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Assignments for the course:


1. French philosopher Blaise Pascal said: a branch can never understand the meaning of an entire tree. How do you understand this thought? Is this judgment a warning against the limits of human knowledge? The difference between man and animal is not so much that the animal has instincts, but man has intelligence. No, man, unlike an animal, has another ability. He understands that there must be wisdom that fundamentally surpasses his own. Cognition is possible only on this basis.
2. The poet Boris Pasternak has this line:

"In everything I want to walk
To the very essence ... "

Think what a human need the poet expresses here. Is this need pledged for you personally? Do you want to get to the essence of the phenomena and processes that you encounter or is it not necessary for you?
3. Remember the ancient Greek myth of Pandora's box. What warning does it contain? What is this myth about?
4. The ancient Greek philosopher Pyrrho (365-275 BC) was asked: is there a basic rule of his philosophizing. He answered: yes, question everything ... How does doubt help the creative process in science and creativity? Give examples of the creative approach to solving various scientific problems known to you.
5. Which of the above judgments can be considered correct:
science is a lot of discoveries
science is a constant observation of nature
science is a sphere of human activity aimed at obtaining and understanding knowledge,
science is an intricate game with nature.
6. Which of the following statements can be considered correct:
creativity is an activity as a result of which something new is born,
creativity is “riding into the unknown”
creativity is the insanity of reason
creativity is the desire to bring beauty to the world around.
7. Comment on the following statements:
- Cognition is a creative process.
“Creativity is an activity, as a result of which something new is born.
- Intuition plays a huge role in knowledge.
- Science creates a relatively holistic picture of the world.
- Cognition due to the spirit of doubt is opposed to faith, but faith is a necessary element of knowledge.
- Science is not only a blessing, its development needs social control.
Give examples confirming these judgments.
8. Draw a distinction between concepts: talent, talent, genius.

created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2021-03-13

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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius