Genius (from the Latin. Genius - spirit) is a phenomenon of global scale and its solution is commensurate with the disclosure of the most mysterious mysteries of Being, with the identification of the most universal laws of the structure and development of the world. Genius is the awakening of a deep creative - I, the achievement by man of his true creative individuality, in which the universal and universal finds its unique, original expression. The genius rethinks and passes through himself the achievements of previous eras and creates new original works and meanings.
The essence of genius is contained in his works, which are always more than the creator himself. As independent organic integrity, they acquire independent life and development, reviving endlessly, being saturated with new colors and meanings as a result of spiritual resonance with descendants. In this sense, one can say that a genius is a person who, with his life and work, influenced the course of history, approved a new vision of the world and revealed its new meanings, created new paradigms, concepts of direction in science and art.
The criterion of genius is the magnitude of the projection of individual creativity on the trajectory of cultural and creative evolution, showing how much the contribution of the genius advanced and brought humanity, culture and the world itself closer to the ideal whole.
Genius is ontological, it permeates all levels and forms of motion of matter. “It is rare only in large doses, and in small ones it is scattered everywhere" (MA Bloch). Genius personifies the universal laws of creative natural and socio-cultural evolution, reflects the essence of his Epoch and expresses the Spirit of Time in his work. "In Genius nature has its last word. The evolution of nature begins with chemical elements and ends in the soul of a genius "(PK Engelmeyer).
The problem of revealing the essence of genius consists of inexhaustibility, the potential wealth of both the individual and his life-world of the Universe, as well as its essential way of existence and expression — creativity. The essence of genius reflects and derives from the most fundamental and universal principles and laws of the structure and development of the Universe.
At the same time, any approach to the disclosure of the essence of genius, which is the highest level of human development, allows you to find answers to a number of key questions arising in the theory of personality and creativity. Finding the true essence of genius allows us to overcome the theory of two non-intersecting worlds, one of which is inhabited by geniuses, the other is ordinary people. At the same time, the boundaries between these worlds move inside the personality and consist in a person’s ability to make creative effort, independently, in a new way of seeing reality. A genius, in this understanding, appears as - this is the attainment and fruitful embodiment of a creative universal and, at the same time, deeply peculiar vision of the world by the individuality.
The universality and inexhaustibility of a genius is the reason for the existence of numerous concepts that claim to reveal its essence and are already initially doomed to flash only its individual sides and manifestations. At the same time, the modern integral concept of such a universal phenomenon as a genius requires the implementation of a holistic, most complete system of interrelated types of hypothetical-theoretical explanations.
Based on this, it is possible to construct the following complementary explanatory matrix, freely incorporating all existing theories, open to emerging ones, as well as predicting the emergence of new theories of genius.
This universal explanatory matrix includes the following groups of theories:
1. Attributive (from the Latin. Attributum - a sign) - identifying specific properties and differential signs of genius and establishing the features of their relationships and manifestations.
2. Structural and functional (from the Latin. Structura structure, order, from the Latin. Functio - execution, performance) revealing the specific features of various integral intrapersonal components and subsystems of genius, their unique combination, as well as their role and contribution to the creative self-realization of genius.
3. Dynamic procedural (from the Latin. Processus - passage, promotion, and from the Greek. Δύναμις - force) revealing patterns of successive change of life, forming the stages of formation of a genius, revealing the conditions and factors of its origin, existence and development.
3.1. Genetic (from the Latin. Genesis - birth, lineage) identifying the main conditions, factors of origin and causes of genius and determining the main determinants of its formation and development;
3. 2. Evolutionary (from Lat. Evulutio - deployment) revealing the laws and mechanisms of genius formation as a result of the objective process of development of nature and culture.
3.3. Transnormalities (from lat. Trans –per, over, norma –norm, rule) seeing causes of genius in various deviations from the actual, “conventional norm”, in anomalies of physical, mental and spiritual health, in the originality of life circumstances of existence and development.
4. Essential (from Lat. Essentia - essence) revealing the essence and basic dimensions of genius, as well as the deep essential determinants of its manifestation.
As a rule, genius is determined not by one, but by several factors, or rather, a whole system of factors with the obligatory action of a centrally integrating ideological, cultural-historical and spiritual-semantic determinant, an active creative “I” - a center of awareness, experience and will, a subject of independent decisions and making choices at all stages of existence and development.
І. ATTRIBUTIVE THEORIES (from the Latin. Attributum - a sign) reveal specific properties and differential signs of genius and establish the features of their relationship and manifestation.
Suprematic (from the Latin. Supremus - the highest) theory asserts that genius is characterized by phenomenal, extreme, and extreme level of development of abilities.
ІІ. STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL THEORIES ( from lat. Structura - structure, order, from lat. Functio - execution, performance) revealing the specific features of various integral intrapersonal components and subsystems of genius, their unique combination, as well as their role and contribution to the creative self-realization of genius.
1. Perfectionist theory (from the Latin. Perfectio - completion, the highest perfection, the ideal) - states that the basis of genius is a passionate desire to improve everything that exists and the constant adherence to the highest standards of excellence
2. The intellectualist theory of genius asserts that a genius is a person with extraordinary intellectual power, exceptional and unusual mental abilities.
3. Passional theory (from the Latin. Passio, passion), which considers that at the heart of genius lies unlimited love for the world, for people, for one’s work, and also a passionate desire to know the truth.
4. Efficiency theory (hard work). This theory claims that genius is the result of titanic work, exceptional workability, tremendous diligence, immense perseverance and patience, extraordinary determination and phenomenal willpower.
III. PROCESS-DYNAMIC THEORIES (from the Latin. Processus - passing, advancing, and from the Greek. Δύναμις - force) identifying regularities of the successive change of life, forming stages of genius formation, revealing the conditions and factors of its origin, existence and development.
1. GENETIC THEORIES (from the Latin. Genesis - birth, lineage) identifying the basic conditions, factors of origin and causes of genius and determining the main determinants of its formation and development.
Table 1. Genetic Theories of Genius
Symbolic world Joan of Arc | Social world Confucius | |
Culture Leonardo da Vinci | ||
Subject world Lev Tolstoy | Inner world Johann Sebastian Bach |
1.1. The hereditary theory is based on the genetic conditionality and innateness of genius, on its direct connection with the factors of heredity, and also on the assumption "that genius is passed on to inheritance, accumulating, as if some mysterious energy, from generation to generation."
1.2. Sociogenic theory (from the Latin. Socialitas - society and from the Latin. Genero - to produce, generate, create) argues that a genius person generates specific needs and values of society, a kind of family relationships and educational conditions, a creative, saturated with ideas, professional atmosphere, and the possibility communicating with great talented people.
but). The influence of the family. A huge influence on the formation of genius have an early influence, family, parents. At the same time, from the very early stages of development, the possibilities, diversity and richness of the surrounding stimulus environment, which allows absorbing useful information, assimilating new meanings and experiencing vivid impressions, acquire enormous importance.
b). Theory of education. According to this theory, genius is primarily determined by the content and quality of education and training, a system of special pedagogical influences aimed at the awakening and development of creative abilities.
at). The influence of the Master. Having a role model - the creative personality of the teacher, his direct and indirect influence play a key role in the holistic development of the future genius.
d). The presence of the school and its leader. The history of culture contains clear evidence of the exceptionally favorable influence of scientific, artistic, sports schools on the formation of genius.
d). Nearest professional environment. The secret of the existence of whole constellations of geniuses who were born and concentrated in Athens, Baghdad, Rome, Paris, St. Petersburg, lay in a special, creatogenic, stimulating environment created by close communication of geniuses, the possibility of free discussions, common interests, the exchange of talents,
1.3. The theory of self-education claims that at the heart of genius is a passion for self-education, self-education and self-improvement. The decisive influence on the formation of a genius is exerted by independently acquired knowledge, formed spiritual and cultural values, creative abilities, a creative position and a method of interaction with the world.
1.4. The theory of impressioning (from. Eng. Impress –express, leave a mark) explains the awakening of a genius in a person as a result of experiencing a bright impression, a deep emotional shock, an unexpected encounter with a miracle in childhood or at a later age.
1.5. Cultural theory (from lat. Сultus culture, lifestyle and from lat. Genero - to produce, generate, create) argues that genius gives rise to the spirit of the place (him. Ortgeist) and the spirit of the time (him. Zeitgeist), the originality of the urgent needs and demands of a certain the historical stage of cultural development, a special cultural and creative atmosphere of the era. At the same time, cross-cultural strategies are based on the Ortgeist concept and emphasize cultural factors that correlate with the indicators of creativity and genius.
2. EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES (from lat. Evolutio - deployment) reveal the laws and mechanisms of genius formation as a result of the objective process of development of nature and culture. Evolutionary theories of creativity and genius are based on the conviction that the human role in creating the new does not differ from the role of nature, and the problem of creativity is a specific case of the problem of the emergence of the new in the process of evolution.
2.1. Darwin's approach to the origin of genius (D. Simonton). The theory is based on D. Campbell's model, which, based on the classical concept of Charles Darwin, considers the creative process and the self-realization of genius as the unity of the three stages: variation, selection and preservation of the most successful combinations.
2.2. The cultural - ecological theory of creativity and genius asserts that where information was concentrated: Athens, Florence, Paris and various cultures intersected, creativity always flourished and geniuses were born (M. Čikszentmihaii).
2. 3. The theory of coincidence and chance. According to the theory of coincidence, culture is not made by great people, but by those whose characters and abilities coincide with the objective, urgent requirements of the era. Geniuses mainly generate creative resonance of their works with the current stage, developing according to their objective laws of the cultural environment, the compliance of their work with the challenges and needs of the era.
3. THEORY OF TRANSFORMANCE (from lat. Trans – re, over, norma – norm, rule) seeing causes of genius in various deviations from the actual mental, personal and social norm, in anomalies of physical, mental and spiritual health, in extraordinary life circumstances, behavior and creativity of geniuses, as well as in the unusual nature of interaction with the world.
Table 2. Transnormal Theories
Table 2. Transnormal Theories
Symbolic world Immanuel Kant | Social world George Gordon Byron | |
Culture Emmanuel Swedenborg | ||
Subject world Napoleon Bonaparte | Inner world Vincent van Gogh |
3.1. The pathological theory of genius asserts that the basis of genius lies in all sorts of deviations from the norm, various disorders of physical and mental health, which are manifested in eccentricity of behavior, in neuroses and even mental illnesses and insanity.
3.2. The theory of sublimation (from the Latin. Sublimo - to elevate, elevate) argues that the genius is caused by the transformation of superstrong attraction to fame, power, and wealth into images of creative imagination, as well as the transfer of sexual energy into the sphere of science and art, its transformation into a culturally significant and socially endorsed productive activities.
3.3. The theory of overcompensation sees the causes of genius in a wide variety of deviations from the norm, in real or perceived personality shortcomings, the overcoming of which is a powerful stimulus and source of productivity and growth.
3.4. Conflict-based theory of genius claims that diverse external and intrapersonal conflicts, under certain conditions, stimulate creative activity and lead to the formation and development of a creative personality.
3.5. The mystical theory (of divine madness and insane wisdom) (from the Greek. Misticos— hidden, secret) states that genius is the result of the action of higher, unknown forces, generated by contact with inexhaustible depths of the cosmos, through experiencing ecstatic and hypnotic states, mystical visions and fantastic hallucinations . At the same time, geniuses were considered as the lucky elects of the gods, as owners of a magical gift, as prophets, visionaries, mediums, transmitting messages of higher powers.
3.6. The infantist theory ( from the Latin. Infantia –childhood, naivety) claims that a genius is a child who has preserved such features and virtues of childhood as a fresh, clean, innocent, unclouded worldview patterns and stereotypes, like the ability to see things in their primordial innocent purity and perceive them as they really are, as an insatiable interest in the world and the ability to be surprised and admire the usual and ordinary, as unbridled fantasy and passion for the game.
ІV. Essential Theories of Geniality
Essential (from Lat. Essentia - essence) theories reveal the essence and basic universal dimensions of genius, as well as the fundamental, deep-seated determinants of its manifestation.
The world-centered approach reveals the essential criteria of genius on the basis of qualitatively specific patterns and characteristics of its manifestation in relatively independent phenomenological worlds, unique, autonomous realms of reality.
Table 3. The main world-theories of genius
Symbolic world Intelligence Transformative Thales | Social world Fame Charismatic Martin luther king | |
Culture Creation Cultural and creative Wolfgang Johann Goethe | ||
Subject world Performance Activity Thomas Edison | Inner world Personality Personal Alexander the Great |
1. Персонологическая теория (от лат. persona - личность, лицо) гениальности определяет гения, как вершину эволюции и венец творения, как самобытную, уникальную индивидуальность, как самодостаточную целостную личность, характеризующуюся экстраординарным развитием и особым сочетанием таких интегральных компонентов как интеллект, черты, мотивация и продуктивность.
2. Харизматическая теория (от греч. charisma - милость, дар, благодать) утверждает, что сущностной характеристикой гения является его магический дар влияния, духовное обаяние, гипнотическая властная сила, способность внушать, заражать, увлекать и вести за собой людей.
3. Формообразующая, трансформативная теория – видит сущность гениальности в формообразующей мощи и в формотворческой воле гения, в его способности усмирять хаос, создавать новые символические системы, искусственные языки, художественные средства и приемы, а также свободно оперировать и играть символами, придавать форму сырому материалу и трансформировать имеющееся содержание в более совершенное.
3.1. Игровая теория гениальности – представляет творчество гения как свободную от уз обыденности, смелую, спонтанную и приносящую наслаждение игру с формами, символами и смыслами. В ее основе лежит символическое представление реальности, которое открывает возможность осуществления особого, принципиально творческого, игрового взаимодействия с миром.
4. Деятельностная теория рассматривает сущность гениальность с точки зрения произведенного гением творческого продукта, его объема, значительности, влияния на современников и потомков, а также вклада в социокультурную эволюцию человечества. Согласно определению автора деятельностной (behavioral) теории Р. Элберта (R. Albert), гений это: "Человек, который на протяжении длительного периода времени выполняет огромную работу, оказывающую существенное влияние на других людей в течение многих лет".
5. Культуро-творческая теория напрямую связывает проявление гениальности с творчеством, которое представляет собой глубинную истинную природу гения, субстанциональный способ его существования и осуществления. В свою очередь творчество составляет саму сущность, саму ткань гениальности, в которой оно и достигает своего наивысшего и совершенного уровня проявления.
Теория универсального творческого метода утверждает, что сущностным действенным ядром гениальности служит целостная, динамичная система приемов, построенная на основе осознания универсальных пар противоположных, но взаимодополняющих друг друга механизмов творчества, которые, в свою очередь, отражают наиболее глубинные структуры, законы и тенденции существования и развития мира.
Творческий метод реализуется путем попеременной и одновременной активизацией и поддержание баланса между полюсами разноуровневых диалектических связок «проблематизации- идеализации», «децентрации –симплизации», «идентификации-медитации», «самоактуализации-персонификации». Универсальность данных механизмов творчества проявляется в том, что каждый из них представляет собой объяснительный тренд, выражает сущностную черту и может порождать самостоятельную частную теорию гениальности.
Таблица 4. Генеративная матрица (двойная спираль) гениальности
Проблематизация проявляется в особо остром переживании гением несовершенства бытия, трагизма эпохи, драматичности социальных процессов и страданий каждого простого человека. | ![]() | Идеализация понимается как страстное стремление гения к совершенству, ко всему высокому и великому, к красоте и истине, к духовному совершенствованию и исполнению высшего предназначения. |
Децентрация понимается как способность к преодолению инерции мысли, к разрушению отживших представлений, стереотипов и шаблонов во всех сферах реальности. | Симплизация проявляется как способность гения к прояснению сложности, к предельному упрощению разнообразия, как стремление и умение упорядочивать и укрощать хаос. | |
Идентификация понимается как абсолютная погруженность во внешний мир и глубокая вовлеченность в свое дело, как отождествления себя с другими и деятельная любовь к людям. | Медитация характеризуется способностью гения к отстранению и дистанцированию от обыденности, необыкновенно развитым чувством внутренней свободы, независимости и суверенности духа. | |
Самоактуализация проявляется как стремление гения к наиболее полному воплощению своих дерзких замыслов, к самопожертвованию и утверждению внутренней созидательной силы. | Персонификация понимается как способность гения предельно открываться миру, пробуждать, активизировать, живые и неодушевленные объекты, наделять их самостоятельностью и субъектностью. |
universal approach to genius assumes that it is based on universal generative and meaning-forming primuscles, which are metatheoretical and supercultural explications of the Absolute.
Table 5. Essential theories of genius (universal approach)
Whole Universality theory | Opportunity | |
Absolute ![]() Universial personalist | ||
Interaction ![]() Congregative theory | freedom Heroic theory | |
Artists pictures: Rafal Olbinski ,, Evelyn Taylor, Jim Warren |
1. The heroic theory of genius considers genius as a hero with spiritual greatness, magical gift, unlimited courage and fearlessness of the mind, demonic power and absolute, nothing and no one conditioned, free will.
The demonic theory (from the ancient Greek daimon - deity) of genius represents genius as a rebel, a destroyer, a subverter of concepts, values, fundamentals and principles. Absolutization of the ideas of unconditioned freedom, self-contained activity, struggle and strength led to the transformation of the hero-genius into a rebel genius and a great destroyer.
2. Metapotentialist theory (from the Greek. Meta - after, through; from the Latin. Potentia - power, opportunity) - sees the essence of genius in his aspiration, gift and ability to expand horizons and conquer new content spaces, in the ability to build new worlds and integrity, the creation of new concepts, paradigms and trends in art, to the discovery of new semantic measurements and plowing the boundaries of possibilities.
3. The theory of universality (from the Latin. Universalis universal, universal, related to the universe) states that genius is distinguished by a unique fusion of creative talents, a kind of spiritual organization, which reflects the invariant structure of the Universe. At the same time, an essential feature of a genius is its universality, which consists in the breadth of its outlook, the versatility of talent, the diversity of interests, extraordinary erudition, and the ability to achieve outstanding results in a wide variety of activities.
4. The congregational theory (from Lat. Congregatio - unification) of genius suggests that the essence of genius is manifested in its aspiration and universal ability to unite different layers and spheres of reality, in linking, bringing together and gathering worlds, in productive combination of various directions, forms and genres in art.
5. Universally-personalistic theory (from the Latin. Universum - single Universe (Latin. Unio - unity, versum - towards ... or verso - twist, rotate) and from Latin persona - person, person) genius claims that a genius possesses a universal gift to capture, experience, transmit and embody in his work the spirit of Universum and Eternity, fill his works with the highest human values and ultimate meanings, as well as the ability to reach the state of creative consciousness, to gain a vision of reality from the point of view of the Absolute, to embody It is this vision a reality and transmit it to other people.
The theory of the embodiment and personification of the Absolute and co-creation with universal evolution represents genius as the embodiment of the Absolute, the personological manifestation of superconsciousness and higher intelligence, subject to the categorical imperative of creativity and generating new meanings.
5.1. Imperatively substantive - (from Lat. Imperatum - order, command, prescription, and from Lat. Substantialis - essential, having independent existence) theory of genius asserts that a genius is determined by universal personalistic determinants, which are a steady resonant interaction of awakened inner creative structures with isomorphic creative plans of the Universe, the merging and hardening of the energy of the creative instinct and the interiorized sociocultural creatine imperative. At the same time, the very unfolding of inner universal creative structures, which is the realization of creative attraction, brings deep inner pleasure and genuine supreme joy.
5 .2. The transpersonal theory (from the Latin trans-through, through and the personality is the person) argues that the condition of genius is the experience of identity with the "cosmic mind" and the "world soul", the ability to reach and maintain the state of transpersonal consciousness, creative inspiration and ecstasy, samadhi, satori or their psychological correlate - the highest creative inspiration.
Genius manifests itself as the ability to enter new creative states, to achieve hypersensitivity to the influence of information and semantic fields, to awaken dormant creative reserves in oneself and to use internal and external possibilities to the maximum.
5.3. Visionist theory (from Lat. Visio - vision, vision, representation) argues that the basis of genius is the ability for a universal, holistic, planetary, creative vision of the world, the ability to perceive reality in all its novelty, freshness, immediate relevance and bottomless inexhaustibility, the ability mentally manipulate its forms, entities and time and, through inner vision and the gift of foresight, generate from within a self-contained, unconditional and independent from the old novelty.
5.3.1. The theory of universal vision asserts that genius is understood as the realization of a universal spectral, multi-level, complex vision, based on a combination of different types of vision, generated by universal primordial essences.
It is a holistic spectrum of unmixed, qualitatively original visions, a powerful laminar flow, including absolute, spiritually transforming, eidetic, liberating, potentiating, holistic and immediative, as well as its own, original, individual, unique in history and in the Universe itself, the vision of reality . At the same time, this multidimensional, total, scooping up the entire content of being, the vision of the world, consists in simultaneous activation of all types of vision, as well as flexible switching between them, the realization of each level alternately or the creation of patterns of perception rays, depending on the design, purpose or features of the situation.
Table 6. Kinds of creative Universal Vision
Holistic vision | Potentialist vision | |
![]() Immediative vision | Absolute vision Spiritual vision | Nienthic vision |
Connectionist vision | Eleftheric Vision | |
The table uses paintings by N. Roerich, Van Gogh, M. Escher, T. Setovsky, I. Klun, I. Levitan |
1. Immediative vision (from the Latin immediatus - direct) - this is the vision of the world as it really is, it is a transparent understanding, pure and clear perception and awareness of reality.
2. Connectionist vision - is a vision of new deep connections between objects, finding simple, initial relations, visualization of invisible lines of force penetrating the field and space, analogization, disclosure of similar and common between phenomena.
3. Holistic vision (from the Greek. Holos – whole) holistic, global, planetary, cosmic, universal and universal, holographic vision.
4. Niantic vision (from fr. Neant - nothing) manifests itself in focusing on internal and external voids, in places, receptacles, gaps between objects, gaps, “white spots”, “gaps and dips of being”, in concentration against open fields and free spaces, as well as in focusing attention on gaps in durations and transition points.
5. Potentialist vision is manifested in the perception and understanding of the world as an infinite potential and inexhaustible resource, as a source of new high-quality and attractive opportunities.
6. Eleftherical vision (from the Greek. Eleftheria - freedom) - aimed at finding and perceiving new, unusual, weak and random connections and determinations, at cleansing objects from all superficial and superfluous, to getting rid of false, imposed patterns and meanings.
7. Absolute vision is a spiritual, transcendental, metaphysical, mystical and eidetic vision, understood as capturing the ultimate meanings and universal relations of being, the vision of invisible entities, the discretion of the generating structures, sources of creative forces and deep creative streams.
5.3.2. The theory of creative vision asserts that the fundamental basis of genius, its source and body is a creative vision that can be easily and naturally acquired by each person through an occupation related to the Absolute, a Creative position, the achievement of a higher Creative state and the realization of a universal Creative method. At the same time, a genius appears as a person possessing a universal creative vision, which manifests itself not only as impartial witnessing and soaring over being and not even as eidetic, cordial, spiritual contemplation, but also as spontaneous, powerful, spreading out into many different levels of subtle efforts and flexible mental action dialogue with reality, as directed manipulation and free play with images and models of reality. The creative vision of a genius is a synthesis of a higher creative state and a creative method, which is a holistic, isomorphic universal multiplying matrix, a system of creative techniques.
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Psychology of creativity and genius
Terms: Psychology of creativity and genius