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A creative approach to security management


A creative approach to security management

The global nature, swiftness and dynamism of modern sociopolitical and socioeconomic processes, the unexpectedness and unpredictability of changes lead to an increase in the uncertainty and uncontrollability of the environment, to the growth of crisis phenomena, the emergence of new, unexpected threats and risks. Thus, globalization, manifested in the growth of mutual influence, interdependence and mutual vulnerability of countries, social systems and personalities, leads to the aggravation of ethnic and religious conflicts, the growth of illegal migration, international terrorism and transnational crime, creates complex and complex types of threats. ",
Total informatization and development of communication systems lead to the emergence of new dangers associated with the theft of information, information attacks and the manipulation of public opinion. In turn, the increasing pace of scientific progress leads to the use of high technologies for illegal purposes, to the emergence of new threats associated with the development of genetic engineering, robotics, the emergence of hacking, which represents unauthorized access to management systems and financial assets, the invention of various forms of Internet fraud and, in particular, “phishing”, which is manifested in luring out pin codes of credit cards and simulating the official websites of shops and banks.
At the same time, individualization and psychologization of all modern socio-economic processes lead to an increase in the human safety factor, manifested in the fact that it is the person who becomes both the key subject of ensuring the safety of social and economic systems and the main source of hazards, threats and risks. In addition, one of the sources of exacerbation of sociopolitical and economic conflicts, and even the emergence of new global threats and risks, is the lack of political elites and top management of creative vision, new non-standard approaches and creative methods to solve complex and unpredictable problems. At the same time, it is the dynamic nature of modern threats and destructive impacts that leads to the devaluation of reliable approaches and forms of protection of complex systems, to the depreciation of existing security methods.
The paradox of the situation is that criminal, fraudulent and manipulative actions themselves are flexible, dynamic and inventive, continuous search and finding new methods of influence and are more active and “creative” in relation to the security system, which, by its very nature , is a more "conservative" education that optimizes its activities according to the criteria of stability, sustainability and reliability.
Today we can talk about the formation of a certain “creatological formation”, the essence of which is determined by the fact that it is creativity that is its generating center, the sense-determining core, the sequencing principle, the highest criterion and goal. In this formation, the key factor for development is no longer information, but methods, methods, techniques of its creation and, most importantly, talents and creative personalities creating it. A distinctive feature and essential criterion of the creatine formation is the recognition and production of novelty, the focus on the productive resolution of complex problems and conflicts, the consideration of dangers and threats as challenges, incentives and new opportunities.
At the same time, the functions and quality of production, management, education, business, and security itself change dramatically in the creatological formation, such socio-economic phenomena as creative economy (J. Hawkins) [21], creative industries, creative city (Ch. Landry) [11], the creative class (R. Florida) [19] and creative safety.
Today, due to cardinal transformations and changes in socio-economic relations, it is necessary to create a qualitatively new, effective security system that can adequately respond to new challenges and threats, timely identify, prevent and minimize qualitatively new risks and hazards. At the same time, the complexity and unpredictability of social and economic processes require an increase in the level of intellectual information, psychological and creative content of the whole complex of measures and actions that ensure the security of dynamic social systems.
In theoretical terms, this process is expressed in rethinking the concept and phenomenon of security, in revealing its complex, system-holistic nature and, most importantly, in the formation of a new security paradigm corresponding to modern realities.
The modern security paradigm is understood as an integral system of theoretical, methodological and value attitudes and principles of understanding the security phenomenon, as a set of key ideas, attitudes and concepts, as well as approaches, methods and techniques for displaying actual and potential threats, realities. At the same time, it represents a certain disciplinary matrix, which not only serves as a model for setting and solving theoretical and applied problems, but also acts as a model for building a modern, effective security system, and is also used in practice as a system of criteria when making decisions in a complex, dynamic and uncertain environments.
Security is a fundamental ontological category, it is closely related to all levels and aspects of human life and is a condition for the optimal functioning and progressive development of organizations and complex social systems. “In this influence on the development of the social system,” writes G.A. Minaev, the dialectic of the security category is manifested, reflecting the close interconnection and interdependence between the two main functions of being development and security ”[10, P.23]. N. N Rybalkin believes that “two types of security can be identified for a specific object: 1) security, as the fight against specific hazards ... 2) safety assertion as the development and strengthening of the object itself ... [16, p.195]. In this regard, the author believes that there are two strategies to ensure security: a strategy consisting in the detection and neutralization of hazards and an approval and strengthening strategy, which is based on the self-assertion of the nature of the object itself.
“In a certain sense,” writes K.V Selchyonok, “security” and “development” are antinomic, since development itself is understood as the incessant overcoming of all kinds of dangers in the process of active adaptation to changing environmental conditions. ” According to the author, it is necessary to talk about an independent “security of development”, which is aimed at maintaining an unstable dynamic balance of power and is ensured by a flexible constructive response to newly emerging threats to the integrity of the system [17].
Modern approaches to security, - said N.N. Rybalkin - they demand a departure from understanding it as an activity aimed only at achieving a state of protection from external and internal threats, at achieving stability and stability of the system. Moreover, the author emphasizes that such actions can impede the development of the system and thus pose a threat to its security [16].
At present, there is a shift of emphasis in the dialectic bond “preservation-development” towards its more active pole. At the same time, the intensification of the development function realization is in itself the most successful way of enhancing the protective, protective, stabilization safety function.
A new creative security paradigm displays a qualitatively new dynamic, organismic picture of the world, including, as an integral part, the very subject of cognition and activity. At the same time, it is considered as an effective model of decision making, strategic and tactical actions, which can be consistently built up into a coherent system of algorithms, methods and methods of activity aimed at ensuring the security of complex social systems.
At the same time, the creative paradigm of the security system is based on the following basic principles and principles:
1. The shift of emphasis from a closed, “homeostatic model” of security aimed at preserving the stability of the system’s operation to a “development model” aimed at innovative transformations of the external and internal environment, at the creative development of all system components, including the security system itself.
2. Priority focus on anticipation, prevention and prevention of possible threats and risks, on building an ideal system that has the potential and mechanisms of self-preservation and is capable of independently neutralizing new, unexpected threats and destructive impacts.
3. Focus on the creation of a model of “managed openness”, open and sensitive to external and internal environment, capable of reacting flexibly, promptly and adequately to unexpected changes and quickly minimizing negative impacts.
4. Focus on the effective use of available resources, as well as on the search and discovery of fundamentally new possibilities of the internal and external environment, “focusing not only on what is, but on what may be.”
5. Holistic vision and analysis of changes in the external and internal environment, a comprehensive, systematic approach to security, ensuring the comprehensiveness, completeness and reliability of measures to achieve the objectives, as well as obtaining additional synergistic effect caused by the interaction and mutual enhancement of individual components and types of system activity.
6. Understanding of security not as an autonomous closed subsystem, but as an activity aimed at continuous interaction and productive dialogue with all parts of the system, as well as with various institutions and structures of the external environment that are crucial for safety.
7. The focus of efforts on the formation of a holistic, qualitatively new education - the safety culture of an organization, the core of which is freely accepted by employees, and, above all, leadership, is the fundamental value of “security”, and the body is a well-shaped, well-established system of traditions, norms, attitudes, rituals and actions to realize this value.
8. Intellectualization of the security system - the priority of information and intellectual technologies, goals and criteria in ensuring security, the growing role of search, monitoring, organization and system analysis of information.
9. Humanization, psychologization and individualization of the security process. Increasing the role of socio-psychological factors associated with the activation of human resources and the creative potential of employees.
10. Understanding security activities as a continuous process of making productive decisions in an uncertain, constantly changing environment, as a process of creative problem solving, as a warning and constructive solution of multi-level conflicts according to the universal win-win model.
11. A constructive approach to problems, focus on the implementation of a universal “harm in favor” mechanism, on the transformation of threats and risks into productive opportunities. The realization that negative impacts on the system, which at its low level of development are identified as hazards and threats, can, due to their creative transformation, turn into factors contributing to the development of the system.
12. Focus on creating an effective continuous educational system for training all personnel and training highly qualified specialists of a new type, for their continuous training and self-study, for the introduction of modern educational technologies, the use of active teaching methods: trainings on the development of creativity and safety competence, business games, case studies and specific situations.
13. Improving the specific structures and functions of the security system through targeted research, systematic synthesis of experience, the conclusion of basic laws and mechanisms for ensuring security and their further transformation into effective technologies and techniques.
14. Active use in the security system of organizations and social systems of new technologies and achievements of scientific and technological progress.
If the security paradigm is a generalized, integrative education, including methodological, value and theoretical foundations, as well as the scientific community itself and the subjects who accept, share and use it in their activities as a model, then the security theory is aimed at the maximum objective reflection and generalization of knowledge about the content and essence of the phenomenon of security.
Security theory is built on its reliable conceptual basis, which is the theoretical concept of security. In turn, the very concept of security is derived from its ontological basis, which is an internally necessary self-development of its nature and essence. At the same time, the choice as an ontological basis for the self-preservation of existence and extremization of this entity leads, as noted earlier, to an increase in isolation, inertia, closeness, stability and even destruction of the integrity of the system.
Apparently, as an ontological basis for the notion of “creative security”, it is advisable to choose a dialectic, complementary combination of “preservation and development”, which is manifested in reality through such oppositions as the desire for “self-preservation, security and personal growth” (A. Maslow, 1954 ); the desire for "openness - protection" (K. Rogers, 1961); “Spontaneity is an openness to experience” (A.Rotenberg, 1979), a conservative tendency (striving for self-preservation and self-empowerment) is an expansive tendency (striving for pleasure from novelty and risk) (M.Chiksentmhayi, 1996).
At the same time, the very ontological basis of “creative security” can be represented as an initial generative matrix isomorphic to a certain pentabase [4], consisting of four adjacent and one unifying concept. At the same time, the members of the basic bundle themselves, in turn, can be consistently split into extreme opposite concepts, and the creative safety itself, as a central concept, unites and ensures the balance of new interrelated pairs of concepts: preservation (stability of structures - bond strength) and development (free choice – orientation for the possible). This complexly structured ontological basis allows us to broaden the conceptual framework of the concept of creative safety and naturally include in its internal structure the concept of innovation, experimentation and elements of reasonable risk.
In addition, despite the fact that any conceptual system is primarily metaphorical in nature, such basic concepts as model, picture, mechanism are erased metaphors, in describing the phenomenon of security, along with the definition of concepts, it is advisable to use different metaphors. Thus, a special heuristic potential has the idea of ​​security in the form of a “medical metaphor”, which is based on two strategies for preserving health: the fight against disease and the promotion of health by enhancing immunity.
So D. O'Connor and J. MacDermott believe that there are two medical health metaphors: war and balance. In the first case, health is described as a successful defense against constant attacks from the outside, and the “metaphor of war” itself forms the thinking and behavior representing the search and watchful expectation of attacking enemies. In turn, the representation of health as a balance determines the understanding of one’s organism as an integral part of the surrounding world, with which it is in continuous interaction. At the same time, the strategy of maintaining health is based on an increase in sensitivity, both to the signals of the environment and our body, as well as to strengthening the immune system of our physiological "I", which removes antigens, while maintaining the integrity of the body [8].
In turn, K.V. Selchenko, considering axiological security as a defense of the value core of the system, presents it as an immunity that is responsible for non-specific adaptive reactions developing in response to information attacks and threats to integrity. “Every time,” the author writes, “the dangers that arise will be somewhat unique and unique, and therefore the body’s immune system must be able to produce (more precisely, creatively invent) all new and new forms of adequate adaptive responses to the threat” [17].
A pragmatic consequence of the “medical metaphor” can be the payment system of the security service, based on the principle of remunerating the doctors of the Eastern rulers, who received salary only during those periods when their patient was healthy.
In the modern literature devoted to security issues, there is a whole range of definitions of the concept of security, which are determined by various ideological positions, pragmatic tasks and subjective preferences of the authors [1; 2; 7; 9; 14; 15; sixteen; 18; 20;22].
The fundamental and multifaceted nature of the security phenomenon itself, the phenomenological richness of its meaningful connections and manifestations leads to the need to create its complex definitions based on relationships with the internal and external environment and including the understanding of security as: systems of measures, condition and ability.
1. Attitude to the external environment. Security as a continuous and purposeful process of forecasting, preventing, transforming and eliminating hazards and threats of any level of complexity and unpredictability, as a successful adaptation to changes in the external environment
2. Attitude to the internal environment. Security as a set of measures to preserve the integrity, relative autonomy and sustainability of the existing system, the effective use of internal reserves and resources, as the optimization of all management systems, ensuring the consistent realization of vital interests, ongoing development and successful achievement of system goals.
3. Maintaining a balance between the internal and external environment. Security as a management and full control of the situation, the creation of a favorable, transparent and predictable external environment, the provision of favorable conditions for the operation, progressive development and self-development of the organization and personnel.
At the same time, security is understood as a dynamic state of stability of a complex system, ensuring the security of individuals, organizations and society from internal and external threats, the free realization of their vital interests, as well as balanced, continuous and progressive development and successful realization of goals.
The ability of the system to carry out a balanced, harmonious, self-reinforcing functioning, productively use internal resources and external negative impacts as stimulating challenges and growth opportunities. Safety is based on a high level of “safety competence”(security competence) of employees and organizations, which is a combination of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the ability and willingness to confront unexpected, complex threats and effectively use corporate resources to ensure the stable functioning and development of the organization.
The following definition of security can be proposed as a complex definition:
Security is understood as a dynamic state of a system with sufficient resources, ability and willingness to provide reliable protection and the most complete, balanced implementation of vital interests, internal nature, self-identity and unique creative essence of the system, as well as its stable existence, optimal functioning, innovative development and successful implementation of the most important strategic goals.
The paradigm and theory of security are specified in the organization's security concept.which is a system of views on the phenomenon of security and the main forms and ways to ensure it, a certain constructive principle, the leading concept and own vision of the problem, which determines the strategy and set of actions aimed at solving the selected problem.
This model allows us to consider the organization’s security service, not as ancillary, but as integrated into the system of strategic, innovative and creative management, as a service that creates and integrates its goals with the success of the organization’s activities as a whole, with increasing the effectiveness of its operational and strategic goals.
In this model, the security objects, along with the traditional: personnel, material, financial resources and information, are: creative employees - generators of ideas, forms, methods and techniques of creative management, systems for stimulating creativity and enhancing innovation, intellectual product, high-tech knowledge and especially “Know how”, providing competitive advantages and revolutionary breakthroughs in the market.
A new security subject becomes a creative head of the security service, a creative manager of a new type, with creative vision, systemic, strategic and productive thinking, the ability to effectively solve new problems and conflicts, make advanced "breakthrough" decisions, who can increase the creative potential of employees, create a safe external and internal environment, creative atmosphere and favorable psychological climate, to anticipate and prevent new risks and dangers.
The main goal of the security system is to ensure the sustainable functioning and development of the organization and its employees. At the same time, the traditional tasks of preventing threats and protecting the key interests of the organization and personnel are complemented by creating a working and welcoming atmosphere, enhancing and maintaining the organization’s positive image, creating a special safety culture, as well as stimulating innovative processes and creative management that are key to the survival and success of the organization in modern conditions.
Creative management.The most adequate answer is the growing complexity and unpredictability of the external is the qualitative improvement in the management of organizations, the implementation of new creative and flexible strategies and non-standard methods of solving problems, the resolute introduction of such new forms of management as creative management and creativity management.
Modern researchers of the theory and practice of creative management PF Drucker, J. Micklewhite, A. Wooldridge, T. Peters develop methods for optimizing basic management functions, ways of creating an organizational organizational culture, means of enhancing innovation, awakening and developing the creative potential of employees [5 ; 13]. At the same time, in the works of I.L. Vikenteva, G.I. Vanyurikhina, K. Kirsanov, N.P. Petrova reveals the specifics, content and characteristics of creative, creative and heuristic management, as well as methods for enhancing the creative activity of managers [3; 6;12].
In modern theory and practice of creative management, the concepts of creative management (creativity) and creative management (creative management) are widely used . At the same time, creativity management (creativity management) is the management of creative processes in all spheres and at various stages of the organization’s functioning, which take place at the level of creative industries, companies, teams, managers and employees. This type of management covers a number of independent types of management activities directly related to creativity, namely: knowledge management, heuristic management, innovation management, change management and talent management.
At the same time, creative management implements a global, end-to-end creative management approach and can be defined as an interconnected system of creative methods, solutions and actions aimed at achieving or maintaining an optimal level of functioning and development of an organization, at increasing its competitiveness and efficiency. .
Creative management (creative management), in contrast to management, creativity (creative management) does not include separate types of management that are closely related to creativity, but fills them with new quality and acts as their central, nuclear and key component. Not only creative management, being not a separate type, but the highest qualitative definition of a universal management process, can fill with creative elements and radically increase the effectiveness of strategic, situational, project, personnel and other types of management.
Creative management is rather the realization of a creative position, attitude and vision of a manager, manifested in filling with creative elements, processes and mechanisms of the entire coherent management system, namely principles, model, style and basic functions.
Creative security management. The head of security, writes CA Sennewald, is constantly confronted with the need to apply the best and most economical ways to fulfill his duties, that is, to be an innovative and flexible manager. Creative safety is understood as finding and finding the best ways to achieve goals, innovation, experimentation and risk. At the same time, a creative approach to security implies the abandonment of old and reliable programs and the ability to think “outside the box” (outside the box) [24].
Improving the effectiveness of the security system is carried out by filling the creative elements of the management process as the organization as a whole, and the security service itself.
Skillful management of creativity and the application of basic methods of creative management themselves make organizations, management systems and employees more flexible, adaptive and open to the external environment, able to make effective decisions in a state of uncertainty and respond adequately to challenges and threats.
Among the most common fundamental principles of creative safety management are:
1. The priority of the principle of creativity as a cross-cutting, qualitatively higher type of activity, which ensures the effectiveness of all activities aimed at achieving the security of the organization and allows you to quickly neutralize new, unexpected destructive impacts of a complex and unpredictable external environment.
2. Recognition of the principle of security of the organization, as an independent value, as a necessary condition and the basic factor of its survival, effective functioning and development.
3. Focus on changes, growth and improvement of all structures and activities of the organization, and above all the structure and activities of the security service.
4. Observance of the balance and coordination of the activities of the security service with all the structures of the organization, achieving the effect of their synergistic mutual reinforcement.
5. Integrity, complexity and consistency of all types of security service activities.
6. Openness to external and internal environment, sensitivity to threats and dangers, timely identification and prevention of possible negative impacts.
7. Dynamism, efficiency, flexibility of activity, quick and effective response to destructive impacts, unexpected problems and dangers.
8. Focus on the search for and effective use of all internal and external resources, the ability to transform, problems, conflicts and threats into new opportunities.
An independent developmental and motivational strategy is the implementation of a system of measures aimed at enhancing the creative activity of employees. These include the approval of creativity as the leading and independent value of the organization, material reward for creative ideas, inventions, innovations, staff training in such methods of enhancing individual and collective creative activity such as brainstorming, synectics, morphological analysis, the method of focal objects, various checklists, method of associations, analogies and metaphors, mind-mapping of T. Busen, methods of activating lateral thinking E. Bono.
In the process of creative safety management, classic management functions: planning, organization, management and control are filled with new creative elements, and such universal, end-to-end management functions such as coordination, balancing and harmonization of all systems, resources and processes become dominant.
At the same time, such a universal, end-to-end security management function, such as making non-standard decisions in the face of a lack of information and time, the immediate choice of the best strategy for behavior in a complex, uncertain or extreme situation, is of particular importance.
The development of creativity, according to GB Newby, is one of the most important problems facing modern organizations. It is creativity that allows companies to anticipate and adequately respond to environmental changes, successfully defend themselves from unwanted influences, successfully function, develop and grow. At the same time, the author offers three approaches to the development of creativity in organizations, the main focus of which is on creative individuals who are able to foresee and successfully solve various problems related to security [23]:
1. Developing a positive “hacker” spirit of employees, which the queue is associated with creativity, curiosity and focus on opposing various negative influences.
2. Orientation to a deep understanding of the complexity and complexity of modern systems that generate hazards on their borders. In this regard, to confront new dangers, an interdisciplinary approach to employee training becomes crucial.
3. Development and promotion of creativity in organizations of various types, opposition to the suppression of the individuality of employees and restrictions on freedom and restrictions on freedom of expression. It emphasizes that it is courageous, creative, educated, competent and experienced employees are a key component for building a flexible and healthy organization.
The basis of a creative approach to security is to consider problems, conflicts and related threats and dangers as a necessary and natural consequence of the development of complex social systems, an understanding of security itself as an integral attribute of these systems, as the most important reserve and factor for their improvement.
Qualitatively, the highest level of security is based on a creative vision of risks, dangers and new opportunities, on the ability to create a safe, supportive and transparent internal and external environment, on the ability to creatively and productively solve complex, unpredictable and unfamiliar problems and conflicts. At the same time the most important creative competencesafe is the ability to transform the “harm in favor”, to implement the diagnostic and developmental functions of conflicts, to invert the flow of destructive energy to the sources of threats themselves, as well as the art of extracting benefits, new opportunities and advantages from extreme situations.
A creative approach to security is based on the implementation of such qualitatively new forms of creative activity:
- generating original and useful ideas, creating new methods and technologies aimed at preventing and neutralizing threats;
- effective and immediate resolution of unexpected problems and conflicts;
- a creative, mutually reinforcing, synergistic dialogue with all security actors,
- free activity, self-realization of internal and external reserves, leading to self-development and safety growth, both for the personnel and the organization as a whole.
At the same time, the highest form of creative activity aimed at creating conditions and an ideal dynamic state of the organization’s security is the realization of the holistic creative vision of the organization’s management personnel, manifested in sensitivity and intuitive grasp of the whole range of risks and threats, strategic analysis of the external and internal environment, in understanding the main trends socio-economic development, in identifying and anticipating possible sources of threats, as well as mentally building flexible second, an integrated system of methods and techniques of opposition to destructive influences.
Besidescreative vision , creative attitude and approach to security consist in shaping a safety culture in the organization, in transforming, elativizing and generating new creative, reinforcing meanings, in understanding threats, hazards and destructive influences, as natural components of a highly competitive, market economy, in considering them as challenges, incentives and new development opportunities.
Qualitative certainty of creative safety management is determined by the creative position of the manager, including axiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components, which are implemented using a holistic, multi-level system of complementary pairs of creative mechanisms:idealization-prolematization, decentration-simplification, identification-meditation and self-actualization-personification.
Thus, the idealization mechanism is understood as the mental construction of an ideal, even fantastic security model, as well as an ideal plan for its implementation. Problematization is manifested in a special, heightened sensitivity to problems, internal and external contradictions, multi-level conflicts and obstacles that may pose threats and dangers to the organization and its staff.
Decentration consists in overcoming the old, customary methods of ensuring security, loosening the outdated patterns, stereotypes, and getting rid of the inertia of the usual ways and approaches to protecting the interests of the company. Simplificationmanifested in the simplification of organizational structures, in the desire to clarify potential risks and threats, to increase the informational transparency of the internal and external environment.
Identification is understood as the ability to identify with the subjects of destructive influences and sources of threats, the art of understanding their motives, as well as anticipating their strategies and tactics of actions. Meditation or removal, is the distancing from the situation, getting rid of subjectivity and finding an absolutely objective look at the circumstances.
Self-actualizationit is understood as free activity and meaningful implementation of actions aimed at protecting the vital interests of the individual and organization, as the realization of internal potencies, leading to self-affirmation, self-development, increasing self-sufficiency and safety level. Personification is the conscious activation of all reserves of the external environment, the use of positive energy of circumstances, the redirection, the inversion of destructive influences, the neutralization of one harmful factor by another.
Modern theory and practice of security management is characterized by a change in the security paradigm, a transition from a “homeostatic model” aimed at preserving the stability of the system’s functioning to a “development model” oriented towards the creative development of all system components, including the security system itself.
Modern security model of complex systems characterized by the development of its creative, intellectual, informational and psychological component, the use of innovative and systemic techno the creation of new, flexible and effective methods and techniques that counter the constantly changing external and internal information-psychological threats.
Awareness and use of creative potential as a key factor for success, a decisive competitive advantage and the most important resource for ensuring the security of an organization require a systematic approach to its management, revitalization, development and implementation in practice.
A creative approach to ensuring the security of organizations is manifested in the focus on optimizing the management functions, both by the organization and its security processes, on awakening and developing the creative potential of employees, enhancing innovation and creating new ideas, methods and technologies to ensure the security of organizations, making optimal management decisions in situations of uncertainty, as well as on the productive resolution of a variety of practical problems and conflicts , The transformation of the negative influences in the development of new opportunities.

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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius