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asserts that the fundamental basis of genius, its source and body is creative vision, which can be easily and naturally acquired by each person by taking the position attributed to the Absolute, achieving the highest Creative state and realizing the universal Creative method.
A creative vision of the world is a high art that needs to be learned, which should be honed and improved in the process of individual practice. V.P. Zubov wrote that “ Leonardo demanded from the artist not a simple vision, but“ the ability to see ”(saper vedere). For Leonardo, this saper vedere was tantamount to the sapere aude motto - dare to think! ” Leonardo always tried to find out the hidden “logic of the eye”, seeing in the visual image the most complex interrelationships of objects with each other, with the surrounding space, the environment, with the eye of the observer himself. “It’s truly not enough just to see, you need to be able to see, you need to have what Erasmus Vitelo called“ intuitio diligens ”(diligent vision).
In “Spiritual Exercises” by Ignatius Laiola, representing one of the first Western psychotechnical systems, the fourth and highest level of exercises was systematic daily contemplation, the purpose of which was to acquire the highest state of love (contemplatio ad amorem), which makes it possible to love everything in God, and God is in everything.
I. Goethe, in his last letter to V. Humboldt, which can be regarded as his creative testament, wrote: “The sooner a person understands that there are skills, that there is art that helps him to consistently improve his natural abilities, the happier he is ... Organs man, through exercise, teaching, thinking, luck and failure, motivation and resistance, and again thinking unconsciously in free activity will connect the acquired with the born, so the whole will plunge the world into astonishment. ”
According to M. Mamardashvili: “to see, one must be able to see, the art of vision must be born into us”. “Moreover,” Evelyn Underhill wrote, “Nature herself is in no hurry to reveal her secrets to those who simply watch and listen. The quality of vision and hearing at any level of consciousness is determined not by the acuteness of sensory perception, but by a change in attitude on the part of the whole person. This change implies contemplation — that is, self-attentive attentiveness, deep concentration, self-dissolution, creating a genuine interaction between the seer and the visible. ”
I. Ilyin believed that everything great, ingenious arises only from a combination of two forces: contemplation as a way of increasing and enriching the content, as well as talent, lightness, brightness and accuracy of expression. At the same time, the philosopher argued that: “No matter how hard a person tries, he will not add himself talent ... But the artist can strengthen, deepen and cleanse the power of his spiritual contemplation.”
“We need to learn to see,” stated K. Paustovsky, who called for seeing and observing life from the perspective of an artist who wants to capture it in a drawing. “A good eye is a new thing,” he wrote. - Work, do not be lazy, over vision. Keep it, as they say, in a string. Try a month or two to look at everything with the thought that you should definitely write it in colors. ” S.M. Daniel, who in his book “The Art of Seeing,” wrote: “One thing is just to look at the subject, but it’s quite another to look while drawing the subject. This simple experiment can be done by everyone. And the drawing reveals in the subject what escaped the scattered look, and the drawing person personally convinced that he, in fact ... had not seen the subject before. ”
Due to the fact that the subject of the vision itself and the world are difficult to change, it is necessary to improve a more plastic and “responsive” education - a vision, the development of which leads to simultaneous changes in the whole integral “Subject-Vision-World” complex. At the same time, the conscious and systemic improvement of an extremely distinctive and universal creative vision leads both to the intensification of the creative abilities of the individual and to the awakening of the world, which itself is highlighted and self-developed towards its unlimited possibilities.

Creative vision is a dynamic creatological space, each point of which freely accommodates all existing and possible worlds, is the beginning and completion of all processes and scenarios and contains in its depth a sparking primary idea.
Each event and creative act of this space contains in itself and is determined by all committed, accomplished, as well as possible events in the past and future, and each fate contains and is influenced by the inner worlds of all known and possible geniuses. This is a special, qualitatively perfect space in which every creative effort instantly takes the creator to the center of the world in which all interactions and transitions occur instantaneously, in which there are no hierarchies, levels and stages, no top and bottom, no beginning and no end, and each dot contains Universe and filled with the meaning of the Absolute. Everything is higher, richer and cleaner in it, and any thing, action or person transferred to it is instantly transformed and saturated with creativity. The enjoyment here is spiritual and sharper, the understanding is deeper, and the action is more effective and successful.
At the same time, the minimal creative effort, small changes in the view of things, subtle and precise movement within the flow of vision, leads to maximum, global and qualitative changes, to simultaneous transformations in all phenomenal worlds: internal, objective, symbolic and social. Creatological space is subject to its own spatial and temporal patterns, it is always possible to start everything all over again, people are the first to live in it, culture and the world, everything needs to be accumulated in it, everything is achieved at once, and every point is a gap and access to all, a channel to the inexhaustible riches of the universe.
Creatological space is permeated with ideal trajectories that are drawn by simple creative efforts, free implementation of creative techniques, beautiful and effective solutions, accurate choices and subtle changes in world view, as a result of which new meanings, worlds will suddenly emerge.
In this primary overcoming of automatism and habit, in the awakening of everydayness from sleep lies the courage of creativity and true existence.
Truth does not have to be reached, it is always close and it is in every moment, said the Zen master, Dogen. Achieving satori is not the result of a long journey, but an awareness of the vivid reality of life in every place and every moment, the full action “here and now” and spontaneous progress from moment to moment. Primary effort and salvation is one thing, but “practice and enlightenment are one.” When a bird just flies, it already uses the whole sky and in every place has perfect freedom. The fundamental value of a simple, instantaneous change of view, the ultimate productivity of reality, William James emphasized: “Genius,” he wrote, “is just an unusual outlook on things.”
Creative vision manifests itself as a conscious change of viewpoint, as the first perception of the world, as a spontaneous, sincere and fresh experience of an eternally new moment of existence, of each unique and unique event involving a subject and the world as related poles of its integrity. One act, one instant of creative vision, can suddenly rediscover the world and unexpectedly lead to profound qualitative transformations of the personality. F.M. Dostoevsky described this transformative, creative experience as follows: “Going up to the Neva, I stopped for a moment and cast a piercing glance along the river into a smoky, frosty-cloudy distance ... The night lay down over the city, and all the vast, swollen snow from the frozen snow, with the last glare of the sun, showered with endless myriads of sparks of needle-like hoarfrost ... Some strange thought suddenly stirred in me. I shuddered, and my heart seemed to be poured over at that instant with a hot key of blood, suddenly boiling with the tide of a powerful, but unfamiliar sensation to me. It was as if I understood something at that moment ... as if I saw the light of something new, completely new world unknown to me and known only by some dark rumors, by some mysterious signs. I believe that it was from that moment that my existence began ... ”
At the same time, throughout the whole history of the development of the inner world of a person, his personality, creativity and vision, two ways have always existed and reflected, two independent groups of teachings and practices, which stated that:
1. Creativity and creative vision do not need to be taught , it is not necessary to form it - it is already inside, in the depths of the unconscious, collapsed and unenlightened. “The art of seeing, listening and observing,” Krishnamurti said, “is not something that can be cultivated, not a question of development and gradual growth.” I. Ilyin wrote about the peculiarities of the vision of the contemplating poet: “And we are not able to specify any“ method ”. It is impossible to call “method” - our selfless dreaming, our contemplating “immersion”, our focused “absence” and oblivion of the surrounding life. ”
2. Creative vision, which generates the core of the highly structured creative method, is formed and developed by special technologies, practices and creative techniques. The last words of the Buddha were: “respect and follow the pratimokshe . If you do this, you will be like a person who was given light in the dark, or like a beggar who receives a great treasure. ”At the same time,“ pratimoksha ”is understood as“ liberation by following the rules. ” In turn, Carlos Castaneda stated: "Vision is a technique that needs to be learned."
At the same time, creative vision is understood not only as impartial witnessing and hovering over being, and even not only as spiritual, eidetic, intelligent and cordial contemplation, but also as spontaneous, powerful, unraveling into many different levels of subtle efforts, elastic movement, as free play and directional manipulation of images and models of reality.
Creative vision is the acquisition of a “secondary unity of perception and action”, the revival of some ancient, curtailed structures of creative evolution, not separated by the consciousness of living integrities and processes that are not split by acts of ligaments. Thus, according to Krishnamurti: “The vision itself is the action that expresses this vision. One should understand perception - vision and action; they are not separate, they are not separate. ” In this case, the vision is a holistic, coherent structure, fusing all mental processes into a single generating stream. As Carlos Castaneda wrote: “Vision is intended to replace“ thinking ”- a discrete stream of individual thoughts, initiated over everything, anything ...“ A man of action ”, according to Don Juan, lives in action, not thoughts in actions.”
The active, flexible, isomorphic to the structure of the world, method serves as an effective core of vision. It is a pragmatic component of a creative attitude, unfolding with the help of an integrated system of subtle, flexible efforts, precise mental actions and effective creative techniques. Thanks to the creative method, the vision appears as a supersensitive and active, deeply structured, effective, unusually mobile and superconscious controlled by the creative center.
At the same time, the realization of creative methods itself creates a creative state, which, in turn, frees up, facilitates the implementation of techniques and makes them more effective. It is the synthesis of creativeness and reception, inspiration and effort that constitutes the flow of Creative Vision, the acquisition and manifestation of which becomes possible in two ways:
1. Achieving a state of inspiration in which all the fullness of a person’s internal forces merges into a single stream, to a point of awareness that presents itself as a way out, living contact with the inexhaustibility and wealth of the unmanifested World. At the same time, the experience of instantaneous enlightenment and the awakening of creative potencies creates a new way of seeing, which, by automating and consolidating itself, transforms the personality itself and its world.
2. Making mental efforts, consistent implementation of a system of creative techniques that generate an elastic flow of effective and productive vision. At the same time, development and improvement of the very core of the vision, a universal creative method reflecting the general laws of creative evolution, takes place.
At the same time, these ways of realizing the vision freely include each other, mutually exchanging and amplifying within a single generating stream. And if in the first case, the interaction of levels is manifested in the application of certain techniques to achieve the creative state, then in the second, in consciously giving the consciousness ultimate spontaneity and freedom, in immersion in the infinity of the unconscious and in entering the stream of the most unbridled fantasy.
Creative vision allows you to see all the existing and possible colors, to hear all the sounds and smells, to feel the taste and touch of all manifested and undeveloped objects. With a simple change of view, it suddenly discovers in the object a new, beautiful, mysterious, wonderful, possible and universal.
It appears as the ability to simultaneously grasp all events and things, as well as all possible connections between them, with a single look to see structures, symmetries, contradictions, transition points and deepest meanings. It allows you to simultaneously see all the super-systems and subsystems of objects, all their causes and effects, to consider their development trajectories, to determine the moments of birth, flowering and decay. It awakens, animates a frozen picture of the world, sets everything in motion, makes it rotate, increase, decrease, turn into each other, reveal itself, to suddenly discover the most necessary, valuable, absolute, suddenly see and create a new, living integrity, a new unexpected world.
Creative vision allows you to get used to all the living and inanimate objects of the Universe, become everything and everyone, relive all historical, present, future and possible lives, update all the contents of the world, revive inside, see and experience the universal evolution of the Universe.
New experiences generate a powerful creative dominant, an overwhelming desire to be heard, seen and understood, a passion to share the wealth of visions and experiences with others, give them shape and embody them in words, colors, movements and sounds. At the same time, genius manifests itself as a pulsating dynamic space of self-evolving meanings, as saturated with possibilities a powerful stream of generation and realization of harmonious wholeness, as a living process of coevolutionary changes crystallized in the form of priceless artifacts and timeless masterpieces.
The life and work of a genius appears as an irresistible and uninterrupted stream of overcomes, victories over the inertia and enchantment of the world, self-fulfillment saturated with freedom and struggle, so accurately described by the words of I. Goethe :
Re-melt the fusion of creation,
Breaking harmonious links, -
The task of eternal labor.
What was power will become a matter
Fire, rotating body,
Never have a rest.
The realization and deployment of the creative method within the vision is the only reality, the only possible, authentic, universally authentic way of existence, the achievement of which is the privilege and duty of man. “I see, hear, happy. Everything is in me ”, with his characteristic capacity and accuracy of style, expressed the meaning of human happiness I. Bunin.
In today's dynamic and unpredictable Universe, the possession of a creative vision is a prerequisite for holistic self-fulfillment, creative self-affirmation, success, and sometimes survival itself.
Each person has an innate, original and universal creative potential, but if there are some talents and creative abilities for certain types of activities, then everything is a genius. The absolute structures and mechanisms underlying the emergence and development of the world, life and consciousness, in a collapsed form, in the form of universal structures and mechanisms, are laid in every person from birth. Together with life, each person gets a gift of a rich societal and cultural space that is rich in creative achievements and opportunities.Each person is given the right and opportunity to scoop up cultural treasures, values ​​and meanings accumulated by mankind. Therefore, the world of culture and the whole Universe are in a continuous state of renewal and always re-emerge with the spiritual and creative birth of each person.
Any person is able to activate his deep, collapsed absolute structures, to awaken his true creative self, to master the universal creative method, to find a creative Vision and his immanent genius.
At the same time, obeying the dialectical imperative, everything that is extremely universal, mysterious and absolute, which is the essence of genius, inexplicably turns out to be extremely close, simple, accessible and immanently inherent in man. Genius is identical to the vision and is an essential feature of every perceiver, experiencing and comprehending the world of man. In order to return to your home, in order to become a genius, you only need the courage to be yourself, the will to do what brings true joy, as well as the determination to live and create in the stream of your awakened and created by your own efforts Creative Vision.

It only remains to rephrase the words of Archimedes once again:
"Give me a way of seeing - and I will turn the Earth over!"


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius