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1. Who wrote: “I smell the smell of a rose, and in my memory immediately memories of childhood arise”?
? Pushkin
? Bergson
? Goethe
? Evtushenko
2. What N.A. Berdyaev saw the meaning of creativity?
? in creativity a person expresses his neurosis
? in the works of man doubles the world
? in the works of man reveals his image and his likeness
? in creativity a person rests body and soul
3. Can psychological theories of art give a general theory of the beautiful?
? can
? this is their eternal whim
? owe
? not required
4. Is it true that in the game we forget about our needs?
? the real game is always disinterested
? the real game is always self-serving
? money is important too
? you can play and not for money
5. Who owns the words "The poem must be a riddle for the plebeians"?
? Goethe
? Spartacus
? Stefan Mallarme
? Chaikovsky
6. Did L.S. Vygotsky, that feeling and fantasy are a kind of one and the same process?
? no, did not count
? yes, I thought
? believed that when how
? saw nothing in common
7. Is it possible to consider that knowledge is a creative process?
? it is impossible, because these are different things
? possible because knowledge without creativity is impossible
? possible only in some cases
? it is impossible if cognition is routine
8. Who considered art to give an ersatz of satisfaction?
? Freud
? Epicurus
? Aristotle
? St. Augustine
9. Did Jung agree with the Freudian analysis of artistic creation?
? Freud forced him to agree
? Agreed
? Did not agree
? They often argued and finally made friends
10. Why in the tragedy of Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri" refers to the use of poison?
? because Pushkin received an order for advertising of poisons
? because mozart poisoned salieri
? because salieri poisoned mozart
? because Pushkin dreamed of a quick outcome of events in small tragedies
11. Who blamed art for exciting emotions?
? Rousseau
? many authors from Plato to Tolstoy
? Hamlet
? Othello
12. Why is postmodernism called a non-classical layer in art?
? because postmodernism rejected the classics
? because postmodernists were embarrassed to call themselves classics
? because they did not teach in classical gymnasiums
? because they were jealous of the classics
13. Is it possible to identify the concepts of "creativity" and "creation"?
? in a sense
? can
? can't
? should not confuse the problem
14. What is goal setting?
? this is a designation of the supposed results of creativity
? this designation of the project of any activity
? this designation of the meaninglessness of creativity
? this designation of the purpose of creativity
15. Is it possible to consider that creativity is activity and result of activity?
? can
? can't
? It is the same
? these are completely different things
16. What is phenomenology?
? This is a selection of the main features of the phenomenon.
? this is a scrupulous description of the phenomenon
? this is a comprehensive study of the phenomenon
? this is something from the field of philosophy
17. Is there a need for creativity?
? depending on who
? of course
? if work is duty, then no
? yes, if it is written in the contract
18. What does the concept of "subject" express?
? man of the outside world
? doubtful person
? knowledgeable person
? oligarch
19. What is a criterion?
? quality mark
? distinctive feature
? sample criticism
? presumptuous critic
20. What is anthropology?
? human education
? turtle science of various people
? human education
? science of man
21. What philosopher described the phenomenon of "creative evolution"?
? Polityko
? Plato
? Mamardashvili
? Bergson
22. How long does the creative impulse accompany a person?
? all his childhood
? all his maturity
? all his old age
? all his life
23. What is the first task of psychological analysis?
? uncover the meaning of suffering
? show that art is a great pleasure
? in determining the class of phenomena to which our experience of beauty belongs
? connect aesthetic experience
24. Why do girls play dolls?
? because they are just kids
? because they master the world of adults
? because they have free time
? because they are not yet trained in adult games
25. Who believed that there is a complete identity between language and art?
? Dante
? Plato
? Virgil
? B. Croce
26. Why L.S. Vygotsky believed that the true effect of a work of art comes down to catharsis?
? because I did not realize what a work of art
? because I did not understand what catharsis is
? because I thought that the purpose of art is to cause deep feelings
? because confusing effect with catharsis
27. Why can a person who invented a wheel be considered a genius?
? you can if you're a genius too
? it is impossible because people were always on wheels
? can not, because the wheels do on the conveyor
? because it is really a brilliant invention, which allowed technology to develop rapidly
28. Why does art generate a sense of closeness of different people?
? because the television spectacle is designed for family viewing
? because it unites people to fight for the happiness of mankind
? because it generates an identity effect
? because it evokes emotions
29. Did Jung believe that artistic creativity is reduced to neurotic diseases?
? that is what he claimed
? no, did not count
? Jung thought that some works of art are neurotic.
? Jung was not sure that he was mentally healthy
30. What did the word "genius" express to the ancient Romans?
? supernatural being that personifies masculine power
? member of amateur
? guardian angel
? god of art
31. Who wrote the work "Beauty in Nature"?
? Apollo
? ON. Berdyaev
? P.A. Florensky,
? Vs Soloviev
32. What layer in art, theories of art and the aesthetics of the twentieth century was called a computer virus of culture?
? postmodernism
? realism
? impressionism
? symbolism
33. What is imitation?
? imitation
? profanation
? check in
? explication
34. Can you consider undesirable in goal-setting?
? why on earth
? can't
? can
? depending on what goal setting
35. Can routine activity have a high social status?
? can not
? can
? it all depends on the circumstances
? the question is too vague
36. What is axiology?
? this is the science of creativity
? this is the science of values
? this is the science of activity
? this is the science of morality
37. What is sinoykia?
? this is a union around something important
? this is the union of all the independent regions of Attica around Athens
? this is a musical term
? what is the heroine of the ancient greek myth
38. What is a parameter?
? it's two meters
? flat figure border
? constant letter
? this is the border of the territory
39. What is divergence?
? this is Darwin's teaching about the convergence of all kinds
? this is a discrepancy
? this is a mismatch
? it is a panic about anxiety
40. "Ay, yes Pushkin, ah, yes, son of a bitch," said ...
? Belinsky
? Pushkin
? Ogarev
? Pierre Bezukhov
41. How does culture and nature relate?
? culture and nature are at the watershed
? culture and nature love each other
? culture stands above nature
? nature stands above culture
42. What are N.A. Berdyaev saw the meaning of creative impulse?
? in achieving another life, another world
? in the prime of his youth
? in good fortune
? in pleasure
43. Why did Kant think that it doesn’t matter to him who needs money for spending, where did the money come from?
? because he is greedy
? because there is no difference between ethical and aesthetic hedonism
? because money is needed immediately
? because money is always needed
44. Is there a distinction between symbols in art and linguistic terms of everyday speech?
? Yes
? not
? it depends
? only in obscene language
45. Who thought that art is just the joy of beautiful things?
? naive greeks
? naive sensationalists
? naive romans
? naive peasants
46. ​​Is it possible to consider intuition a direct experience of reality?
? possible because intuition is close to inspiration
? it is impossible, because intuition is manifested only in prophetic dreams
? possible because sometimes intuition is ahead of knowledge
? it is impossible, because intuition is not developed at all
47. Why is fantasy a universal “pain killer”?
? because everyone has their own pain
? because in your dreams you can kill the enemy
? because everyone wants to get rid of the pain
? because it breeds sweet dreams
48. Who talked about the education of the spirit of the time through art?
? Jung
? Lessing
? Anna Freud
? Makarenko
49. Why did Cesare Lombroso constantly describe the fate of geniuses?
? because he compared the brain volume in different people
? because he believed that genius is an expression of a normal, healthy mind
? because all geniuses are capricious
? because he considered genius an abnormal person
50. Can you talk about landscape art in the era of postmodernism?
? who thinks
? is impossible
? not necessary,
? can
51. When is rewriting a document turned out to be creative?
? never
? when it's not just a copy
? In all cases, this work
? in all cases this activity
52. Which psychologist thought that it was possible to introduce the future into the determination of our behavior?
? Ponomarev
? Melik-Pashayev
? Rubinstein
? Soloviev
53. Why can we say that creativity manifests a higher "I"?
? because it is creativity
? because the creator always claims recognition
? because the creator always exposes his "I"
? because the higher self is present everywhere
54. Who used the phrase "life fright"?
? Nietzsche
? Aristotle
? Spengler
? Annensky
55. What is transcendence?
? this is an artistic device
? this is the highest peak of a piece of music
? it is the designation of the ultimate world
? this commitment to excellence
56. What do you mean by "reflection"?
? acupuncture
? baseless dreaming
? set of reflexes
? meditation
57. What is “reproductive”?
? playback related
? associated with destruction
? re-birth related
? associated with artificial insemination
58. How can the word "cognitive" be explained?
? developmental disease
? recognition related
? associated with knowledge
? related to the past
59. Hedonism is ...
? thirst for painful
? desire for pleasure
? need for entertainment
? pleasure in art
60. On the "dehumanization of art" wrote ...
? Rousseau
? Malarme
? Ortega y Gasset
? Ortega and Gasset together
61. Who is the demiurge?
? sage
? creator
? the plaintiff
? juror
62. Why is the twin of reality in art of dubious value?
? because art does not copy reality
? because badly copied
? because he is a double
? because it is necessary
63. In what, according to N.A. Berdyaev, the secret of creativity?
? in secret
? in secret
? in secret of freedom
? in secret of despotism
64. Who in European philosophy and psychology developed the theory of the game?
? Rousseau
? Schiller
? Herder
? Lomonosov
65. Who invented cybernetics?
? Archimedes,
? Fantasy Arkady Weiner
? Norbert Wiener
? Taylor
66. Why a work of art can tell about the nature of the era?
? because the writer must always have a party position
? because the content of the epoch can be expressed in it
? because the writer describes in detail the customs and life of people of a particular era
? because the writer writes only about what he knows well
67. Who wrote: “Wasn't Socrates crazy?”
? Greek judges
? Plato
? Xenophon
? Lombroso
68. What is the principle of art puts postmodernism?
? pettiness
? integrity
? rupture
? completeness
69. The inventor of the wheel is the creator. And the worker on the conveyor, pushing the wheel on the axle?
? creator
? just an employee
? when how - the creator or worker
? example of failure
70. What is a simulacrum?
? false disease
? content mark
? lost sign
? deadly longing
71. What is existence?
? this is a new art style
? it is human suffering
? this is the torment of creativity
? this is human existence
72. What is a strategy?
? common vision
? military council before the fight
? activities of the commander in chief
? misinformation of the enemy
73. How can the word “non-trivial” be interpreted?
? ugly
? usual
? fresh
? unique
74. Creativity is ...
? star phenomenon
? creative illness
? creative ability
? mass psychosis
75. Imagination is ...
? striving for a dream
? psychological malaise
? morbid state of mind
? universal human ability to build new holistic images
76. Propaedeutics is ...
? sad statement
? completion of something
? deep thinking
? introduction to something
77. The collective unconscious is ...
? collective irresponsibility
? collective co-creation
? cumulative unconscious experience of mankind
? sexual psychic energy
78. Postmodernism is ...
? ancient culture
? ultimate fashion
? culture to modernity
? post-modern culture
79. Catharsis is ...
? deep spiritual purification
? shallow spiritual purification
? switching mental energy from one state to another
? creative simple
80. Intuition is ...
? Solving the evil wiles of the enemy
? bad feeling
? prophetic dream
? spiritual vision that is rooted in the unconscious
81. Why does man recreate nature?
? looking for meanings
? gains benefits
? conquers nature
? madly in love with nature
82. Can a great creature be demonic according to Berdyaev?
? can
? can not
? it depends
? always and at all times
83. Who defined beauty as a “living form”?
? Socrates
? Muller
? Aristotle
? Schiller
84. Who wrote this phrase: “The essence of the feeling is that it is felt”?
? A. Adler
? K.G. Jung
? Z. Freud
? no one could say such nonsense
85. Why is the tragic world view of the philosophizing mind?
? because in the tragedies expressed a deep philosophical understanding of the conflict
? because all the tragedians were philosophers
? because only a philosopher could kill heroes
? because only in tragedy one can philosophize extensively
86. Which author says that madness, genius and holiness lie on the same plane?
? Kashchenko
? Toffler
? Lyotar
? Deleuze
87. Who considered intuition a mystic power?
? Masons
? Fluke
? Freud
? Jung
88. Who saw in a dream a snake whose tail is in the mouth?
? Prophetic Oleg
? D. Mendeleev
? A. Kekule
? Uncle Chernomor
89. Why did Lombroso admit that Napoleon was not crazy?
? because Napoleon defeated Kutuzov
? because genius, in his opinion, is not always madness
? because Napoleon underwent a thorough psychological examination
? because Napoleon was defeated
90. Who believed that beauty is pleasure?
? George Santayana
? Peter I
? Exupery
? Marquis de Sade
91. Can creativity be considered a universal property of matter?
? can
? how to see
? matter has nothing to do with it
? not
92. How are intelligence and creativity related?
? intelligence is not related to creativity
? creativity is a property of intelligence
? they are not related at all
? this connection is ghostly
93. What is escapism?
? this expression of anxiety
? this resort to reality
? it is reality itself
? it's a runaway from reality
94. Who is Herostrat?
? this is a man who aspired to dishonor
? this is the Greek who burned the temple of Artemis
? this is one of the founders of the Nobel Prize
? it is an associate of Spartacus
95. What does it mean to test?
? reject
? approve
? make fun of
? expose to the end
96. How does tactics differ from strategy?
? these are generally incompatible words
? nothing
? tactic is the fulfillment of strategic goals
? strategy is the fulfillment of tactical goals
97. What is positioning?
? stubbornness
? participation in the modeling business
? positioning
? criticism of creativity
98. The concept of "vital impulse" introduced ...
? Alexander Pushkin
? Ivan Michurin
? Ivan Poddubny
? Henri Bergson
99. Creativity and freedom ...
? inseparable
? separable
? connectable
? foreseeable
100. The greatness of the Greek tragedies Nietzsche saw in ...
? in the lowland of human motives,
? in the depth and extreme tension of strong emotions,
? in universal dream,
? in wild orgies.

created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2024-11-14

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Psychology of creativity and genius

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