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These methods are based on the ability of the analytical thinking of a person to dismember objects and phenomena into its component parts, highlighting causal relationships.

The essence of the methods of dismemberment is the separation of traditional technical objects, the differentiation of their functions, the elimination of individual parts, the simplification and reduction of elements and operations. "Differentiation of tools," says S. A. Semenov, "arises from the most ancient Paleolithic. In the late Paleolithic, the composition of the tools, according to preliminary data, corresponds to 30-35 functions. The developed Neolithic takes a new step towards the differentiation of tools, 4 times".

The method of splitting social needs into several sub- needs followed by the creation of a technical object to satisfy each individual sub-need leads to the differentiation of technical objects.

On the basis of the ancient universal knife, by differentiating the needs, table knives, knives for meat, fish, fruit, bread, peeling potatoes, daggers, dirks, pocket knives, garden knives, hunting knives, folding knives, combat knives, etc. were created.

Similarly, the inventor E. K. Weske, by differentiating hand forceps, developed a device for fixing the hind limbs of small animals. The branches of the proposed locking forceps are made of different sizes, they are bent inwards and have brackets at the ends, covering the limb (ed. USSR. No. 202456).

The method of statistical data analysis was used by DI Mendeleev in the invention of pyrocolloid powder. He studied the statistics of the French railway and analyzed the goods that along different roads led to a powder plant. Discarding obviously not suitable materials, DI Mendeleev received the composition and preliminary data on the proportions of smokeless powder produced in France. Further analysis led to the creation of a more efficient pyrocolloidal powder.

The method of sectioning involves splitting a technical object into sections, cells, blocks, links in order to meet the technological requirements of modern production, to ensure interchangeability, ease of operation, maintenance and repair.

The inventors B. S. Dyakov, V. M. Zhukova, and L. V. Karasev constructed a portable box for a metalworking tool. The originality of the design lies in the fact that the box is made in the form of a multisection suitcase with pockets in each section (auth. Testif. USSR №172694).

The method of creating detachable and removable structures allows you to create technical objects with conveniently interchangeable elements.

The American inventor P. Wood in 1819 invented the first detachable plow. The originality of the design of a multi-purpose sports glider of a standard class designed by V.F. Spivak and A.F. Kolesnikov consists in the fact that the console of its wing is equipped with quick-detachable attachments, and a removable water ballast tank is installed in the fuselage (ed. Soviet. № 165083). The novelty of the ophthalmoscope, proposed by A. M. Vodovozov, consists in the use of removable replaceable monochromatic light sources (ed. USSR. No. 248894).

The method of composite structures is similar to the method of detachable structures and differs from it only in that the individual elements of a technical object may be permanent.

Russian inventor V. N. Chikolev in 1883 created a composite light reflector. He offered instead of the generally accepted at that time heavy and imperfect reflector Mangein his ring reflector, composed of nine spherical mirror parts.

The method of crushing the technological process or operation at the stage or methods allowed inventors V.I. Sharkov, O.A. Dmitriev and G.I. Vaide to develop a method for the production of yeast by dividing the growing process into two stages with an abrupt change in pH (ed. USSR No. 246445).

The method of disintegration consists in the separation of liquid, solid or gaseous bodies into parts in order to obtain a new technical and economic effect. By this method, methods and designs were invented for grinding coal, clay, gypsum, salt, molding sand, cleaning gases from dust and water vapor, allowing to improve the quality of substances and materials.

The inventor E. I. Bogdanov proposed a drum rinse for disintegrating and classifying sands (ed. Mon. USSR №202018).

The twin method consists in breaking the object into two similar parts. This method, the inventor KM Sivash created an artificial knee joint, made of two half-joints (ed. Mon. USSR № 202459).

The bifurcation method involves the separation of the production flow or process into two parallel parts. Sometimes a bifurcation is used to increase the flow capacity at a certain section and is associated with the reverse integration of the forked flows as they move.

Inventors A.P. Kochur, I.D. Voitovich and G.A. Mikhailov proposed the NOT-OR cryotronic logic element, characterized in that the superconducting circuit in it contains two branches, one of which consists of series-connected input cryotron valves, the other is from series-connected grids of the output and the valve of the cryotron control (ed. USSR. No. 248766).

The method of crushing a traditional object into small homogeneous parts allowed I. Gutenberg to invent a printing machine. From IX to XV century. The books were printed from a single piece for each sheet of a printed board engraving book. I. Gutenberg divided the printing board into separate mobile letters, creating the possibility of their repeated use.

The isolation method is used to prevent the harmful or undesirable influence or influence of the environment. According to the method of isolation, the simplest dwellings of a person were invented - a windscreen, a hut, a tent, a wigwam, a yurt and a tipi - an Indian conical tent of poles covered with skins. The English inventor V. Marr in 1834 created a fireproof money cabinet, placing one drawer in another so that an insulating gap of 8-10 cm filled with marble, porcelain, and burnt clay remained.

G. Devi invented a safe lamp for mines, in which the flame is isolated from the external environment by a mesh cylinder of copper wire, using a method for localizing harmful phenomena and production processes . In order to localize the production process, DI Mendeleev in 1888 proposed a method of underground coal gasification.

The method of encapsulation recommends in order to protect the object from external influence to place it in the shell, sleeve, capsule, etc.

The inventor A. Ya. Brodsky proposed a wire for welding and fusing curvilinear seams, which allow to perform welding with a reclining electrode. Essential novelty of the design lies in the fact that the wires are placed in the sleeve (ed. Mon. USSR №249510).

The method of using partitions that divide a traditional technical object into two or more parts is easy to implement. Innovators P. V. Malygin and V. M. Kochetkov created a hydraulic brake, characterized in that for the purpose of smooth and fast braking, the internal volume of the brake cylinder is divided by a partition into two cavities (ed. USSR No. 241839).

The screening method made it possible to develop methods and devices for protecting spacecraft from radiation — an electrostatic screen, an external protective screen made of metals with a high Coulomb barrier, an absorbing screen, an anti-fragmentation screen made of hydrogen-containing material, splitting the heavy nuclei of primary cosmic radiation.

By this method, A. M. Ponomarev created a method of electroslag welding, a feature of which is that shielding plates are placed between the edges to be welded and the forming sliders (ed. USSR No. 246746).

The method of autonomization of an object, element or process consists in imparting to them independent functions, autonomous control and drive, separate placement in space, etc.

A distinctive feature of the design of a DC power transmission substation developed by KA Gertsik et al. Is that there is an autonomous output device for each converter unit (ed. USSR No. 237981).

The elimination method is to reduce the number of elements of a technical object, mainly due to the loss or change of the corresponding functions, to eliminate harmful spaces in space and in time. TA Edison considered it one of the main methods for solving inventive problems.

According to this method, Van Houten invented a method for removing difficult-to-digestible oils from cocoa powder. This made it possible to produce a delicious chocolate drink, which soon conquered the world market.

Special methods include the separation of harmful and undesirable impurities of substances and materials, deodorization of fats, denitration of chemical compounds, degassing of liquid electricians, removal of gases, decarburization of steels, dehydration of solid and liquid products, elimination of reverse idling.

Propellers for a long time had an outer wheel. Inventor G. Bleksland (English patent number 8729) improved the propeller by eliminating the wheel.

The method of separation of technical elements in the process of work is a kind of elimination method. According to this method, emergency crew rescue systems were invented, with the spacecraft dropping from the launch vehicle, used for the Apollo and Mercury spacecraft, as well as the cosmonaut ejection system together with the seat through the hatches of the spacecraft used in the spacecraft emergency rescue system Gemini. "

The method of simplification consists in simplifying the principle of operation of a technical object, design and technology, layout and kinematic scheme, reducing the number of replaceable wear parts, and making rational use of the type of drive and gear.

An English lawyer, D. Clerk, proposed a simpler two-stroke engine instead of a four-stroke internal combustion engine.

Design simplification is often achieved by reducing the number of parts while expanding the functions of the remaining elements. At the Kolomna Plant of Heavy Machines, the main and tangential caliper of a type 5330 gear milling machine were replaced with one universal, as a result of which the total number of machine parts was reduced by 737 pieces and the machine weight decreased by 1,200 kg.


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