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Basic mechanisms and techniques of creative business communication


Markov S.L. Basic mechanisms and techniques of creative business communication

Annotation. The article reveals the specific features and characteristics of creative business communication. A link is established between the creative position, mechanisms and techniques of creative communication, an integrated multi-level system of mechanisms and techniques for creative business communication is proposed.

Keywords: business communication, creative communication, mechanisms, communication methods

Formulation of the problem
Modern theories of organization, management and management require constant improvement and adaptation to new market conditions, to a changing and dynamic socio-economic reality. Their development should be carried out in the direction of further use of inexhaustible reserves of human relations, personal and creative potential of managers and employees of organizations. A special role in improving the theory and practice of management belongs to creativity, which today acquires an imperative character and becomes not only a condition of development, but also of survival itself. Today, it is talents that become the decisive factor in the success of companies, and the saturation of all the functions and processes of management and production with creative elements significantly increases their effectiveness. Business, organizational and managerial communication permeates and fills any organizational and production processes, and its improvement is an essential condition for the successful functioning and development of the company. In this regard, today, it is of particular interest to identify the essential mechanisms of creative communication, which, with further awareness and consolidation, can be transformed into effective technologies and techniques.

Analysis of recent research and publications
Modern theory and practice of business communication is based on numerous studies of interpersonal communication, carried out within the framework of social psychology, conflict management, and, actually, psychology of communication. At the same time, business communication is considered as a separate type or level of communication, which has its specific characteristics and goals.
In foreign literature, business communication or business communication is separately distinguished, which include such business activities as marketing, customer relations, advertising, Web and Intranet communications, public relations, corporate communications, interpersonal communication, recruitment, and also organizational communication (organization communication), which unites all types of communications that affect the internal processes and the result of the organization’s activities and professional communication (professional communication), the contents of which most coincides with the concept of business communication.
It is noted that the main function of professional communication is the transfer of necessary information, the creation of comfortable conditions for business and the motivation of employees. At the same time, sometimes these concepts are used as synonyms and refer to any kind of communication related to the performance of professional duties.
The development of professional communication by foreign authors is generally seen in the improvement of communication skills, techniques and technologies. At the same time, creativity in communication acquires a pronounced pragmatic character and is almost completely identified with efficiency. The literature devoted to this problem offers separate lists of recommendations for improving communication skills and effectively achieving their communication goals [15,16,18, 20, 21].
A number of papers emphasize the need to improve the process of business communication in order to create favorable conditions for the generation of creative ideas and innovations. So Todd Henry emphasizes that interpersonal relationships are one of the most important resources of an organization and are crucial for personal success and for the high achievements of the company as a whole. Managing and cultivating interpersonal relationships are a means of mobilizing employees and opening up opportunities for productive collaboration and creativity [16]. A number of authors in their works emphasize the impact of professional communication on the success of R & D teams (R & D - research and development) engaged in industrial research and development, which are the processing and transformation of new knowledge into high-tech products and commercially valuable results. So Giles Hirst and Leo Mann emphasize that business communication is an effective mechanism for broadcasting, sharing and integrating new information into commercial products or processes [17]. Edward Glassman argues that good business relationships in the group have a decisive influence on the creation of a creative climate and contribute to the revitalization of the creativity of employees, growth of innovation and creative ideas. Of particular importance is the preservation of positive relations of leaders (R & D) of teams with their subordinates. It is charismatic leaders who are able to create good interpersonal relationships in a team that form a higher level of commitment of subordinates towards the company, awaken and inspire scientists and engineers to create creative products and innovations [19].
At the same time, it is possible to single out a separate direction for improving and enriching business communication, which concerns coaching training and management. At the same time, coaching is understood as a system of personal and professional development, as a method of realizing the social, personal and creative potential of employees with the aim of obtaining the maximum possible effective result both for an individual and for the company as a whole [12,13,14]. The realization of the internal potential of employees, the development of their creative abilities and the maximization of professional productivity is solved through the creation of reinforcing and enriching interpersonal relations, the intensification of developmental communication and creative dialogue, the widespread use of effective communication strategies and technologies. So, L. Whitworth, G. Kimsi-House, F. Sandal note that the improvement of human relations, the formation of a safe environment and the creation of a creative atmosphere contributes to the maximum self-disclosure of the creative potential of employees, activates the generation of productive ideas and the creation of innovative products, as well as the effective implementation process goals of the organization [13].

Previously unresolved parts of a common problem.
In modern scientific literature devoted to the content and methods of improving business communication, its creative mechanisms have not yet been sufficiently developed and systematized, their connection with the creative attitude of the individual and with the system of specific techniques and communication techniques has not been established.
Formulation of article objectives
The purpose of the article is to identify and build a system of creative communication and business communication mechanisms, as manifestations of universal mechanisms of creativity, establishing their connection with the main components of the creative attitude of the individual and practical skills, techniques and techniques of effective business communication.

Presentation of the main material of the study
Business communication is traditionally considered as a separate type or level of interpersonal communication, the determining content of which is socially significant joint activity associated with the production of a product or service. Business communication is
exchange of information and experience in order to jointly achieve a certain result, solve a specific organizational or production problem or achieve a common goal. At the same time, participants in business communication act in official statuses, implement certain social roles that define the necessary norms, standards, principles and regulate employee behavior. As a rule, business communication is characterized by such signs as rationality, respect and attention to others, benevolence, honesty, accuracy, concreteness, punctuality, confidentiality, correctness and tact [5,6,8].
As a separate type of business communication, we can distinguish managerial communication, which is carried out in the process of implementing managerial functions and managing people and consists in communicating administrative information to subordinates, in helping them, learning and motivating them, in obtaining information about the fulfillment of the task and the results of professional and personal growth, as well as in the evaluation of the perfect and completed.
At the same time, creative business communication, which is characterized by integrity, openness and sensitivity to the situation, flexibility and efficiency, freely accommodates all levels of communication, including conventional, gaming and spiritual. The creative manager can simultaneously implement all levels at the same time, concentrating on the optimal, allowing in this unique situation to achieve maximum results and successful implementation of the goal. In this regard, the modern manager of a dynamic creative company, acts as a charismatic leader, facilitator, coach, mentor, associate and colleague.
The theory and practice of creative, developing communication is rooted in the dialogues and the mayevtek of Socrates, in the concept of dialogue of M. Buber. At the same time, dialogue is understood as the highest level of communication, as a developing "subject - subject" interaction, a necessary condition of which is the awareness of the other as a self-valuable, genuine and unique subject, recognition of his right to free, independent activity. (A.A. Ukhtomsky, M.M.Bakhtin, V.S.Bibler) According to M.S.Kagan, the characteristics of each subject of the dialogue is activity,
consciousness, freedom of activity, uniqueness, and the essential features and conditions of the dialogue are: the uniqueness of each partner and their fundamental equality to each other; the difference and originality of their points of view; orientation of each person to the understanding and active interpretation of his point of view by the partner; waiting for a response and anticipating it in your own statement; mutual complementarity of the positions of participants in communication [4].
Methodological and theoretical foundations of creative communication are ideas about the developing and transformative nature of communication in humanistic and existential psychology and psychotherapy. (K.Rodzhers, A.Maslow, D. Bugental, R. May, I. Yalom) [1,2,11].
So K.Rodzhers in his “person-centered” approach based on a non-judgmental acceptance of another, deep understanding of feelings and personal meanings of the approach, identified such factors of friendly communication that facilitate the growth and development of personality: a) congruence, authenticity, sincerity or “congruent self-expression in communication” ; b) unconditional positive acceptance of another person; c) "active empathic listening", empathic understanding, which leads to positive changes of both interlocutors; d) accepting oneself, one's inner intuitive self, approaching one's transcendental essence and attaining a special, altered state of consciousness, which allows one to merge into one with the interlocutor.
In addition, along with the internal factors of creativity: a) openness to experience; b) the internal locus of assessment; c) the ability to unusual combinations of elements and concepts, K.Rodzhers identifies a number of external conditions conducive to creative creativity:
1. Psychological safety: a) recognition of the individual’s unconditional value; b) creating an environment in which there is no external assessment; c) empathic understanding.
2. Psychological freedom. Giving the individual complete freedom of the symbolic expression of his innermost in his thoughts, feelings and states [11].
In the context of the study of creative communication, the existential psychology of D. Buzhenthal’s deep communication is of great interest, which is based on such principles as respect and responsibility for the nature and inner world of a person, awareness of infinity and fundamental inexhaustibility of the depths of his soul, openness, delicacy and caution, reflexivity and criticality in relation to their own position. At the same time, the author connects the work of the psychotherapist with creative search and art, in which intuition, flexibility, independence play a huge role [1,2].
Creative business communication can be understood as the highest form of communication, during which it awakens, intensifies, realizes and develops the creative potential of interlocutors, creates an atmosphere conducive to the generation of new ideas, innovative proposals, and options for productively solving existing problems and conflicts.
Creative communication between two free and unique subjects is always integral and is a process of expression, perception and generation of new ideas, meanings, knowledge, emotions, techniques and methods of actions.
Creative business communication provides an effective, beautiful and humane solution of organizational and production problems, achieving maximum results while maintaining, improving and enriching interpersonal relations between employees.
At the same time, creative communication can be viewed as a manifestation of the creative position of the individual, her relationship to another, work and himself, as the realization of a creative method and system of creative techniques, as filling all processes and actions with elements of creativity.
The basis of the creative position realized in creative communication is such universal principles as the universal creative essence, the absolute and unconditional value of the true nature of man, his right to free activity and independent choice, the unlimited possibilities of both the person himself and his communication with others, the principles of integrity and dialogue, ideality and problematic, the variability of points of view, as well as simplicity and accuracy, empathicity and objectivity, self-realization, openness and trust.
Creative communication includes full awareness and control of the situation, flexible management of one’s activity, creation of an environment and atmosphere of creativity, joy, humor and play, potentiation of relations: opening new potential in the interlocutor and in oneself and consciously filling the relationship with new unexpected possibilities, activating potential or posibilistic thinking, sincere and spontaneous expression of one’s inner world and at the same time activating the self-expression of another, ensuring emotional resonance, unity and harmony uu interest, thoughts and actions, as well as free interaction and mutual interpenetration of unique internal worlds interlocutors.
Interpersonal communication has a universal multi-level structure, which is reflected in the holistic hierarchical creative position of the personality , including axiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. At the same time, the behavioral component dominates in business communication, while the rest, strengthen and enrich it, uniting around it as its semantic and defining center.
The main structural components of the creative position of the individual are realized in communication with the help of appropriate universal mechanisms of creativity, which are filled in the process of business communication with specific content. Each of these mechanisms has an internally dialogic structure and, in a potential form, contains a corresponding opposite, complementary mechanism. The dialectical bundles of complementary and interpenetrating creative mechanisms that implement individual components of the creative position of the individual in communication are: idealization - problematization, decentration - simplization, identification - meditation, self-actualization - personification.
Axiological, value component of creative communication is realized through the mechanism of idealization , the essence of which is manifested in the desire and ability to see in the other his ideal “I“, its positive, often hidden beginning, its unique abilities and dignity, unique individuality and development possibilities. Creative attitude to another implies an unconditional positive acceptance of the partner, an understanding of its highest value and essential dignity.
A creative manager, taking the position of leader, assistant, coach, sees his "super task" in awakening and activating the "higher-I" employees, in giving them the opportunity to fully realize their unique abilities, in achieving their highest essence and ideal. Т. Питерс и Р. Уотермен, описывая качества харизматического лидера отмечали, что его отличает возвышенное, мобилизующее, вдохновляющее, возвеличивающее отношение к людям, которые после общения с ним, чувствуют уверенность и прилив сил. Он приобщает других к высшим, вечным ценностям, создает среду, в которой люди могут испытывать и утверждать чувство собственного достоинства, добиваться успеха и обретать смысл жизни. При этом творческий харизматичный лидер удовлетворяет самые глубинные потребности человека в нахождении смысла жизни, в самоутверждении, в ощущении собственной значимости.
Механизм проблематизации заключается в видении и понимании основных противоречий деловой ситуации, сущности и деталей разногласий, недостатков и дисгармоний собеседника, а также своих отношений с ним.
A creative person understands that problems are given as opportunities for the development and improvement of oneself, others, the common cause and the process of communication. Creative business relationships are not in ignoring and avoiding problems, but in finding, defining and successfully solving them.
The cognitive component of creative communication reflects the problem of cognition and understanding of the interlocutor, penetration into his inner world, analysis of personal structures, comprehension of his essence, personal meanings and key interests. Decentration
mechanismexpressed in the generation, taking into account and combining different points of view on the situation and the interlocutor. Decentration includes flexibility, openness to change, willingness to question and challenge assumptions. At the same time, an arbitrary change in the cognitive position leads to the loosening of traditional ideas, to getting rid of patterns, errors and stereotypes of perception. Of particular importance in the disclosure and definition of problems is the creative listening of the interlocutor, which involves a flexible alternation, depending on the circumstances and states of the partner, types of listening.
At the same time, analysis and consideration of the entire diversity of relationships and partner relations, disclosure of the wealth of his inner world, the variability of emotional states and manifestations of behavior in business communication should be complemented by simplification,симплизацией отношений, которая заключается в их прояснении и разумной регламентации, в избегании неопределенности и недоразумений, в избавлении от всего запутанного, несущественного, от всего, что мешает успешной реализации целей компании и достижению максимального результата.
Творческое отношение к другому предполагает установление глубоко личностного, эмоционально насыщенного контакта, который достигается с помощью механизма идентификации или эмпатии. Сущность этого механизма заключается в отождествлении себя с другим, в проникновении и употреблении в его внутренний мир, в сочувствии, сопереживании, в достижении эмоционального резонанса с ним. Проявление искренней симпатии не только не ослабляет позиции партнера, но наоборот, укрепляет ее, трансформируя пассивную защитную роль в творческую позицию "помогающего", "вдохновляющего" и "развивающего" партнера.
Вживание и погружение в мир другого, полное растворение в нем должно естественно дополняться способностью к отстранению (медитации) , к прохладному, объективному взгляду на дело, собеседника и свои отношения с ним, умением сохранять автономность и независимость от начальства и подчиненных.
Самоактуализация проявляется в общении как умение быть самим собой, как видение своей высшей ценности и доверие к своему подлинному "Я", способность к истинному и честному проявлению своих чувств, возникающих «здесь и сейчас». Мужественное и творческое поведение в деловом общении требует готовности идти на риск и быть настоящим, избавления от страха доставить кому-то неприятность и открытого, не затрагивающего достоинства другого человека, выражения своих мыслей и чувств. При этом подобные искренние, иногда критические высказывания делаются от первого лица, что позволяет снять их обвинительный характер и подчеркнуть личностную ответственность и заинтересованность в общем деле.
Конструктивная сущность творческого отношения к другому наиболее ярко проявляется в стремлении активизировать, освободить, усилить творческую сущность собеседника, раскрыть его уникальные возможности, пробудить внутренний источник силы. Данная цель достигается с помощью механизма персонификации, который проявляется во временном приостановлении самоутверждающей активности, в воздержании от суждений и оценок и в подчинении себя логике, своеобразию видения мира и правилам игры собеседника, в предоставлении ему права быть самостоятельным и независимым, быть самим собой и проявлять инициативную активность. Персонификация, которая лежит в основе иерархической системы механизмов творческого диалога, естественно, завершает круг реализации творческой позиции и совпадает по содержанию с идеализацией, только на этот раз делегированной партнеру.
Осознанные и закрепленые механизмы творческого общения реализуются в реальной деловой активности с помощью целого спектра конкретных коммуникативных приемов и техник [3, 5-8,10].
Среди таких творческих приемов и правилeffective business communication can be identified as follows:
1. Show generosity and active creative attitude, demonstrate constructive attitudes and beliefs, enthusiasm and a high level of constructive energy.
2. Fully aware of and control the communication situation. Consciously give and take initiative, flexibly apply different styles of communication, as well as the best types of listening and speaking.
3. Create a safe and comfortable environment, the atmosphere of the game, freedom, humor and creativity.
4. Freely and spontaneously express their true nature, provide freedom to the interlocutor, inspire him to display his true self.
5. Видеть и опираться на неисчерпаемые потенциальные возможности собеседника, раскрывать в нем и в самих отношениях новые резервы, предоставлять ему перспективу, сознательно совершенствовать и вносить новые возможности в процесс общения.
6. Предусматривать все возможные ситуации и результаты общения. Мысленно проигрывать варианты поведения в различных ситуациях, создавать идеальную ситуацию общения.
7. Применять потенциирующие конструкты "А что если?", "Если бы», «Как мы можем", "Какие возможности собеседника и наших отношений?"
8. Искать и подчеркивать моменты общности, единство позиций, общие интересе и цели.
9. Подчеркивать принадлежность к одной команде и заинтересованность в перспективах дальнейших взаимоотношений.
10. Предполагать и способствовать проявлению положительных качеств собеседника, видеть в другом не единичную личность, а представителя целостного человеческого рода, носителя абсолютного духовного начала.
11. Поощрять, возвышать собеседника, выявлять и усиливать его скрытые достоинства, неповторимые творческие возможности.
12. Обращаться к высшим ценностям и благородных мотивам собеседника.
13. Выражать искреннее одобрение и отмечать малейший успех и каждое достижение сотрудников
14. Осуществлять аналитическое наблюдение за отношениями и собеседником, выявлять и принимать во внимание его главные недостатки, слабые стороны, дисгармонии и ключевые проблемы.
15. To find compromises and creative, generating new opportunities to solve business, interpersonal problems and conflicts.
16. Understand the position, values ​​and interests of the interlocutor, to study his needs, personal qualities and abilities.
17. Show absolute attention, sincere interest in another, try to understand and accept the point of view of the interlocutor.
18. Flexibly apply the techniques of non-reflective and reflexive listening, ask open-ended questions.
19. Activate intuition, pick up non-verbal signals, intonations and subtexts.
20. To show flexibility, to generate different points of view on the situation of communication, to make novelty in the relationship.
21. Adhere to the rules of completeness and relevance of statements, clarity, accuracy and brevity of arguments and considerations.
22.Подстраиваться к собеседнику: настраиваться с ним на одну волну, повторять его позы, жесты и особенности языка.
23. Проявлять эмпатическое слушание, полное принятие, эмоциональную поддержку, доброжелательность, теплоту, сочувствие и тактичность,
24. Сохранять позицию "отстраненности", объективности, чувствовать себя независимым от собеседника и самого общения.
25. Проявлять уверенность, спокойствие, самообладание, самодостаточность и полное согласие с самим собой.
26. Демонстрировать энергичность, активность, спокойную силу, корректно твердо выражать свою позицию, иметь мужество прямо сказать то, что думаете, с улыбкой настаивать на своем.
27. Вести себя естественно и непринужденно, искренне, спонтанно и независимо, быть самим собой, открыто выражать свои чувства "здесь и сейчас" учитывая эмоциональное состояние собеседника.
28. Вводить себя в состояние творческого вдохновения, единства и согласия со своим истинным, трансцендентальным Я.
29. Смело проявлять все свое обаяние, применять юмор, импровизацию и артистизм.
30. Применять приемы невербального общения, сокращать дистанцию, осуществлять одобряя кивки головой, демонстрировать прямой, лучистый взгляд, богатый модуляциями голос.
31. Принимать собеседника таким, какой он есть, предоставлять ему право быть самим собой и искренне проявлять свое уникальное творческое Я.
32. To cause the interlocutor a sense of freedom, to convince him of his independence, self-sufficiency, ability to develop, encourage and encourage him to make free responsible choices and independent decisions.

Сегодня повышение качества и эффективности делового, организационного и управленческого общения, служит существенным резервом и неотъемлемым условием успешного развития современных организаций. Управление и развитие межличностных отношений, служит средством творческой мобилизации сотрудников и обеспечивает возможности для их продуктивного сотрудничества и успешного реализации целей компании. Деловые отношения оказывают решающее влияние на создание творческого климата в группе и способствуют более полной реализации внутреннего потенциала сотрудников, развитию их творческих способностей и максимизации профессиональной продуктивности, активизируют генерацию инноваций и творческих идей.
В то же время творческое общение может рассматриваться как проявление творческой позиции личности, как реализация творческого метода и системы творческих приемов, как наполнение всех процессов и действий элементами творчества.
Основные структурные компоненты творческой позиции личности реализуются в общении посредством соответствующих универсальных механизмов творчества, которые наполняются в процессе делового общения специфическим содержанием.
Осознанные и закрепленые механизмы творческого общения реализуются посредством целого спектра конкретных коммуникативных приемов и технологий, которые существенно повышают производительность сотрудников и организаций, способствуют их успешному функционированию и развитию.

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Psychology of creativity and genius

Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius