of ideas, using the synergistic effect of interaction between the participants.
3. Modifications based on the integration of brainstorming with other well-known methods of enhancing creativity.

I. Structural and procedural differences. First of all, reverse (negative) brainstorming can be attributed to this group . In this case, it is necessary to distinguish two different techniques for performing this method, which are often referred to in the literature by the same name. So reverse brainstorming is a combination of brainstorming and reversibility techniques. The reverse method consists in receiving answers to the directly opposite question, initially asked and then applying the results to solve the main problem.
In turn, negative brainstorming is a common brainstorming, in which attention is directed to the analysis of potential problems, the identification of the shortcomings of the situation and the actual objects, products or services. The goal of a brainstorming session is to compile the most comprehensive list of contradictions, defects, flaws, gaps and limitations of actually existing objects or ideas.
Combined brainstorming consists of various combinations of classical and negative brainstorming techniques and includes several varieties. So in a double brainstorming session after a classic session, participants take a break for 2-3 days and then repeat it again. During the break - the subconscious of the participants is activated and generates new unexpected and fundamental ideas. At the same time, various combinations are possible, among which there are:
but). Negative - classic - negative brainstorming. b). Shuttle Brainstorming (Shuttle Brainstorming), during which formed two groups of participants with different abilities - generating and critics of ideas, and these groups of participants work alternately in different rooms.
A kind of brainstorming technique is “Question Brainstorming”, which consists of generating questions related to the problem and suspending attempts to provide immediate answers and short-term solutions. At the second stage, participants generate answers to questions that serve as the basis for building future action plans. Brainstorming with stops (Stop-And-Go Brainstorming) is divided into certain stages. Ideas are generated within three to five minutes, and then the group remains silent, which allows participants to gather their thoughts and focus on the ideas that have been put forward until this point. After this, ideas are re-generated for an additional three to five minutes.
A qualitatively new approach is implemented in the Gordon Method (Sequential Disclosure Technique). This method was proposed by W. Gordon when he worked in the 1950s for the Arthur D. Little Invention Design Unit and was therefore named A. Wangandi (Gordon-Little Variation, 1981) [3; 5; 10].
Gordon noted that participants in brainstorming often look for the perfect or obvious solution and their quick finding suspends the real creative process. He proposed a procedure that helped avoid quickly finding a solution to the problem, the tendentiousness of the process of generating ideas and its early termination. Participants initially do not know what the real problem is, which initially appears in an extremely broad, generalized and theoretical form, and more specific details and details are revealed gradually step by step.
A similar approach is implemented in Didactic Brainstorming (Didactic Brainstorming), which is used to study deeper methodological and theoretical foundations of practical problems. This method begins with an abstract representation of the problem, for example: What is beauty? Participants for a certain time discuss the problem, and generate various answers. Only after that the true definition of the real problem is revealed. This approach is effective in a group with philosophically minded participants. In the Rawlinson Brainstorm (J.G. Rawlinson, 1970), group interaction does not matter. Its implementation is especially effective in unprepared groups, in which the interaction between group members is weakened, and all the thoughts of the participants are directed to the facilitator and secretary [5; 6; 10].
Kaleidoscopic Brainstorming or the Multiple Intelligence Conference (Murthy) is a new approach to brainstorming, in which various degrees and modes of silence and communication are effectively used as tools. A distinctive feature of this technique is that all members of the group are encouraged to empathize, to penetrate into the consciousness of other participants, to the ability to "put yourself in the place of another." During the discussion, each participant can also comment on the guesses of other participants, confirm and refine them. In this sense, this activity helps to open the deep areas of consciousness, which, in turn, contributes to a better understanding and improvement of relations, relationships, teamwork and cooperation. The participants' minds act as mirrors, creating multiple reflections from each other, like a few small glass pieces inside a kaleidoscope, creating beautiful patterns and patterns [8].
The main purpose of the “Wildest Idea Technique” method is to identify revolutionary ideas for improving a process, product, or service. This technique stimulates participants to brainstorm the “out-of-the box”, in order to generate truly crazy, daring and wild ideas. Every fantastic idea is brainstormed until it translates into a realistic solution. Crazy ideas are not productive by themselves, but they can stimulate others to find more practical ideas.
Individual brainstorming is carried out independently, with the help of techniques such as “free writing”, “free speaking”, free verbal associations and the brain web. Individual brainstorming is in some cases more effective than traditional brainstorming.
In groups in which group interaction is initially not developed, it is advisable to carry out such a technique as Brainwriting or “Written Brainstorming”, which was originally created in Germany in the 70s and developed by Arthur Wangandi. In this method, each participant writes his ideas on cards, self-adhesive sheets or paper, centering on the meaning of words, phrases, details, examples and thoughts, as well as deepening and developing any interesting points. In this case, with individual brainwriting, participants write down their ideas in a secluded, quiet place, and later share them with others.

Ii. Group brainstorming techniques - it is advisable to apply in groups with a high level of interpersonal interaction, or when the formation of a team is one of the objectives of the training. Group Brainwriting Technique is used in groups that prefer to put forward and discuss ideas in writing. In this version, individually recorded ideas are passed on to other participants who develop them or use them as incentives for putting forward new ideas. This method can be easily used when working with large groups, and there are no real restrictions on the size of the group. The advantage of this method is that all ideas are written on paper and can be easily read and used to put forward new ideas. Group brainwashing significantly speeds up the decision process, since all participants work and put forward ideas throughout the session. Brainwriting Pool was developed at the Battelle Institute, Frankfurt, Germany. In this method, new ideas are stimulated by the ideas of the participants written down on paper, and not by the ideas of participants.
In the same row is the Gallery Method (The Gallery Method), in which not ideas move in a circle of participants, but opposite participants, as in an art gallery move past ideas recorded on flip charts. Participants walk around the room and read the ideas of other participants and come up with other related ideas that they add to the list. Closest in technology is Brainwalking or Brainstorming in Motion. In this case, the participants write their ideas on large sheets of paper placed on the wall. Each sheet of paper has a topic related to the main problem, and participants can walk and add comments on the sheets.
6-3-5 Brainwriting (6-3-5 method, method 635) - is a group method of creativity, originally developed by Bernd Rohrbach (1968). The name of brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the brainstorming process scheme, which includes a group of 6 participants who must write down 3 ideas on separate cards every 5 minutes. Participants are encouraged to use the ideas of other members of the group to inspire and stimulate the creative process. After 6 rounds in 30 minutes, group members create a total of up to 108 ideas [5; 6; 12].
Circular Brainstorming and Round Table Method (Round-Robin And Roundtable Brainstorming) S. Kagan (1992), suggests the prioritization of answers that are given in a circle, according to the principle “one answer at a time”. This method, giving everyone equal chances to make their own contribution, ensures the active involvement of each participant in the process, encourages more restrained team members and limits the activity of more dominant participants. This method, in turn, has verbal and written versions. So Circular Brainstorming (Roundrobin) (verbal version) is that the facilitator asks the participants in turn and in circles to express their ideas, which are then recorded on a flip chart. The Round Table Method (Written Version) is carried out by the technician: “One sheet of paper”, in which participants take turns writing down their ideas on one sheet of paper and the “Pile of cards” version, which involves writing ideas on separate cards.
Similar, but a separate technique is the Group Passing Technique. When performing this technique, participants are placed in a circle or at a table, and offer their ideas at a fast pace. This way of expressing ideas does not allow participants to think long and persistently about ideas, as may be the case with voluntary responses. This technique also has three versions: “One idea on one piece”, “Many ideas on one sheet” and “Book of ideas”.
The method of nominal groups is the most famous (A. L. Delbeck, E. G. Van de Ven, 1971). In this method, a group of 10 participants and an experienced facilitator, or 3-4 groups of up to 10 people, with a representative of each group and one general facilitator, silently generate ideas in writing. Each idea is pronounced out loud and recorded on a flip chart, followed by discussion and evaluation. Received ideas are voted on, ranked and a solution is developed based on them.
In large audiences, The Buzz Session is an effective tool (J. Donald Phillips, 1948). In this large group is divided into small groups that discuss specific aspects of the main theme. A small group can solve individual parts of a common problem or deal with specific subtasks. As a variation, the Phillips Method 66 is used , in which the audience is divided into subgroups of six people who generate ideas within six minutes.
The Blue Leaf Method (Blue Slips Technique) developed by K. Crawford (1920) is also effective for working with large groups.
This is an organized process used to collect ideas in large groups of 50 to 200, and sometimes more participants. It was used to gather strategic information, generate creative ideas for improving the quality of services, conduct strategic planning sessions and practice management support. In this case, stacks of blue sheets are distributed to participants to record new ideas. The method can be used when there is no time or opportunity to discuss ideas, and you just need to collect the thoughts of the participants.
The Pin Card Technique method was developed by the Battelle Institute (H. Geschke et al., 1981). A distinctive feature of this method is that each participant receives cards of a certain color, which after filling are immediately transferred to the neighbor on the right, creating their movement around the table. The method ensures the alternation of answers and takes into account the individual contribution of each participant, since it is not anonymous. Subsequently, the ideas on multi-colored cards are fixed on the board for group examination.
There are more free and open variations of brainstorming, among which we can distinguish game and role-based brainstorming. So the Brainwriting Game is held in the form of a competition game. At the same time, in this game, the atmosphere of fun prevails over the competitive spirit, and the facilitator ensures that there can be no losers in it. The format of the game can be especially useful in training programs.
Rolestorming Technique was created by R. E. Griggs (1985) and described by Artur B. Wangandi (1988). In this method, participants are identified with another person and consider problems and solutions from different points of view. This technique can be used in the form of the Rotating Roles Method , in which roles are alternately proposed to participants written on the plates [5; 6; 12].

Iii. Brainstorming techniques combined with other well-known methods are the most effective variations of brainstorming, as they fill the free flow of ideas generated with quality content and creative orientation of special methods of activating creativity.
Thus, Team Idea Mapping is the creation of a collective intelligence card in a lively, free atmosphere of brainstorming, ensuring the participation of all group members. In turn, the Cluster Brainstorming (Bubble Method) of The Classic Сluster Brainstorming Method (The Bubble Method) allows you to identify various aspects of the actual problem. At the same time around the recorded in the center of a sheet of paper and circled words, topics or problems, for 5-10 minutes all the words that come to mind are recorded. The procedure is repeated for new word-ideas. In this way, a certain cluster structure is created, which makes it possible to clarify the original problem. For a more in-depth analysis of the problem, the KJ Method (KJ Method) or Generic Similarity Chart, which was developed by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita in the 1960s and became one of the seven methods of management and planning of modern Japanese quality management, is used. In this method, ideas are recorded on cards, which are then grouped, classified, named, and subject to a voting and selection procedure. The KJ-method seeks to pay special attention to the most important, verifiable and important ideas.
The basis of the Trigger Method (Trigger Method) (J. E. Bujake, 1969) is the principle of repetition and chain reaction of ideas. One idea serves as a trigger, a stimulus, and gives rise to a new idea, one in turn, another one, and so on, until as many thoughts are created as possible.
Imaginary Brainstorming consists in forming a new look at the problem, by changing some words in the definition of the problem. The reformulation of the problem allows to present it in its original and unusual form. Subsequently, participants apply ideas obtained during an imaginary brainstorming session to solve a real problem.
The original idea generation technique is Avia Cliche, proposed by Artur B. Wangandi. This method combines an atmosphere of entertainment, structured brainstorming and bracing. This method helps groups create ideas in a playful atmosphere that stimulates the emergence of unique ideas. At the same time, paper planes are used to create such an atmosphere and increase the degree of mutual enrichment of ideas. Battelle –Bildmapping –Braynraiting (BBB) was developed by researchers from the institute in Frankfurt, Germany. (J. Warfield, H. Geschke and R. Hamilton, 1975). The BBB approach begins with a classic brainstorming session, followed by a stage of stimulating ideas with photos and ends with the second round of generating ideas. The main advantage of the BBB method is that the creation, stimulated by viewing photos of ideas, is a good technique for overcoming the personal inhibitions often encountered in the participants of the brainstorming session. The Visual Brainstorming method is a technique for co-graphically generating ideas, during which team members draw sketches of problem solutions, which are subsequently used as springboards for deeper decisions. A variation of this method is to build a model of the current process using materials such as colored paper, ribbons, toys, designer parts, wire and thread to represent connections. Role-playing improvisational game is one of the possible forms of visual brainstorming. Although this approach is verbal, the focus is on movements, gestures, and non-verbal signals.The application of this method is effective when the process of classical brainstorming slows down and the flow of ideas diminishes. Quick sketching of impulsive ideas helps to avoid the loss of nascent useful thoughts. Instant response to the idea of ​​immediately sketching a sketch creates an impulse that prevents any critical thoughts that interfere with the thinking process.

Another type of visual method is the Right Brainstorm (Rightbraining). In this case, the activity of the subconscious mind is activated, and the incomplete images obtained as a result of spontaneous creative activity, in turn, motivate them to complete them in any possible way. Braindrawing или мозговой штурм с рисунками может быть использован, когда группа предпочитают невербальные методы творчества. Брейндровинг реализуется путем предоставления невербальных стимулов творческому ( невербальному) правому полушарию мозга. Создание коллективно зарисованных ескизов (каракулей) гарантирует их случайный характер и наполненность различными элементами. Брейнскетчинг (Brain Sketch) или Мозговой штурм с эскизами (Aртур Б. Ванганди, 1988) является методом генерации идей, основанном на брейнрайтинге и использующим зарисовку эскизов в качестве основного средства записи идей. Военная Версия Мозговой Штурма (The Military Brainstorming Version)as part of the Process Assessment, it was developed in the armies of Great Britain and Australia (G. Klein, M. Sebell, and others) for operational planning and was subsequently improved by introducing the human factor. This technique is based on the model of directional creativity and focuses on a thorough assessment of all aspects of the problem before making a decision [5, 12, 15].
In Directed Brainstorming , the problem solving space, which includes the criteria and conditions for evaluating the best ideas, is given to participants before the session. In Brainstorming with Variable Brainstormingparticipants are asked to determine the essential variable of the desired result. Then a list of all possibilities for this variable is compiled and its various variations are determined.

With the help of the Value Brainstorming (Value Brainstorming) the group determines the deep, value foundations of the problem being solved, which makes it more likely to find a high-quality effective solution. Participants compile a list of primary questions regarding the definition of the problem, and then a list of hidden values ​​that underlie these primary questions. Then the obtained values ​​are clarified, ranked, and on their basis the group proposes a solution and the actions that must be taken to implement it. Brainstorming Deluxe Essence(Greg Bachmann, 2000) consists in the successive increment of value at individual stages. The brainstorming process itself Deluxe divides the complex composite process of generating ideas into five segments, the result of each of which is an increment of value. The decisions of participants bringing additional value to the organization are transferred to all structural units of the organization and all interested parties.
Currently, electronic brainstorming, online brainstorming, or brainline (Peter Lloyd) are widely used .
The word brainline is formed by the combination of the words "brainstorm" and "online",and the process itself proceeds like a brainstorming on the Internet in real time. This technique allows to bring together participants from different countries and regions connected to each other [5; 6; 15] into a single virtual group.
The advantage of this method is the possibility of simultaneously combining a large number of creative, differing from each other participants who generate much more diverse ideas than in traditional brainstorming or brainwriting. The most important feature and advantage of the brainline is “cross-pollination,” that is, the mutually guaranteeing exchange of ideas. Brainlineallows authors to leave their comments anonymously and behave more freely, which helps to overcome social barriers and internal stereotypes of thinking. An important advantage of brainline is the ability to save ideas in electronic form and use them at any other time for further reflection and discussion.

В настоящее время мозговой штурм продолжает оставаться одним из наиболее широко используемых и эффективных методов создания разнообразных идей, мощным инструментом творческого решения проблем и принятия управленческих решений.
Сущностью мозгового штурма является творческое, дивергентное мышление, позволяющее порождать большое количество различных идей и вариантов решения различных практических, в том числе и управленческих проблем. Мозговой штурм развивает командное взаимодействие, активизирует коллективную работу, которая с одной стороны позволяет создавать разнообразие точек зрения, а с другой повышает групповую сплоченность.
Одним из вариантов классификации возросшего количеста вариаций мозгового штурма является разделение всего многообразия модификаций на три большие группы: а) методы созданные на основе изменения структуры или процедуры классического мозгового штурма; б) методы, основанные на групповом характере генерации идей и использующие синергетический эффект взаимодействия между участниками; в) методы, созданные путем интеграции мозгового штурма с другими известными методами активизации творчества.
Одним из путей усовершенствования и повышения эффективности мозгового штурма является сочетание брейнсторминга с другими методами стимуляции творческого мышления. В то же время основным резервом повышения эффективности мозгового штурма и всех его модификаций, является подготовка, выбор и сама деятельность лидера-фасилитатора, обладающего практическими навыками, коммуникативными способностями, эмпатией, харизмой, индивидуальным творческим потенциалом и умением пробуждать таорческий потенциал участников.
В этом смысле, основной задачей лидера-фасилитатора является создание творческой, дружеской атмосферы, особого творческого пространства, в котором участники свободно, спонтанно выдвигают новые оригинальные и практические идеи. Лидер должен знать и свободно владеть всеми разновидностями мозгового штурма и в зависимости от качественной характеристики проблемы, особенностей и актуального состояния группы, топологических, временных и материальных ресурсов, выбирать наиболее эффективные методы и свободно и гибко применять их в данной уникальной ситуации, с целью нахождения оптимального и сильного решения проблемы.


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius