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5.2. TRANSPERSONAL THEORY argues that the essential characteristic and indispensable condition of genius is the ability to attain, maintain and transmit a state of transpersonal or cosmic consciousness, creative ecstasy and illumination, enlightenment, satori and, above all, the highest productive creative inspiration.
Genius manifests itself as the ability to enter new creative states, to achieve hypersensitivity to the influence of information and semantic fields, to awaken dormant creative reserves in oneself and to use internal and external possibilities to the maximum.
At the same time, in this theory, the particular determinant, considered not to be changed or alternative, but a creative, initial state, which is experienced by a genius in the creative process, is considered as a fundamental reality, a key determinant and the highest value.
In contrast to the mystical theory of genius, which is associated with the experience of pressure and subordination to unknown external forces, up to a feeling of impersonality and complete lack of will, the transpersonal theory, recognizing the fact of selfless dissolution of a person in the Universe, retains her ability to maximally purely realize what is happening and control all phenomenal worlds.
Throughout human history, it was believed that the deep structures and meanings of the Universe can be revealed and expressed only with the help of special states, which were the content and the highest goal of various religious and philosophical doctrines and practices. These states have different names: “Trance” (early religions), “Moksha” - liberation, “Mukti” - liberation from sensuality, “Kaivalya” - achievement of pure uncluttered consciousness (Hinduism), “Samadhi” - a state of enlightenment, which is expressed in peace of mind, merging of individual consciousness with the cosmic Absolute (yoga philosophy), “U (wu)” (absence, emptiness, non-existence) or Ultimate Tao, “State of an unborn baby” (Taoism), “Divine inspiration” (mania) (Plato) , "Contemplative ecstasy and spiritual bliss" (Flesh n, Proclus), "Nirvana" - a state of perfection, satisfaction and self-sufficiency, "Prajna" - an enlightened experience of non-duality (Buddha), "Satori" - enlightenment caused by comprehension of the true inner nature (Zen Buddhism), "Khal" - short-term and “Makam” is a steady mystical state, representing the experience of friendship and mystical trepidation (Rabi'a Al-Adawiyah, Al-Kushayri), “Fana” - full dissolution in the Absolute, “Baka” - being in contemplation of God and acquiring divine qualities (Al -Bists), " Lacquered Ecstasy ”- immersion into the luminous darkness of the highest knowledge and sensation in oneself the presence of the Divine (Gregory of Nyssa),“ Mystical Ecstasy ”(Meister Eckhard, Jacob Boehme),“ Cosmic Consciousness ”(Richard Beck),“ Ultimate State of Consciousness "(John White)," Higher and Unmanifest Consciousness "(Sri Aurobindo)," Oceanic Ecstasy "(Stanislav Grof)," Peak-expirience "or vertex, ultimate experiences (Abraham Maslow)," Mind "- Higher Consciousness identical to the absolute and the ultimate reality of the universe (Ken Wilber), “Stream” - conditions of increased con entratsii focus, productivity and happiness (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi).
Behind the visible variety of transpersonal experience and the cultural and historical diversity of its descriptions, lies a single eternal, trans-temporal, trans-confessional and trans-cultural state, a single highest goal, one higher, achieved in different ways, the result.
At the same time, this state of creative enlightenment is a natural, intimate, accessible, and easily accessible state. So, according to Dogen, enlightenment is not the result of long-term actions, but also a long-term result and result of practice. It is an awareness of the vivid reality of life right here and right now, from moment to moment, inside experience and action, since “practice and enlightenment are one” (suisho тинtinё). Absolute is immanent to real existence, which is a guarantee of finding a higher state of enlightenment So, according to M. Eckhart, if we imagine that God can be found in a certain special state of consciousness, then, as soon as this state escapes us, God will escape.
The experience of the genius of the depth and inexhaustibility of the universe, cosmic harmony, unspeakable beauty and unity of the world and the subsequent achievement of enlightenment leads to the transformation of his inner world, the awakening of the creative I and the attainment of a new creative consciousness and vision. According to Richard Buck, geniuses are people who have achieved through illumination, the level of cosmic consciousness, which, as the highest stage of evolution, is the source of the generation of new properties, abilities and new meanings.
He believed that the awakening of cosmic consciousness was experienced by Buddha , Krishna, Jesus, St. Paul, Plotinus, Mohammed, Dante, Francis Bacon, William Blake, Honore de Balzac, Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter, as well as Socrates, Emmanuel Swedenborg, William Wadsworth, Ralph Emerson, Alfred Tennyson and Henry Toro.
The cosmic mind, according to the author, bears a variety of names in various theories. So Buddha called this ability “Nirvana”, Jesus - “Kingdom of Heaven”, Paul called this state “Christ” or “Spirit of God”, Muhammad called this feeling “Gabriel”, Dante - “Beatrice” (“Giving happiness”) , Balzac personified Cosmic Consciousness and called it "Specialist", and the new state was "Specialized", Whitman called it "My Soul", and Bacon referred to Cosmic Feeling as a separate person.
Evelyn Underhill believed that as a result of mystical union with the higher forces, an extraordinary person is revealed in a person, “a brilliant artist or pioneer or reformer, religious or political, or national hero, or a“ great devotee ”in the assembly of saints can open up in him ".
According to Helena Blavatsky, “true genius is synonymous with a self-existent and infinite mind,” more or less faithfully reflected by man. In turn, R. Assagioli wrote that the source of genius and such higher feelings as altruistic love, enlightenment and ecstasy, is the Higher unconscious or superconscious. It is this region that supplies man with his highest intuitions and inspirations of inspiration - artistic, philosophical or scientific, ethical "imperatives" and impulses for humane and heroic action. Closely linking creative achievements and higher states, Aurobindo singled out several levels of consciousness: 1. Higher and Unmanifested. 2. Sachchidananda, higher and manifest: being, consciousness, bliss. 3. Supramental - a consciousness that produces a spontaneous action, consistent with the Divine essence. 4. The Consciousness of the Global Mind, which is a bridge between the Supramental and lower levels of the human mind.
Ken Wimbler also represents consciousness in the form of a spectrum: 1. Mind, the Higher Self, manifesting itself as identification with the cosmic consciousness, the Absolute, God, Tao, the All-Unified. 2. The Transpersonal Self, understood as identification with the Archetypes. 3. Existential I, representing identification with the biosociocultural environment. 4. Ego - identification with the psychosomatic body. 5. Shadow - alienated consciousness, identification with a distorted image of self.
Genius is identified with the Highest level of consciousness - Mind, referred to as Brahma, Atman, Tao, Dharmakaya, Tathagatagarbha, Christ, Allah, God (Divine) .... ”. The Mind Consciousness is identical to the ultimate reality of the universe and the field of cosmic consciousness, and it is at this level that a person is identified with the universe, the All-Universe. “This level,” said Ken Wimbler, “should not be viewed as abnormal or altered, but rather as the only real state of consciousness, in relation to which all other levels are essentially illusory ....” At the same time, the transpersonal, supra-personal region of the spectrum of consciousness, interacting with archetypes, influences partly the creativity of genius.
The mechanism and the result of the transition to a higher creative state of consciousness is enlightenment, as a result of which the center of creative power is awakened, new channels of inner perception open up and a new vision of the world is born that makes reality transparent and responsive, colorful and pliable. Enlightenment is the overcoming of a dull, slammed world spawned by a narrow, egoistic self, a breakthrough to the only possible natural creative state of consciousness and a return to the true home of man-the Universe.
At the same time, all higher, special states of consciousness projected into the dynamic space of creativity, manifest in their positivity as creative inspiration. This extremely effective and productive state is achieved by the entry of a genius into a special creatological space, which is the complementarity of two related, mutually similar subspaces: inner - inspiring creative inspiration and outer - stimulating creative atmosphere.
R. May wrote: “We have no power over insight. We can not subjugate creativity. But we can enter into a creative state of dedication and obsession. The more a person gives himself to meet with the unknown, the deeper forces are awakened in him. ”
"So, when we learn to move into" higher "spaces," Tulku noted, we can achieve a greater understanding of the problems related to this lower space, but seemingly insoluble within it. "

Creative Inspiration is understood as the highest uplift of the spiritual, emotional, and physical powers of a genius, a productive-effective state in which he gains the ability to create his most accomplished works. The main characteristics of this state are:
1. Awareness of the greatness of universal creativity , as well as their involvement in it. Experiencing one's omnipotence and omnipotence, acute awareness of the inexhaustibility of internal and external possibilities.
2. Experience the highest bliss, deep intimate excitement, intellectual excitement, creative upheaval and intoxication of the spirit.
3. The presence of the center of awareness and inner peace, finding the true self, freely owning the emotional state and the actual situation. At the same time, the state of creative inspiration manifests itself as “inner ecstasy with open eyes,” as the highest creative frenzy combined with purity of consciousness and complete controllability. “The poet is the ruler of inspiration. He must command them, ”wrote Goethe. The preservation of a sober consciousness in a state of inspirational emotional uplift was distinguished by the works of Flaubert, Zola, Gogol, Dostoevsky , Po, Dante, Goethe , Leonardo da Vinci , Valerie, London. According to V.S. Solovyov: “The highest manifestation of genius requires not constant impassivity, but final overcoming of mighty passion, celebration over it in decisive moments.” “So the strength of mind and will is necessary,” said M. Arnaudov, “in order to line up, measure and analyze the results of inspiration. Inspiration is effective when it is cooled, clarified, reassured. ” At the same time, an important condition for productive creative inspiration is the affirmation of the creative self, the creator's experience of congruence, the acquisition of selfhood and the authenticity of one’s existence. So, Mozart, describing his own states of inspiration, wrote: "When I am myself, being completely alone and in good spirits ...". In this sense, the state of creative inspiration is understood as the natural, true, everyday, and even the only possible state of the genius and each person.
4. The integrity of the process and result. Being in a state of inspiration, the creator acquires the ability to embrace all his work with one glance, to perceive it as a single perfect whole. So Mozart could hear all the parts of his operas at the same time: “All this inflames my soul, and if I am not disturbed by anything, the object that occupies me will grow, acquire particular outlines and form, and the whole thing, no matter how big, will arise completed in my head, so that I can look at it in one glance entirely, like a beautiful canvas or an elegant sculpture. All parts of it do not sound consistently one after another in my imagination, and, as has already happened, I hear them all at the same time. What a delight - in words it is impossible to convey. " Otto Ludwig also noted that the plans of his dramas came to him suddenly, with fantastic speed in all its integrity, so that he could see all the faces and all the scenes to the smallest details.
5. Suddenness, surprise, lightning speed and spontaneity of occurrence . So Karl Gauss recalled his sudden discovery: “I succeeded, but not thanks to my painful quest, but by God's grace, I would say. As lightning strikes, so the riddle was solved ... ". At the same time, most geniuses noted that the suddenness of a rush of inspiration precedes a period of intense, concentrated effort: ““ Inspiration, ”Ribot wrote,“ breaks sharply into consciousness, although it presumes preliminary, hidden work, often quite lengthy. ”
6. Dynamism, ease and naturalness of the process.
Inspiration is distinguished by the fluidity of associations, images and thoughts, the feeling of flow and flight. This significantly increases the ability of the individual to spontaneously play with hypotheses, metaphors and relationships. Mozart described the state of inspiration “... thoughts, and the best ones, flow. From where and how, I don’t know and can’t know ... On paper, everything goes quickly, because everything is ready, and rarely is recorded differently than it was in the head. ”
7. Efficiency and productivity of flow. The essential difference of creative inspiration from other higher states of consciousness is its ultimate performance, transformation and embodiment in creative products and cultural masterpieces. A.S. Pushkin, with extraordinary accuracy, described the essential efficacy of this state:
And thoughts in my head worry in courage,
And the rhymes easy to meet them run,
And the fingers ask for the pen, the pen for the paper,
Minute - and poems flow freely.

Oversensitive genius. The internal mechanism of creative implementation of various transpersonal states is such a quality of personality as supersensitivity. Geniuses inherent subtlety mental organization, extreme sharpness of perception, supernatural sensitivity, the ability to capture the weak but significant signals of the external and internal world. At the same time, genius itself is understood as hypersensitivity, as the ability to clairvoyance and predict the future, as the possession of special, qualitatively new channels of perception, capturing the hyperfine vibrations and superweak signals of the structural, informational and semantic fields of the Cosmos.
Plato argued that: “The poet is something light, winged, sacred,” he should be “as pure as possible and involved in the highest beauty”, and V.S. Soloviev singled out strength and subtlety of feelings, moral purity and sensitivity among the most important qualities of the creator to the highest voices. A.G. Danilin noted that “in emotional subtlety and fragility - genius hides. It allows the person to respond to the rhythms and call of the universe, .. due to subtle emotional sensitivity, beyond the low threshold of irritation lies the ability to intuitive guesses, breakthroughs to infinity, solving life problems of the level that Nikola Tesla and Darwin set for themselves or Napoleon.
A.V. Shuvalov also believes that “the basis of creative genius is supersensible perception,“ superconsciousness ”, which in some people acquires the ability to expand, up to the exit to“ Cosmic Mind ”.
In the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, genius is associated with the highest stage of the spiritual evolution of humanity, striving for absolute superconsciousness. At the highest level of activity of the intuitive mind, the philosopher believed, a person opens space channels and he becomes capable of perceiving energy-information flows coming from space. If such going beyond the limits of everydayness becomes permanent and the process of unity with the Cosmos is fixed, the person becomes the spiritual generator of humanity and acquires brilliant abilities.
According to some modern theories of supersensible perception, a genius has the unique ability to "connect" to the information field, to the "noosphere" - a special shell of concepts and ideas that surrounds the earth.
According to A.V. Martynov, any information system has its own information field, which is inextricably linked with the information fields of other systems, and this interaction takes place at different levels. “A person is a colossal detector that reads, like an elementary liquid crystal, the entire hologram of the space-time vibrations contained in the information field, depending on the level of his intellect and his spirituality and in accordance with his personal ability to tune.”
Yu.L.Kapten also spoke about the high probability of the existence of space channels, as well as the ability of a person to catch subtle vibrations, to perceive and read energy-information flows. “So,” the author writes, “some prominent religious figures of India, such as Ramakrishna and Venkataraman Maharishi, were poorly educated or illiterate in general, but after a long stay in the state of Samadhi (being in solitude!) They became profound experts on sacred texts. At the same time, according to the hypothesis V.I. Root, insight does not lead to the opening of the channels, but serves as an impetus to the restructuring of the information already available to the person.


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius