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The methods of this group involve the search for solutions to inventive problems in opposite directions to traditional ones, in inverting a technical object, changing the location of the object's elements, and balancing undesirable factors by means of the opposite action. Inversions can be subjected to the technical objects themselves, their elements, structure, state of aggregation, form, movement parameters. Some methods of inversion, for example, the method of inversion of heterogeneous structures into homogeneous ones, the method of destruction, are rarely used, mainly for solving a number of special tasks; others, such as antithesis and compensation methods, are common and have universal properties.

The method of inversion of the state of aggregation of substances is used to achieve a technical effect by converting the state of aggregation of substances. This method allowed inventing refrigeration compressors, saturator, ice maker, inhaler, atomizer.

The inversion method consists in changing the location in space of a traditional technical object (bottom up or sideways), turning horizontal objects into objects of vertical composition, rearranging elements of a technical object in reverse order. The stand for testing and running tracked carriages, created by the inventor M. G. Zharnov, differs in that the chassis of the tracked carriage turned upside down by supporting rollers upwards was used as an endless belt and supporting mechanism (author. Soviet Union No. 79242).

The method of inversion of the plane of action of a technical object allowed the inventor E. Berliner in 1887 to change the plane of sound recording on the roller of the phonograph by T. A. Edison and record the sound on the record.

The method of inversion of some physical quantities into others is most often used in instrument making, radio engineering and electrical engineering. A common technique is the inversion of optical, mechanical, sound, thermal and other quantities into electrical ones. So, for example, by inverting the mechanical oscillations of the needle, carried along by the convolutions of the sound furrow of a rotating gramophone record, an adapter was created into electrical oscillations of the sound frequency.

The method of inversion of harmful forces into useful forces allowed engineer A. E. Manotskov to create a glider whose wing vibration does not have a harmful effect on the pilot, but is used to create additional lift.

The antithesis method is to use phenomena, processes, techniques, and properties of objects diametrically opposed to traditional ones to create a new technical object.

Already at the dawn of invention primitive tribes treated hard flint with softer horns or bones. The inventor of the active turbine K. G. Laval in 1889 had to solve the problem of rotating the turbine at a speed of 30 thousand revolutions per minute. The traditional method - the use of shortening, thickening and strengthening the shaft - did not give the desired results, since it was practically impossible to achieve an exact balance of the turbine wheel. Laval put his famous experience with a flexible shaft of a reed stem and solved the problem using the antithesis method - using a flexible flexible shaft.

Versions of the antithesis method can be considered methods of regeneration, recovery, inversion of rigid and solid materials into flexible and plastic.

The methods of inversion of asynchronous processes into synchronous ones or vice versa consist in expediently changing the course of processes over time. Inventors V.T. Yashkov, A.V. Yakimenko and A.V. Khudyakov proposed an audiometer, characterized in that it used a synchronization unit containing a circuit of the coincidence of the switch signal and the signal to start recording (ed. Mon. USSR №240167).

The method of mechanical compensation is the balancing of undesirable and harmful factors by mechanical means of the opposite action. In the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Bakery Industry, a liquid dispenser was created, the distinguishing feature of which is that for balancing accuracy by balancing the float with the cylinder rod at the moment of dose cut-off, a counterbalancing weight is strengthened on the rod (Ed. No. 188695).

The compensation method by means of elastic elements is a variation of the method of mechanical compensation. Using this method, carload buffers with springs were invented to mitigate impacts against obstacles during movement. Dumb-shaped and gland compensators have been created in a similar way to prevent excessive stresses in the walls of pipelines during thermal deformations.

Using the method of hydraulic compensation, Yu.V. Seleznev, in collaboration with other inventors, developed a new design of the pimeter with increased reliability. A feature of the proposed pimeter is that the device for damping vibrations is made in the form of a hydraulic damper (ed. USSR. No. 217670).

The method of electromagnetic compensation created welding generator, invented by G. M. Kasprzhak and others. The generator allows you to adjust the steepness of the fronts of the welding current in a wide range. Additional poles of the generator are equipped with damper windings, creating a dynamic compensation of their inductance during the transition process (ed. USSR. No. 188605).

The method of optical compensation is used in solving a number of special inventive problems. According to this method, optical compensators in refractometers were invented to destroy the colored strip on the border of the light and dark parts of the field of view, as well as the method of stabilizing spacecraft by the pressure of sunlight.

The method of acoustic compensation in inventive practice is used relatively rarely. An example of its use is the invention of acoustic compensators for sound direction finding.

The method of reversing is to change the direction of rotation in the opposite direction. Japanese inventors T. Kolyama and others have developed a method of oscillating mixing of molten metal, characterized in that the vessel with the metal is subjected to epicentric rotation, alternately in the forward and reverse direction (USSR patent No. 247141).

The method of reciprocation recommends that the technical object or process be returned to the initial point, to the initial state, to the previous conditions. There are single (boomerang method) and multiple reciprocations. The method of reciprocity created the ancient devices for the extraction of fire (Fig. 9) - a fire drill, a fire saw, a fire wheel, a fire drill with a bow, and a method of reciprocating drilling with a piston.

The method of inversion of reciprocating motion into rotational allows to increase the speed of the machines. F. Koenig and A. Bauer in 1811 created a flat-bed printing machine, replacing the upper plate of the printing machine, performing a reciprocating motion, with a round drum, which rotated in contact with the lower plate of the printing machine — thaler, and pressed the paper.

The method of inversion of rotational motion into reciprocating was used by Australians G.V. Walz, V.E.O. Holt and B.O. Levery, who developed a device for forming twisted filaments, a distinctive feature of which is the axial reciprocating motion of the torsional mechanism, obtained by turning it out of rotational motion by a crank mechanism (ed. mon. USSR No. 247088).

The method of path inversion recommends changing the direction of movement of a technical object or its element to the opposite. Gramophone records by E. Berliner were played from the center to the edge. French inventors Pate brothers proposed a method of playing records in the opposite direction - from the edge to the center. New players became known by the name of the inventors gramophones.

The method of inverting immobile technical objects into mobile is a long-known and effective method of technical creativity. An example of its application is the inversion of stationary fortresses into mobile siege towers (Assyria and Ancient Greece). Similarly, one of the most important Russian military inventions of his time was created - a mobile fortress - the so-called walking-city.

The methods of heuristic inversion of the technical object form belong to the simplest methods for solving inventive problems. Inversion of the form can pursue different goals - expanding the functions of the object, increasing productivity, ease of maintenance or achieving a different technical and economic effect.

The circular saw was invented using the method of inversion of the form of a traditional crosscut saw - its jigsaw, band saw, hacksaw, drag wire saw, bow saw, and the saw.

The method of inversion of asymmetric structures into symmetric ones is used to solve a number of special problems. Parts with mirror symmetry only in one plane, necessitate the use of right and left details. The originality of the gyroscopic device created by L.I. Karch is that, in order to increase the rigidity and uniformity of its structures, the rotor supports are made symmetrically with respect to the geometric center of suspension (ed. USSR No. 179013).

The method of inversion of symmetric structures into asymmetric also allows solving a number of inventive problems. Using this method, for example, clamps with asymmetrically displaced lips were invented, allowing long workpieces to be clamped in an upright position.

Methods of inversion style stencils and stamps are techniques of artistic design and are directly related to the invention. Modern art style in our century has experienced several stencils. At first, a stepped-shaped style stamp appeared. In the 1920s and 1930s, stepped skyscrapers, radio equipment, refrigerators, lighters, and measuring instruments were built. From the beginning of the 30s to the 40s, a streamlined shape stamp prevailed.

This group includes methods of inversion of step, streamlined, rectangular shape, methods of cylindrical, cone-shaped, trapezoidal, wedge-shaped, prismatic, spherical and spiral-shaped structures.


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Creative methods

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