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Creativity is an activity aimed at creating a new one that has never existed before.
Pantheism - the deification of nature.
Tangential energy - energy interconnection.
Radial energy - the energy of development.
Anthropological - associated with the teachings of man, inherent in man.
Demiurge - the creator.
Culture is a manifestation of human activity aimed at finding meaning, “second nature”.
Activity is a form of active relation to nature and society, suggesting their expedient change and transformation.
Gnoseology is the science of knowledge.
Theories of aesthetic hedonism are theories in which art is viewed as a means of achieving pleasure and enjoyment.
Somnambulic - sleepy, immobile, hypnotically enchanted.
Sensualism is the teaching that only sensory knowledge gives reliable knowledge.
The game is free, enthusiastic and, as a rule, disinterested behavior of people.
Identical - identical, identical.
Identification - identification.
Personification - the creation of images as a result of assimilation.
Pure sensual forms are forms of non-judgmental comprehension of reality.
Sensory perception - direct perception of reality based on feelings.
Creativity - the creative abilities of a person, manifested in different areas of activity and characterizing his personality.
Transcendence is the world of the beyond.
Transcendent - beyond the limits of everyday empirical experience.
Propaedeutics - preliminary preparation for the study.
Kantian dualism - the contradictions of thinking established by Kant.
Intellectual - rational, built on intelligence.
Idealization - the creation of a world of ideal images.
Sublimation - switching mental energy from one state to another.
Reflection - reflection.
Antagonism - opposition.
Antinomy - a contradiction in thought, based on a comparison.
Grotesque - based on grotesque, satirical exaggeration.
Rationality is a mental tradition based on reason.
Verbal - capable of being expressed by language means.
Empirical - based on facts, sensory knowledge.
Visual - visible, comprehended by sight.
Sympathetic vision is a vision associated with a compassionate attitude toward an object.
Catharsis - deep spiritual purification.
Aesthetics - the science of beauty, of beauty.
Objective psychology - scientific psychology.
Unconscious - that part of the psyche that is not realized.
Affect - sharp, short-term feeling.
Artistic feeling is the ability to penetrate the secrets of art.
Artistic emotion - the emotion associated with artistic impression.
Intuition is a way of comprehending the world, based on foreboding.
The picture of the world is the knowledge that we have about the world, man and the place of man in this world.
Ersatz is false, non-genuine.
Narcissism - narcissism.
Utilitarian - dictated by considerations of use.
Utilitarianism is a philosophical and aesthetic doctrine of utility.
Utilitarian position in aesthetics - aesthetic theories useful.
Mass art is an art for the masses.
Visionary art - the art of visual images.
The collective unconscious is the cumulative unconscious experience of humanity.
An archetype is an atom of the collective unconscious, a prototype.
Genius is a manifestation of exceptional, exceptional abilities.
Occultism is the doctrine of the supernatural.
Noosphere - the information field of the Earth.
Attic tragedy - a tragedy in the ancient theater.
Inherent - internal, peculiar from within.
Modernism is an artistic movement associated with the birth of new art forms.
Postmodernism is an artistic movement that emerged after modernity.
Post-structuralism - late forms of structuralism.
Postfreydizm - late forms of Freudianism.
Logos - the law, consciousness.
Eclecticism is a mixture of styles.
Pastish is an opera composed of pieces of other operas.
Destruction - destruction.
Deconstruction - the term Derrida, associated with the decomposition of the image.
Exteriorization - the inclusion in the world of their own external content.
Simulacrum is a sign that has lost its meaningful, real content.
The construct (concept) is a separate part of the concept.
Phenomenology - the science of phenomena, philosophical direction, the comprehension of the phenomenon.
Axiology - the science of values.
Potency is the inner potential of something.
Epiphenomenon - a phenomenon that is generated within the integrity of something accidental.
Intellectual activity - enhanced intelligence activity


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius