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Genius is determined not by intrapersonal structures formed in the process of life activity and socialization, not by subjective dispositions, but universal personalistic determinants, which are not even a refraction of evolutionary and sociocultural determinants, but a fusion, interpenetration of the initially single, isomorphic higher creative plans of the Unified and unintegrated and unintegrated Units of the Universe and Unintegrated Undeveloped and Unorganized Units. creative individuality.
The special universal-personological, creatological space, which is born at the same time, fuses the external and internal world of genius and acts on it as a creative categorical imperative. This space is not a world of currently open universal laws, but a realm of mysterious fatality. V. Soloviev believed that: “The poet is not free in his work. This is the first aesthetic axiom. The so-called "freedom of creativity" has nothing to do with the so-called "free will." "Genius," wrote O. Meredith, "does what it owes, talent, what is possible." The genius creates, because he cannot but create, his creative instinct merges with the highest service, and creative efforts with the spontaneity of self-realization. The Gonkur brothers wrote: “There is some fatality in the first impulse that dictates the idea to you. Some unknown force, some higher power and the need to write imposes a matter on you and leads your pen ... " At the same time, the process of creativity itself, the authors noted, is accompanied by the experience of a mixed feeling of spirituality (spiritualite) and impersonality. “It is necessary to write only then,” said L. Tolstoy, “when you feel in yourself a completely new, important content that is clear to yourself, but incomprehensible to people, and when the need to express this content does not give rest.”
In the Confucian canon, Da Xue is written about a perfect man: “Having established harmony, he never deviates from it. His spirit is unshakable! He occupies a middle position and does not deviate in any direction. His spirit is unshakable! The perfect man is walking along the Middle Path. ” In the world view of the Stoics, this inner imperativeness and self-sufficiency was expressed by Marcus Aurelius: “Finally, feel that there is something more powerful and divine in you than what passion produces or generally pulls you”. “To be like a cliff, about which a wave constantly beats; he stands - and the heated moisture quiets around him. " “Be strong in yourself. A rational leader in nature is self-sufficient, if he acts fairly and thereby keeps silence. ”
From the great philosophical systems, as from the great works of artistic creativity, thought Otto Weininger, it breathes something immutable, unchanging, a world outlook grows, in which the progress of human culture cannot change anything. “The creator is always dogmatic,” wrote N. Berdyaev. “Creativity is positive dogmatism. Negative criticism is the exhaustion of creativity. ” Genius distinguishes the achievement of the state of invincible, severe creation and the inevitability of creative approval. Leonardo's motto was “Hostinato rigore” - “stubborn severity”, Michelangelo, four years without descending from the forest, painted arches of the Sistine Chapel, most of whose paintings demonstrate superhuman power, dramatic power and terribilità - a concept that can be translated as “awesome power”, as heroic and thrill majesty. Vincent Van Gogh , losing consciousness from hunger, spent the money left by his brother on new canvases, paints and brushes and continued to create, experiencing the highest pleasure from following the inner him the pressure of creativity.
M. Arnaudov introduced the concept of the categorical imperative of creativity, which manifests itself as external coercion and pressure, as someone else's harsh will, under the burden of which the artist creates. At the same time, the painfulness of experiencing this state is connected precisely with coercion, “which goes contrary to conscious desires and aspirations.”
At the same time, the essential distinction of a genius is the internalization of the external imperative, recognizing him as his personal, intimate, deep power, whose very action and merging of conscious efforts with it brings inexpressible joy. S. Frank wrote about the genius: “The objective and subjective, supraindividual and individual aspects of his inner life form not external, but organic-internal unity, due to which objectively and supra-individual in his life and work is what is the discovery of his deepest personal individuality ... "
A genius as if acquires a "secondary spontaneity" and easily, sincerely and freely implements the highest ideals and ultimate meanings in his work. The categorical imperative is introduced into a new creative semantic context and acquires a new quality, coinciding with the most significant aspirations of the creator.
Goethe said that the awakening of creative talent could be caused by different occasions, “but it was especially joyful and brightly manifested involuntarily, even against the will”. Richard Wagner wrote, I need something that stands above my personality. This knowledge is so inherent in me that I almost with a smile do not ask more, whether I want or not. This is taken care of by the wonderful genius whom I serve the rest of my life and who wants me to complete what I am supposed to do. ”
Genius, - N. Berdyaev considered, - is inherent in every human being by nature. For its approval requires the will to genius. “It is through a higher act of will that affirms the whole universe within itself that man becomes a genius,” said O. Weininger. "It sounds somewhat paradoxical: a man is brilliant, if he wants it."
A genius being a model, the pinnacle of development, the ultimate desired state of a person can not include any subordination, totalitarianism and depression even by the highest and most positive forces. At the same time, the achievement of the ultimate purity of the manifestation of the harsh rigor of a genius suddenly breaks through and merges with the warmth, intimacy, intimacy and spontaneity of his life activity.
Titan of the High Renaissance, a genius among the geniuses of Leonardo in his work always followed the principle of pleasure. It was letting himself do what he was interested in and was a manifestation of his creative courage. So, his innocent game of solving spots on the wall was a powerful method for developing imagination and a prediction of an independent concept of projectivity in psychology.
Creativity, reaching its highest stage of development, acquires self-sufficiency, it becomes an end in itself, not a means to achieve other goals. Creativity does not need external stimulation, it is itself a reward. Geniuses always do what they love, what brings them true joy and supreme pleasure. “I work a lot, and the burden is light, and the yoke is pleasant,” wrote L. Tolstoy. “Blessed is he who knows the voluptuousness of high thoughts and poems!” Said A.S. Pushkin. Genius has the unique ability to transform suffering into pleasure, to experience the highest joy from saturating their own experiences with universal human meanings and investing them in an accessible aesthetic form. Guґo von Hofmannstal wrote about the poet: “For him, people and things, thoughts and dreams are one; he knows only the phenomena that appear before him and with which he suffers and, suffering, enjoys. ” M. Arnaudov, analyzing the work of A.S.Pushkin, wrote: “The poet finds meaning to live in the name of that supreme pleasure, which is associated with creativity, because he knows from experience how:“ Amidst sorrows, worries and anxiety: Sometimes I get up again in harmony , Over the fiction of tears I shall lay my eyes ... "
N. Gogol became great because he allowed himself the luxury of being himself in his work. He had the courage to do what brings him joy, to talk about what was interesting to him, to play with his characters, to write not in the right way, but because he liked: “The house sings with doors ... The cloth is the color of chilled kissel”. He said about himself: “illness and distemper were the cause of the gaiety that appeared in my first works; in order to entertain myself, I invented without further purpose and a plan for the heroes, put them in ridiculous positions - this is the origin of my stories. ”
Realization of its uniqueness and uniqueness is the highest mission of man. The courage to do what is interesting, what brings joy, to do as the inner nature suggests - this is the first step towards genius, it is an act equal in courage to the manifestation and affirmation of conscience.
“For Nietzsche, Tesla, Darwin and Wallace,” notes AG. Danilin, the spent efforts were the greatest joy ... They learned to move in the direction their genuine pleasures called, even if for us the description of their pleasures seems strange. ” “Do you want to become a genius?” The author writes further. “Learn to remember your true joys — genuine ones, not those in which the world around you convinces you.”


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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius