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Heuristic combination methods are based on combining the reflections of the real world in our mind. They are carried out by methods of expedient selection of parameters, operations, elements, changing the structure of a technical object, rearranging elements in a different order, emphasizing individual ones, dynamizing processes and objects, changing the sequence of work processes over time, adapting technical objects to human capabilities and environmental conditions, changes in the environment in which the technical object operates or the process is carried out.

One of the groups of heuristic combination consists of translocation methods .

The permutation method consists in rearranging a part, assembly, mechanism, unit from one place to another within the same technical object.

The Russian inventor P. N. Yablochkov rearranged the carbon electrodes, which were previously located on the same straight line, in parallel, which gave a substantially new technical effect - there was no need to use a mechanism to bring the electrodes closer during the lamp burning.

The transposition method recommends swapping or rearranging elements of a technical object in a different order.

In Switzerland, original lathes have been created, in which the guides and the caliper with the tailstock and the tool for fixing the tool have been reversed - the guides are located above the workpiece, which makes it easier to remove chips.

The method of transduction is the favorite method of inventors and rationalizers. Its essence is to transfer a technical element from one technical object to another.

Transduction method servomechanism, which serves to adjust the hydraulic turbines, was transferred to the car in order to facilitate its management.

The inventor E. Gau in 1846 transferred the shuttle from a loom to a sewing machine (US Patent No. 4,750).

The method of equipotentiality consists in transferring a technical object or element to another area with a simultaneous change in its functions.

On the basis of this method, K. Borrikhius in 1673 proposed to use Icelandic moss as a curative, which served as a food product in Iceland and Lapland. In 1829, E. Hurd received a British patent for the use of French food margarine for making candles. A. Prandtl in 1861 for the first time transferred a well-known industrial centrifuge to the dairy industry for skimming, and inventor F. Khrushka suggested using a centrifuge to extract honey from honeycombs.

The method of combining the components of complex materials and substances , changing the ratio between them, is quite simple to use. So, by increasing the phosphorus content in ordinary carbon steel to 0.3%, a nut steel was created, which made it possible to improve the quality of the thread. The method of creating compact structures consists in bringing together material elements in space up to combining. This method created spacecraft compact designs - the first, second and third Soviet artificial satellites, the Luna-1 space station, the Luna-10 automatic station, the Vostok spacecraft, the Sinkom artificial communication satellite (USA) and spacecraft "Gemini".

The method of local concentration of forces and processes is based on the fact that an increase in quantity allows a transition to a new quality. One of the methods of this method is the contraction - compression of the jet during outflow. On the principle of increasing the pressure of water up to several atmospheres, a hydromonitor was created, an increase in pressure up to tens of atmospheres — a saw for sawing cattle carcasses; granite and basalt can be treated with a water jet under pressure in hundreds of atmospheres.

S. D. Gvozdover and V. L. Bulat proposed a device for the unrestricted excitation of electromagnetic oscillations by means of a cylindrical gas-discharge tube, characterized by the use of electron and gas focusing of the electron beam (ed. USSR No. 202233).

The method of creating local quality is to fundamentally improve the quality indicators of an individual functionally important element of a technical object. The inventor A. I. Antonov developed the design of a transport tire, characterized in that in order to improve the quality, its frame is reinforced with plastic (auth. Mon. USSR №202444).

The accumulation method involves the accumulation of energy and materials to achieve a new technical and economic effect. The creative team, led by V. I. Semenov, invented a method of extracting liquid hydrocarbons from underground tanks by displacing the brine accumulated in the chamber (ed. USSR. No. 246431).

The methods of heuristic transmutation of substances and materials have long been used in inventive practice. However, a huge amount of factual material is methodologically still insufficiently generalized. Many methods for chemical transmutation of substance conversion are well developed and provide trivial solutions. However, the vagueness of the principles of separation of creative tasks from the trivial ones in this area leads to the fact that new materials created by chemical means in some countries do not qualify as inventions.

The modern foundation of the methods of heuristic transmutation of substances and materials can be divided into methods of chemical and physical conversion of substances.

In general, the method of creating inventions in the field of chemistry has been little studied. K. Brunne considers the following main types of chemical inventions:

  • new ways of chemical conversion of substances;
  • significant changes in the known methods, achieved mainly by changing the reaction temperature and pressure, increasing the surface of the interacting substances, using catalysts and
  • New application of known or synthesis of new chemicals.

The physical transformation of substances is carried out mainly in the same way as the transformation of structures: by combining, dismembering, changing the composition and arrangement of elements, etc.

The method of combining universal elements is fundamentally advanced by Archimedes in his treatise "Stomahion". In the modern concept, the method involves the development of a scientifically based system of elements that allows for a variety of functions to be performed with an appropriate selection of elements.

An example of the application of the method is the universal system of pneumatic automation elements (USEPA) created in our country, consisting of a set of unified elements of discrete and continuous action, each of which performs one simple operation. By combining unified elements, it is possible to automate almost any technological process, to create various control devices, and also to design new pneumatic telemechanical devices. The system is widely used in our country in the chemical and oil and gas industry.

A separate group of heuristic combination methods are the methods of dynamization of the work of technical objects and the flow of processes.

The method of dynamic flows recommends using energy to emit liquids, gases and bulk materials to achieve the beneficial effect.

An example of the use of this method in the invention is the invention of a blowgun in Indonesia and South America. A shotgun is a long, usually bamboo, barrel with a smooth channel from which poisoned darts are blown out.

The inventors A.I. Pirumov, A.V. Bazhanova and M.P. Ponchek proposed a device for aerodynamic dedusting of soft products, characterized by the use of an air stream for shaking products (ed. USSR No. 239514).

The method of using the own weight of material elements to obtain a useful effect is a simple and common method for solving inventive problems. The earliest inventions created by the method under consideration are some types of animal traps, driven by the weight of an animal or released by the gravity of a falling object. The simplest of these traps were trap holes of various configurations for a mammoth, elephant, giraffe. The well-known antique inventor Heron of Alexandria (toy machine "Hercules and the dragon", machine "The Singing Bird", puppet theaters) created many inventions with this method.

The method of creating swinging and floating structures provides a periodic action of technical elements.

The team of inventors, led by MM Kastanovich, proposed a device for cutting reinforced concrete and other solid materials, characterized in that the gearbox housing is pivotally mounted on the motor shaft and has the ability to swing using the rotation mechanism attached to the motor housing (ed. Svid. USSR No. 188878).

The method of nominating traditional elements of a technical object in space allows the working bodies of machines and other technical elements to be brought closer to the place where they perform their functions without moving the technical object itself.

The group of inventors under the direction of M. K. Barab-Tarle created a machine for boring grooves and chamfering in the piston bore under the piston pin. A feature of the machine is the equipment of its retractable stops, which allows you to perform various operations on the same machine (auth. Certificate, USSR №241920).

The method of applying elastic elements for the dynamization of technical objects is simple and prescriptive. Based on this method, Archimedes created a combat throwing machine.

The method of sliding structures containing elements that move in space relative to each other , allows for the expedient transformation of a technical object.

Inventors from the Latvian Research Institute of Light Industry L. S. Lutrin, T. N. Elkina and G. E. Kahn developed a device for impregnating a fibrous canvas, characterized in that the device shafts have sliding rings (ed. USSR. No. 242120 ).

The methods of heuristic combination include methods of rational selection of parameters, energy sources, operating principle, materials.

The method of selecting the optimal parameters was used by the inventor G. M. Tjabut when developing a method for manufacturing flexible metal hoses, characterized in that the optimal value of the fluid pressure supplied between the friction surfaces of the tool and the workpiece is selected from the condition of complete separation of friction surfaces with a calculated gap (ed. certificate of the USSR. No. 239186).

The method of rational selection of parameters in the process of work allowed inventors D. 3. Bimbatu, G.N. Good and V. A. Katashov to create the design of a ballast-free airship, the lifting force of which can be changed during the flight (ed. USSR No. 198925).

A variation of the method is the use of extreme parameters.

The method of selecting the linear dimensions of a technical object is based on the simplest constructive method , but it has considerable heuristic value.

The rationalizer G. Lapkin discovered that the distance between the axles in baby carriages was chosen so that the front and rear wheels simultaneously approach the beginning of the steps, and at the same time descend, they jump off them. Increasing the distance between the axles of the front and rear wheels by 50-70 mm, he achieved that the wheels rolled alternately, without shaking.

The method of rational selection of energy source was improved hand hammer for forging work. The first change was that the hammer was driven by a water wheel; then by J. Nesmith in the nineteenth century. The steam hammer was invented.

The method of rational selection of the new principle of operation is especially effective in cases where the prototype of the object in its development has already passed a long stage of operation and is close to the limit of technical improvement.

To implement the method in the first place should use new scientific discoveries and research. On the basis of the properties of the pendulum discovered by Galileo X. Huygens invented a pendulum clock. Having studied the phenomenon of Oersted, the Russian engineer P. Schilling built the first active telegraph.

Research approach to the study of the properties of substances and materials often allows you to find a new principle of operation and the use of known materials and substances in another field.

Researchers A. V. Starkov, V. I. Katunina, and M. L. Feder, having studied the properties of caproic acid diethylamide, proposed a method for its use as a repellent of blood-sicking insects (author svid. USSR No. 165610).

A group of effective methods for finding solutions to inventive problems that are not used by the inventors, is a combination of methods for combining the aesthetic perception factors of a technical object - shape, configuration, color, light, sound.

The heuristic transformation methods consist in expediently changing the shape of a technical object. According to S.A. Semenov, this method was used at the dawn of invention.

The Swiss mechanic A. Argan changed the shape of the tube cylinder and expanded its lower part. Having transformed a flat lamp wick, he in 1783 invented a round-shaped wick. By transforming a traditional crosscut saw, a circular saw and its varieties, a jigsaw, a band saw, a hacksaw, a barrage saw, a bow saw, and an awning were invented.

Widespread methods of transforming technical objects by mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic means.

The method of mechanical transformation allows you to increase the mobility of the object, to give relative freedom to its elements, to transform the shape of a technical object in the process.

The method under consideration has created a large number of folding technical objects, for example, a folding boat by E. Endzin (Latvian patent No. 928), a folding table by F. F. Merkulov (Latvian patent No. 1116), a folding globe by A. Eglita (Latvian patent No. 724), a chair -bed S. Misiero and S. Reynarovich (Latvian patent number 1109).

The method of hydraulic transformation allowed us to invent a device for raising and lowering car bodies of dump trucks, devices for opening doors of railway and tram cars, hydraulic jacks, etc.

The method of pneumatic transformation was first used by Ctesibius of Alexandria. An inflatable lifebuoy, an inflatable diving suit and inflatable "shoes" for crossing rivers and lakes invented Leonardo da Vinci. The Soviet space satellites Echo-1 and Echo-2 were created using the pneumatic transformation method.

In connection with the development of industrial art, artistic design, ergonomics, psychopharmacology and a number of other sciences, methods of changing lighting, color, smell, sound are being developed and gradually introduced into practice in order to optimize the operation of a technical object or create comfort in production. Although the methods of this group are still not widely used in the practice of the work of technology innovators, attention should be paid to them because of their progressiveness. In the specific conditions of modern production and operation of technical products, these methods provide an unexpectedly positive technical and economic effect.

Inventions can be directed to the improvement, combination, modification of color, brightness, contrast, texture, tone, noise, frequency, volume, tone, signal-to-noise ratio, etc.

Most often in this group, the following methods of solving inventive problems are used.

The Proteus method is to create technical objects that can change the appearance depending on the environmental impact (shape, color, compactness, and other features).

Five centuries ago, a monk A. Pika invented a thermal paint that changes shades depending on the temperature of the environment. In the 17th century, the Italian shoemaker V. Cascarolla invented the luminous substance phosphor. Luminophores based on sulfur compounds of various metals, luminescent paints and luminescent wallpapers have now been created. Inventor P.P. Vorontsov created fabrics coated with indelible luminescent dyes, which change color depending on the light. Methods for fluorescent inspection and fluorescence microscopy have been developed.

The method of obtaining multicolored glass, developed by V. V. Arshinov, differs in that a layer of crushed crystals of a transparent monobasic color-refracting substance, for example, calcite, is inserted into a transparent organic plate, and a sheet of sound-refracting substance is placed between the two layers obtained (Ed. USSR 62493 ).

The method of heuristic selection and use of lighting, color and smell is a relatively new method in the inventive practice, which, however, has great potential.

The study of the laws of the psychological effect of color on a person is dealt with by a special branch of engineering psychology - kororadinamika. Research in this area reveals a number of objective laws that innovators of technology should know.It has been found, for example, that yellow color stimulates the brain, however, in pilots it can cause bouts of seasickness; Green color reduces fatigue.

The color change can give not only a psychological, but also a technical effect. At the factories of the company "General Electric" parts, processed by the flame of gas burners, painted in orange color, since only on its background can be seen the blue flame of gas. According to the studies of Maurice Deribery, it turns out that the inscriptions in white chalk on a black board are read worse than black paint on yellow.

The study of the properties of color and color allows you to create new inventions. The inventors of the laboratory of varnishes and paints of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of New Building Materials created paint MS-226-P, which repels positively charged dust particles. Since the production dust is mainly positively charged, painting the walls and equipment with this paint is a good way to combat dust.

The team of inventors under the leadership of M. R. Nechaevskaya proposed a new method for the selection of toxigenic pathogens of gas gangrene, which allows to determine the toxigenic activity of bacteria. The authors propose to stain bacterial colonies on a dense nutrient medium with an acridine orange and to select cultures that have a green color under fluorescent microscopy (ed. USSR No. 189528).

Many inventions are aimed at creating new ways of color design of products. Inventor N. G. Korsak developed a method for treating building products by melting their surface with an oxygen-acetylene flame, which allows, depending on the ratio of the volumes of oxygen and acetylene, to obtain stable white, blue, green, yellow and black surfaces of the products (ed. 172663).

New inventions are also created by the rational use of the properties of light. V. Sedov proposed to introduce phosphors into the soil to absorb ultraviolet rays in order to control weeds.

Many inventions are based on the use of irradiation of various kinds of rays. The inventor, U. D. Bregvadze, proposed a method for producing an oak wood accelerator for ripening brandy spirits by irradiating wood with gamma rays with a dose of mainly 20 mrad at an intensity of 800 rad / s (ed. USSR No. 248608).

The method of anthropotechnology is to create new technical objects by adapting a technical object to human capabilities.

K. X. Kremer proposed an anthropotechnical version of a typewriter keyboard for typing on a blind ten-finger method, the so-called K-keyboard with curved edges, which greatly facilitates the selection of the desired letter.

To the group of heuristic combination methods belong also the methods of hi-tech, rhythmic articulation of technical objects, transparent structures, combination of primary odors, combined performance of work processes over time, combination of environmental parameters in which a technical object works or a process is proceeding, etc.

There are also many various special methods for finding solutions to inventive problems, methods of psycho-heuristic activation, conscious use of accidents, etc.


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